Orc Tyrant

Chapter 594: The Burning Sea (4)

Oak's fleet actually broke through the blockade of the destroyer squadron, or that they chose to do so, which really shocked many people.

Although they have suffered a certain amount of blows before, they have not lost their fighting spirit. As long as the flagship and the golden teeth are still alive, the current First Fleet cannot easily win.

Not to mention, they have to deal with another more difficult enemy.

More and more small battleships were destroyed, and the explosions that occurred were shocking.

Some small ships slipped past the enemy’s firepower blockade in an attempt to get close to shooting torpedoes, but for those large warships that had been stunned, they were just trivial targets.

The Eternal Fury has always been fighting in strict accordance with the Navy's tactical regulations. Even if Niels lacks the genius of commanding art, it is not a problem to follow the rules of command.

The rest of the warships also imitated his example, starting the battle with a perfect attack formation, covering the enemy's position with a neat array of guns.

In contrast, the battleships of the Fog Fleet fought like lone wolves, tearing at the enemy with daring movement warfare, and their results far surpassed that of human beings.

In the center of this firestorm, the Venus star flies like the most elegant bird, and its shiny hull leaves behind a whirlpool of crystal tail flames because of the shelling, the furious **** on the sea off Fanjili Inside, like a spinning meteor trailing a flame tail, it seems to glide easily between the trajectories of explosions and deadly artillery fire that dot it.

Seemingly aware of the threat represented by this gleaming warship, the two destroyers changed their course to intercept it. As the net of artillery fire and torpedoes tightened around the Venus, the threat gradually approached.

The flagship of the Mist Battleship showed a maneuverability completely incompatible with its size, like a flexible fish, intended to avoid this firestorm, but its space is still getting less and less, and every explosion is getting away from it. Closer.

Just as the destroyer was about to get close to the target and release a fatal blow, another shadow obscured them.

The Medusa drove into them, and many magnetic artillery fired a series of fierce salvos.

At such a close distance, such firepower is devastating.

The structure of the first destroyer expanded due to a series of chain explosions that occurred inside, and then disintegrated in a cloud of splashing flames and debris.

The second one survived for a while, which allowed it time to counterattack the Medusa. The torpedoes that had been prepared jumped out of the launch tube. Two of them hit the Medusa hundreds of meters away and killed it. Hundreds of crew members were killed and serious injuries were caused until it was completely wiped out by the huge explosion caused by the second wave of salvos.

The Medusa, which had escaped from the dead, rushed through the fierce battle and headed straight to the open sea. It did not have the solid main structure of the Venus. It could only escape the battle due to the huge wound in the abdomen.

The nearby human battleship fired desperately on the Medusa, trying to take advantage of the situation to destroy the damaged enemy ship. However, even if it faltered, the crystal ship still has lethal elegance and maneuverability, which makes most of these shots. All fell through.


However, it did not escape the sanctions after all. A huge cloud of smoke suddenly rose from the bridge of the Medusa, and then the entire warship began to split, extending from the wound in the abdomen to the fore deck.

Its sinking appearance is not much more elegant than a human warship.

This gun came from the Night Veil, and it resembled a severely wounded soldier, still stubbornly throwing the weapon in his hand at the enemy.

This is the third battleship of the Mist Fleet to be wiped out. The human response is swift, and their counterattack is also ferocious, but such battle damage is acceptable to the commander of the Mist Fleet.

Because human losses are several times theirs, so far there have been an old battleship, four cruisers, and four destroyers sunk, the new battleship Night and the Maniac have been damaged, and more than a dozen warships have been damaged to varying degrees. damage.

In the domineering position on the Venus Star bridge, Zolke watched the burning wreckage of the enemy's battleship gleaming on the undulating sea, with a smile on his face.

"The glory of mankind."

Baraners standing behind him said.

"As it says."

Zolke responded in a low voice.

"Oak's fleet seems to be out of port, my lord."

Suddenly, the humbling voice of his deputy came from the communicator.

Zolke looked at the tactical display and made sure that the other party was telling the truth, and that the marine garbage was escaping from their shore fire protection. This might be an opportunity.

"I have a hunch that today will be a harvest day."

Zorke said confidently:

"It is in the interest of the Parliament to take advantage of this opportunity to wipe out all the enemies at once."

"Do you send an underwater monitor?"

"Do it now."

Zorke nodded, and he still needed to focus on what was going on before engaging in the battle with Oak's fleet.

"Baranles, has Lord Malfrey received the message?"

After explaining this, Zorke turned his head to look at Ballaners behind him.

"Does he have a response, such as good news?"

"As you wish, sir."

Baraners said, bowing deeply.

"The councillor is satisfied with your decision. He has reported it to the Waters Operations Department. What you need to do next is to make a general assessment of the combat effectiveness of the Mist Fleet. After returning, the Supreme Council may discuss the issue of expanding the fleet. "


The smile on Zorke's face is even brighter. Originally, this emotion has been far away from him for a long time, but this good news really made him a little uncontrollable.


Suddenly, an eagerly interrupted his fantasy, it was a voice from the radar room.

"Sir! Unidentified aircraft is approaching at high speed! Unknown number!"

"Switch interface!"

Zolke immediately called out the scene scanned by the radar on the tactical display screen. On the left wing of the fleet, a group of small shining spots were approaching at high speed, and they were very close...

"How did I find out now!"

"Reporter sir! The radar has been showing normal before, and these UFOs appeared suddenly!"

"Impossible! The radar on the Venus is enough to monitor the sky within 500 kilometers! You told me that the enemy didn't find it until they got under the nose! Did they fly out of the water!"

"But sir..."

"Shut up and turn on the air defense settings now!"


Soon, the warning lights on the Venus star lit up one after another, and a large number of live ammunition anti-aircraft weapons rose from the deck to prepare for the sudden attack of the enemy.

But when Zorke was watching the tactical display closely, the light spot on it suddenly disappeared.

"what happened!"

"Sir! The Minotaur is under attack!"


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