Orc Tyrant

Chapter 698: Rangers (Part 2)

"This is a secret eagle. It belongs to the planner. He is looking for us."

Klein looked up again at the opposite side of the street and the many telephone poles on both sides of it. The agreed evacuation site was here, but there was no movement yet.

"He is always reluctant to get his hands dirty."

The Blurred Blade murmured.

"Why is he so leisurely?"

Suddenly, the portrait on a street sign flashed and changed. At this moment, it showed a bird's-eye view of the street, followed by a picture of an alley, and then a mess of images.

Some scattered refugees noticed the weird screen, so they stopped to watch the weird picture. Klein threw away the dead bird and stepped into the street.

All the signs on the street suddenly turned around, staring at Ye Blade.

Casco then staggered into the open area, thus dispelling all doubts.

The refugees immediately dispersed in fear when they saw the tall and violent killer, as if they suddenly found a wild beast standing next to them-this is basically true.

Casco bared his sharp teeth, showing a grinning smile.

Suddenly, there was a roar from the monorail station, the horns on the platform began to operate intermittently, and at the same time the heavy metal door gradually opened.

The half-burned display board of the station moved on its own, showing an announcement proclaiming the normal operation of the track system.

Klein smiled slightly.

"It seems we have transportation."

But as soon as Ye Blade took a step, a sharp claw caught his arm.

"It may be a trap."

Casco hissed, his nose twitching constantly, as if he was aware of something.

In the distance, another rocket screamed and crashed into the ground, and the shock wave swept under them.

"If you don't go see how to know."

A single still running train was parked on a platform higher than the street surface. Since the outbreak of the war, the entire railway network has been paralyzed. At first, it was forcibly closed by noble guards to maintain order by restricting civilians from entering and leaving the city. Afterwards, a large-scale attack on the main train station prevented it from operating normally, and only a few lines still connected with the rapidly declining track of the capital.

Another eagle perched on the front of the car. It saw Klein and Casco rushing to the platform and screamed loudly for a while.

Ye Jian glanced down the broad steps, and several more audacious civilians were rushing into the station following them.


Klein found an open car door and got in immediately.

This is a freight train. The interior of the carriage is divided into several corrals. The air is full of the pungent smell of livestock sweat and feces.

After Casco squeezed into the car, the eagle immediately spread its wings and took off, and the train roared and started gradually, clinging to the track's driving wheel and sparks splashing around.

It staggered away from the platform, slowly accelerating.

A piece of scattered rubble was run over by wheels, and a trembling roar echoed in the metal structure of the entire carriage.

Ye Jian held the gun, turned and walked towards the back of the truck, kicked open the door leading to the next carriage, and then passed through the other two knots.

At the rear of the train, he found several dead cows. The corpses of those animals collapsed on the metal grille floor. The ropes around their necks were still connected to a few iron rings. Obviously, they had been completely forgotten since the fighting broke out. Can only slowly starve to death in this foul-smelling metal box.

After confirming that there were no others here, he returned along the same road and found Casco in the stubby car. He was staring at a pile of ticking meters.

Through the broken glass on the top of the engine room, the track ahead is clearly visible, gradually descending to the height of the main road, keeping parallel with the highway that crosses the city.

"If we are lucky, we can sit in this rags and leave the city all the time."

Klein said, while absently checking the condition of the front of the car.

Blurring Blade put on his helmet again, and every breath of his breath was mixed with a low growl, looking into the distance like a beast searching for the smell of prey.

"We are out of luck."

He suddenly spoke.

"did you see it?"

Casco pointed a finger with a metal claw toward the front of the train.

Klein unfastened a pair of miniature telescopes from the belt buckle. Through it, the night blade saw the blurry images in the distance gradually focusing-the gray masses became the sharply chiseled killing machines, the white ones wearing heavy armor. The helmet guard was stopped on the forward route of the monorail.

Ye Jian watched as they dragged some burnt-in-shell vehicle wrecks to the center of the track, forming a temporary roadblock.

"I told you this is a trap."

Casco said in a low voice:

"That **** wizard is going to send us into Oak's hands!"

Ye Blade shook his head.

"If that's the case, why didn't we slow down?"

In fact, the train's speed continued to increase and exceeded the safety line, which caused the warning indicator on the dashboard to flash.

Amid the sharp neighing of the wheels, the train rushed from the higher rails along the gentle **** towards the front crossing. Standing behind the barricade, Ouke had begun to pour ammunition toward the front compartment, and the flashes and sparks of the metal impact bloomed everywhere.

Casco randomly fired a string of bullets through the broken glass, and then followed Klein to the rear of the train.

The freight cars were pierced one after another, beams of sunlight pierced into the musty air through bullet holes, the train continued to accumulate speed, and the floor under their feet trembled, making it difficult to maintain balance.


As soon as they rushed into the last car, the whole train smashed through the roadblock.

A car and a locomotive flew horizontally, and the huge impact took the two Oak guards away.

The embarrassing red hot metal shattered one after another, the guide wheels disintegrated and fell off the axle, and the train that suddenly lost the track restrictions staggered to the side.

It crashed on the asphalt road beside it, splitting the asphalt and gravel, and carve a deep trench.

In the rear carriage, the two assassins were violently thrown on the dead cow. Most of the impact was absorbed by the corrupted corpses of the livestock. The derailed train spewed out orange-red sparks amid the screams, and finally trembled slowly. Slowly stop.


Klein seemed to have lost consciousness for a long time.

Then Ye Blade vaguely noticed that someone was pulling herself up, and then pushed out from the crack on the top of the carriage. Ye Blade staggered onto the street and immediately smelled the pungent smell of hot tar and burning metal.

He blinked in the dazzling sunlight and fumbled for the pistol. This action made his bones tremble. Obviously, there may be no trauma, but the impact in the body is real.

Fortunately, the weapon is still in place, thank goodness.

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