Organ Throne

Vol 2 Chapter 27: There is a play!

Cloud Sky Club is huge.

Compared with Tian Xin, who Xia Yu was familiar with, this place was obviously more than a mechanic store plus a mechanic discussion organization.

Entering from the lobby, you can clearly see that the different floors are divided into venues for various purposes, including entertainment and leisure clubs, professional gymnastics training grounds, organ training grounds, and organ rooms, as well as clearly categorized interest clubs and clubs. The names of various competition organizing committees.

In addition, the waiter also introduced Xia Yu to the business points system of the Yunkong Club - whether it is to complete tasks, participate in competitions to get rewards, or directly exchange Ores, you can get Yunkong points.

In addition to being used for consumption, these points can also be used to exchange special internal organs and materials, participate in bidding auctions, hire people to complete tasks, etc. It is obviously more mature and perfect than Luo Tong's Tianxin Club.

Good place!

Xia Yu's vision is not weak. Of course, he can find that this Yunkong Club is like a base. It can not only maintain its own operation and generate huge profits, but also a good way to gather popularity and strength, whether it is leisure entertainment, competition, or communication. Organs, exchange materials, earn money to complete tasks... This perfect system can attract many organ divisions and organ cultivators to participate.

"Sir, you are planning to come here for the first time. Let me get you a membership card first!" the waiter continued.

"Well, please!" Xia Yu nodded.

"Please show your student card."

"Uh," Xia Yu scratched his head embarrassedly: "I'm a freshman this year, and I haven't applied for a student card yet..."

Special enrollment should be considered Ruger's freshman, right?

"That's it, it's a pity, if you use Luger's student card to apply for membership, you can directly apply for a B-level card, then you can only apply for an A-level card now!"

"How is the membership card level divided? By the way, I want to go to the Q&A area first, can I go to the A level?" Xia Yu is most concerned about this.

"A-level membership cards have fewer permissions, but you can go to the Q&A area!" The waiter said seriously, "As for the membership level, you will find out later."

"Then, is this A-level membership card available to everyone?" Xia Yu asked again.

"Of course not!" The waiter glanced at Xia Yu hesitantly. "We will only accept the recommendation letter from Mr. Qu from Luger College. But you can still upgrade after you get the student card."

"That's good!" Xia Yu nodded.

The two came to an advanced-looking instrument with a height of one person, and the waiter said: "You can stimulate your perception here, bind your personal perception breath, and then enter your personal information!"

Oh, is it still bound to sense aura?

This membership card is very advanced!

Perceived breath is basically the same as a person's DNA information, and it can't be faked. With this binding, basically this membership card only belongs to this person.

However, he had nothing to disguise, so Xia Yu didn't hesitate, so he inspired his perception to cover it up.

"Does this want a photo name?" He suddenly thought of a question.

"You are free!" The waiter said, "If you don't want to reveal your real name, the club has regulations that will keep it a secret for you, please rest assured!"


Xia Yu thought of the strange names that appeared on the screen when he first entered the hall, and guessed that he could use false names.

What's your name then?

Sun Wukong? Too coercive.

Chen Ergou? Eh, this one is more pretentious.

Let's call it... Luban! After all, when I came to this agency world, I also considered spreading a little name to the ancestors of the agency of the earth...

The waiter looked suspiciously at Xia Yu's name, and it didn't feel like it was fake, but he didn't say anything, and continued to introduce: "Mr. Lu, are you going to visit the Q&A area next?"

"Well, this is the first time I came to a big city, and I want to see the level here." Xia Yu said calmly, this is also his true opinion.

"Okay, sir, please!" The waiter took him to the elevator entrance and pointed to the nameplate: "The 5th to 7th floors of Yunkong Building are the Q&A hall, but Mr. is still a 2-star apprentice, so You can only enter the 5th floor. Some precautions. You can see the relevant information as long as you activate the membership card on the device at the entrance of the 5th floor. By the way, my name is Sanshui, and now I am your exclusive service staff. When needed, you can go to any internal Atos system in the building to call the main station, and then call my name."

Oh, is there an intranet here? So advanced!

Xia Yu remembered Sanshui's name and felt that the waiter had a good attitude and professionalism.

When I got out of the elevator, what caught my eye was a hall with nearly 1,000 square meters. The structure was similar to that of the Tianxin Club at that time, except that the big screen above the head was not only more stylish, but also looked more advanced.

For example... It seems that the members here can answer questions through an ipad-like writing board, and they can ask and answer questions directly by themselves, without having to go to the answering machine?

Xia Yu's eyes lit up.

This efficiency needs to be done a lot!

To be honest, Xia Yu can no longer easily draw conclusions about the level of technology in this world because of the involvement of energy, especially perception. Not to mention, that day, I saw Master Tong's graceful and immortal style in Xingyue Square, and the vivid Mu Yuan, basically, it was about to catch up with artificial intelligence!

But he didn't have time to sigh, and he didn't want to be in the limelight like he did in Tianxin last time.

After going in and observing for a while, he roughly figured out what to do, and that a point here also corresponds to the value of 1 crown, he no longer hesitated, and quickly swiped his membership card on a device and received an ipad-like answer. device.

But it is not a touch screen, and there is a pen hanging next to it.

Without further ado, he found a clean corner to sit down and started sifting questions directly on the clicker.

If the material is involved, delete it.

If it involves the historical common sense and classic structure of the organ and directly leads to a conclusion, it shall be deleted. involving agency manipulation and drills is also deleted!

Those involving mechanical theory... can be kept.

The rest is basically the source array part. In terms of quantity, this is the big one, and it also has more reward points. After all, this is the core of modern mechanical techniques.

Well, after this screening, there are still many topics!

No matter, this is just to make money, those who need complex thinking and deduction experiments, do a little better first, it is important to earn money by earning points!

I have to say that the scale of the Yunkong Club is very large, and there are certain thresholds to join. Although the problem is a bit more difficult than the original Tianxin, the reward points are also generous. For example, the energy overflow of this "reverse structure" rate question", he only deduced a little with "Derivative Space", and gave a reliable answer, but the reward given by the questioner was 20 points!

There is a play!

He has read five questions in a row, except for two that are more troublesome and may take some time to be ignored by him, he is confident about the remaining three questions, and the points for these three questions are as high as 70 points!

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