Class A has maintained its status and advantages.

So what you need to pay attention to in the current exam is the score. You have to consider whether this exam will shake your status, how to maintain your class ranking, etc.

Oreki-san quickly browsed the rules and found it.

There are a total of 13 events in the sports meeting.

Nine of them are mandatory for all.

They are:

①100-meter race

②Hurdle race

③Inversion Contest (men only)

④ Netball competition (women only)

⑤Male and female groups tug-of-war

⑥Obstacle race

⑦Two people and three legs

⑧Fight on horseback

⑨200m race

It is mandatory for all students in the class to participate in these nine projects! And rewards and punishments are set up. The reward is that the first place in each event will get 15 points, the second place will get 12 points, the third place will get 10 points, the fourth place will get 8 points, and the fifth place will get 1 point.

There are also recommended competition events (it is not mandatory for all members to participate, but it is recommended for the strong to participate)

⑩Borrowing items competition

11Tug of war in all directions

12Mixed men and women, two persons and three legs

Grade 13 joint 1200m relay

The score values ​​of these four recommended competitions are high. The first place can get 50 points, the second place can get 30 points, the third place can get 15 points, the fourth place can get 10 points, and the fifth place can get 8 points.

The last event, the joint 1200-meter relay for all grades, has a score of Five 24 points. Undoubtedly the highlight.

The above are the required events, and you will receive points after the ranking. The points will be added to the class you belong to, and then all will be included in the scores of the red team and the white team.


The result is very consistent with the school's style.

In the comparison of the total scores of the red team and the white team, the losing team will have one hundred points deducted from the class evaluation scores of all classes composed of the team. The winning team adds 100 points to the class evaluation score.

This is a showdown between two teams.


The total scores of each class will also be ranked for each year.

The class that takes first place in the comprehensive score will be awarded a class evaluation score of 100 points. (+100)

Class evaluation scores for classes that place second in overall scores will not change. (+0)

The class that ranks third in the overall score will have 50 points deducted from the class evaluation score. (-50)

A class that ranks fourth in overall score will have 100 points deducted from the class evaluation score. (-100)


Almost after reading the test scores, Sakayanagi Yusu suddenly said.

"Although I'm sorry to say this now, because of my health, I basically have no choice but to abstain."


This is true.

Her health was poor and she was banned from participating in all sports.

Oreki-san looked at the result if he abstained.


Because everyone is participating, if everyone abstains, they will basically be regarded as the last one.

While you can get rewards for winning each event, there are also penalties.

Students are required to participate in nine compulsory events.

Among the students who get the top three rankings, the first place can get 5,000 private points, or a score equivalent to 3 points in the written test (the selected points cannot be transferred to others), and the second place can get 3,000 private points, or a score equivalent to 3 points in the written test. It is equivalent to a score of 2 points, while the third place is a score of 1,000 private points or a score equivalent to one point in the written test. The scores in the written test here can be applied to the next written test.



These few points are nothing to the students in Class A, and as academic masters, these rewards and written test scores are nothing to them either.

For example, Kamuro's classmate with poor grades would not care much about these written test rewards.

Then, Oreki-san saw Kamuro-san looking seriously at the words awarding points for the written exam.

"..." By the way, you still care.

Oreki-san, on the other hand, continued to look down.

In the nine mandatory competitions, the last place will be punished by deducting 1,000 private points.

Oh, this punishment. It doesn't make any sense.


After all competitions are over, the school will confirm the scores of each student, and then identify the 10 students with the worst grades in the school and impose harsh punishments. The specific punishments will be explained in detail based on the selection of the class teacher of each class.

Think a little.

Oreki-san stood up and said, "Mashima-sensei, what is the content of this punishment?"

"This has no impact on our class." Teacher Mashima said. "Because the ten students from the bottom will have their exam points deducted in the next written exam. Ten points will be deducted for all exam subjects."


In competitions where individuals are forced to participate, if you win, you can get extra points on the written test, and if you place at the bottom of the list, your written test score will only be minus 10.

And the written test score for each subject is -10 or something.

There is really no problem with Sakayanagi Arisu.

She is a super academic.


Sakayanagi-san bluntly stated that he would abstain from voting, and everyone in the class understood it.

"That's it." Sakayanagi-san continued. "As for this sports festival, because I abstained, I will not give any instructions."

"Oreki-kun, what do you think?" she said.

What do you think?

Is it like transferring the Sakayanagi faction over, just like the exams on the island and the exams for privileged candidates?


Oreki-san rubbed his head, "I think it would be better to leave the arrangements for this sports festival to Katsuragi-san."


Katsuragi-san found that he seemed to have been pushed twice in a row.

But now that his name was called, he quickly stood up.

"Since you all pushed it over, I'll take it," Katsuragi-san said.

Class A now has an absolute advantage.

So Katsuragi-san doesn’t want to split. And since Sakayanagi is willing not to participate in the command, it is excellent, avoiding the competition between the two factions due to different opinions.

at the same time.

Judging from the scores of this exam.

They are divided into red and white groups to compete, and then there are competitions in the same grade.

Among them, their Class A cooperates with Class A of Horikita Academy, the student council president, and also cooperates with Class A of the second grade, so the winning rate is very high.

Among them, Nagumo is the representative of the second grade. His Class A was promoted from Class B last year. However, because he is also in the student union, Katsuragi-san also understands that Nagumo is the controller of the second grade.

Therefore, the class with the best student council president, and the class controlled by the second-year students, must not fall out of line.

So as a first-grade Class A, you will basically be taken away, and you will get +100 points in the class evaluation score.

At the same time, take a look at the scores of the same grade competition.

First place +100 class evaluation points.

Second place +0

Third place - 50 class evaluation points

Fourth place - 100 class evaluation points.


Overall, this is a low-scoring game. The students in Class A have strong hardware in all aspects, so there are not many students who are too weak in sports.

So we can’t end up in the last place.

It makes sense to put a steady person like him in charge...

"Then, teacher, can you give me the podium?" Katsuragi-san looked over.

"Okay." Although Teacher Mashima informed the students of the exam rules, the class meeting time was originally reserved for students.

"However, what I need to tell you is that starting from today, I have been given three weeks of preparation time, which can provide you with free practice. There will be more physical education classes to prepare for the sports festival."

"Then after the second class in the afternoon, we go to the gymnasium for mobilization for the sports meeting."

Saying this, Mr. Majima gave up the stage.

The chairman's philosophy is to give autonomy to students and allow them to develop freely, and as the head teacher of Class A, he does the same.

Then, Katsuragi-san came to the stage.

Decide to make preparations before arranging the corresponding appearance sequence or plan.

In other words, after going to the gym in the afternoon and coming back, we will conduct a test of everyone's physical fitness and so on.

These are very reasonable solutions.

Oreki-san, on the other hand, remained slightly sleepy.

"..." The divine room.

And Kamuro-san is sitting behind Sakayanagi Yusu, even though Katsuragi-san is now narrating on the other side of the podium.

But she found that Sakayanagi Yusu was not in a good mood.

I don't know if she was unable to participate due to health reasons and continued to abstain, or...she had just transferred the command of the Sakayanagi faction to Oreki, but Oreki pushed her away.

It's similar to when you give a gift to the person you love, but he not only doesn't want it, but also throws it to another woman.

So Sakayanagi-san curled his lips.

"..." The divine room.


Sakayanagi, you are in danger now.

As Kamuro-san who cooperated with Oreki-san in the preferential candidate examination and guarded the door several times, she felt that Sakayanagi Arisu was in a state similar to that of a girl in love.


She herself had a dark history of almost being attracted to Oreki, only to find out that she had been deceived.

So I thought I might have made a mistake.

after all.

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