Ordered to Marry Thrice, The Mysterious Wangfei

Chapter 279: the disease of spouse addiction

Along the way, Hua Yuman discovered that this catastrophe was much more serious than she had imagined this evening. Many houses were destroyed, and they were in a mess. They could hear all kinds of crying and complaints everywhere.

Hua Yuman’s mood is very heavy. The closer she is, the more nervous her mood is. She has never seen a good house on this road, then her family...

She couldn't imagine it, so she was afraid that she would have a nightmare again. Once, her family was full of plagiarism. This time, God will give her away after giving her warmth.

Seeing the hand from the **** is getting colder and colder, the expression is getting more and more dignified, the rice snow marks the teeth, grabbing her waist, the speed is like a lightning, and after a while, they stop outside the gate of Washington.

To the surprise of the two, Washington was in peace, quietly standing in the night, all the rooms were there, and even no tiles fell down.

Hua Yuman looked at his home unbelievably, crying and laughing, and ringing the gates of Washington.

When the guards of Washington opened the door and found that they were standing at the door, they were very surprised. "Miss, how come you came back, what happened? I quickly went to call the master and my wife."

Hua Yuman rubbed his eyes with red eyes, and the guards had run away with sincerity and fear.

When General Hua and Mrs. Hua flustered and put on their clothes, Hua Yukang was also alarmed. The three were very puzzled. Man had to go back after dinner. How come again, but what happened.

Hua Yuman saw her family safe and sound, she smiled and was never happy.

General Hua saw a small face that the woman apparently cried, his face sank, and he said with distress: "What is this?"

"The capital has been crusted. Did the general not feel it before?" Michelle Mark answered for Hua Yuman. He looked at the intact Washington Building and he also sighed.

It seems that God really cares about the Chinese family, but the tiles are not damaged.

General Hua stunned and looked away from the distance. Under the night, only Chengfu, which is not far from Washington, has become a ruin. There are crying around and suddenly, it seems that it is really a big deal from the city. It is.

He turned around and said seriously: "I am going to wear clothes and go to the palace immediately!"

Mrs. Hua was also shocked. She didn’t understand that she was sleeping too dead, or what, she and her master did not feel it.

Hua Yukang is also looking at the distance, his heart is full of sorrow, he is worried about him and the fascinating medical museum, I do not know if it is also damaged, so he patted his own sister, immediately took care of the clothes, facing outward gone. "I went to the medicine hall to see it. Go back and go back."

Hua Yuman did not rest assured: "Big Brother, let us go with you."

Hua Yukang shook his head. "You are at home with your mother, and you are pregnant and unsettled. The morning sun seems to be awakened, help me take care of him."

"Well, big brother, you are careful."

Hua Yuman let the rice snow mark accompany his own big brother to leave, and he stayed in Washington.

This night is the sleepless night of the whole city.

The next morning, the thirteenth night of the night, the government received a small feather.

After one night's statistics, most of the houses that were separated from the city last night were damaged. In addition to some partial temples destroyed in the palace, the main hall was normal, and other ministers' homes were damaged to varying degrees. Not to mention the houses of ordinary people, the only one. It’s a miracle to count Washington.

After scrutiny, everyone came to the conclusion that the reason why Washington can escape this robbery is entirely because of the green soul flower planted by Hua Yuman yesterday. Qing Qing said that the perfect protective array method yesterday has now cracked.

Hua Yuman hesitated under the heart, according to the method that the masked woman taught her, removed the green soul flower, and found that the four green soul flowers planted yesterday had been turned into dust, and she realized that it was indeed yesterday’s protection. The array protects her family.

She prayed for a moment, and her heart was filled with gratitude to the masked woman.

The number of casualties is still in the statistics. It is said that it is the worst loss in the past few hundred years. The emperor is already on the way back to the palace.

Surprisingly, this time the Three Emperors' House was actually the most devastating of many emperors' palaces. The Three Emperors were also under the rubble at the time. Fortunately, they were only slightly injured, but his palace was not saved.

For this, Hua Yuman did not have the slightest sympathy, as long as her family and friends were safe, and the rest of her did not care, so after returning to the palace in thirteen, she unloaded her atrium and fell asleep.

Thirteen was also busy for a night, and now I was sleeping with a small feather.

But he couldn't sleep too long. After two hours, he woke up and kissed him on the cheek of the little feather. He said softly, "Wait for me to come back!"


In the palace, the emperor personally sat in the town, commanding the earthquake disaster, dividing the area for each emperor, earthquake disaster, and rescue the wounded. The thirteen emperors were assigned to the poor people near the suburbs. The disaster there was more than a miserable, almost no good one. local.

Thirteen did not complain, and immediately went to the suburbs and began to do everything in their power to help the people save themselves and rebuild their homes.

Mo Ziting was involved in the earthquake relief work in modern times. At that time, she was a volunteer. She immediately let her go with her to help the thirteen emperors.

After waking up, Hua Yuman also went to the city with silver peaches and greens to help, and nine children made simple and easy-to-wear clothes at home and other people, and then sent them to the people of the city.

Mrs. Hua also made the family steamed buns and steamed porridge to the suburbs. Hua Yuman gave food to the people with her own mother. The land of the poor in the suburbs became the warmest, the best in order. a place of unity.

Qing Qing also came in handy. She walked through the entire suburbs and searched for the survivors seriously. After a whole day, she was not in a hurry to drink hot tea. Hua Yuman was afraid that she was tired. , specifically told the silver peach to be with her.

Later, the people in the suburbs settled down. In order to avoid heavy rain, the thirteen emperors ordered the people to clean up the ruins of the entire suburbs, and began the construction of sleeplessness. And wood, a large number of people responsible for the construction, all the people who have the ability to work must come to help, even women and children must do something that they can.

It is said that people are more powerful. In just two days, there are two or six rows of neat houses standing in the suburbs.

Everyone hasn't had time to marvel at it. The heavy rain has poured down. After the people lived in the new house, they sighed the glory of the thirteen emperors. Many people had privately talked about the servants of the thirteen emperors. I think that this is the real prescient person.

The city of the palace, the emperor is standing by the window, full of worry. "After the heavy rain, disaster relief is even harder, and the people are even more bitter."

Cheng Gonggong, standing behind the emperor, smiled. "The emperor, this time, someone is really happy. Some people in the south of the city have settled down, and they have already lived in a new house, fearing that the days are now better than the original. Okay!"

The emperor had some surprises and was surprised: "But the area of ​​the thirteenth?"

"Yeah, the emperor. Yesterday, the people still complained that the thirteen emperors enslaved everyone, making people sleeplessly building a house, saying that they are so anxious, but also want to rush to invite merit. However, the people there are there. Praise the sound!"

The emperor smiled after listening. "Thirteen is a clever one. After the disaster, there are visions in the day after the disaster. It is predicted that it is possible to bring down heavy rain and it is really smart to step up the practice of repairing houses."

"Yes!" Cheng Gonggong nodded.

The thirteen emperors are not only smart, but the emperor's demeanor everywhere, but this is not suitable for him. Everything has to be seen by the emperor.

"After the heavy rain stopped, let other people learn to learn thirteen and settle down all the affected people as soon as possible."

"Yes, the emperor!"

However, this heavy rain has been going on for a long time. Four days later, God still has no intention to converge. Local officials have begun to play with floods, and river embankments have been destroyed. The forests and outside cities have been flooded.

Because there were too many problems, the emperor had to order all the officials to be dispatched, and the thirteen emperors were once again sent out.

Thirteen Wangfu, Hua Yuman pulled the thirteen hands and refused to loosen his eyes. "I will go with you to the sea."

Thirteen caressed her face full of worry, whispered: "It's not safe, and there is no place to settle, it will be very hard."

Hua Yuman shook his head. "I am not afraid of hard work. Where do you go, I will go there. And, I am not afraid of water, maybe I can help you."

Thirteen also wants to reject her. The Michelle Mark is for Hua Yuman. "Let's go with the girl, she is not in front of you, you are not at ease."

Thirteen, I nodded. "Well, go together. But you have to be embarrassed, you know?"

Hua Yuman immediately nodded, smiled and said: "When did I not swear? It is not necessary to go with you, let Tingting live in Washington, there is also a care."

"it is good."

"I will go back to Washington, you will wait for me." Hua Yuman decided to plant the remaining green soul flower seeds in Washington, just in case.

"I will go with you! I am not at ease with you alone." Although the emperor has been waiting for him outside, but it is not bad for a while, he is still a willful person, and decided to accompany his own Wang Hao back to her family. It is.

"Yeah." Hua Yuman and Thirteen and two hands, went to Washington.

Lin Shilang, who was waiting outside the thirteenth palace gate, sneered at the steward of the palace. "Thirteen emperors and thirteen kings are really loved. They can’t leave for a moment. I don’t know the two people’s affectionate. The emperor is ill."

The housekeeper sighed, the master and son are not sick now, but it is a disease of addiction to the wife. Generally speaking, it is the wife and slave. If he says this, he still listens to the big son of Mi, and it is really vivid!

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