Origin Seeker

Chapter 124 – Meeting

"Attention! The meeting will now commence!"

With a shout, the hall went silent and the same bearded man, Shane, began the meeting.

"First, a quick opening statement. This meeting has been called together by the Empires under the banner of the alliance to discuss the newly arisen threat known as the demons. Everyone here had agreed that measures must be taken against them, though the methods and details of these measures are varied and different. This is what we are here to discuss and, hopefully, reach an agreement on.

Now, everyone here has no doubt received pieces of intelligence that describe these demons in detail. This intelligence will be discussed first so everyone can come to an agreement on their threat level, and this agreement is what will be the foundation for all other discussions. And so, as the provider of this intelligence, I would like to ask Dream some questions."

The bearded man turned his head to Dream's seat, which prompted everyone else in the theater to do the same. Dream suddenly had several thousand eyes on him, over 40 of which were class 4's.

'Seriously? Right off the bat? Couldn't do a little more foreplay huh?'

Dream cursed in his mind as he received all the interested gazes.

"Dream. This isn't actually the first piece of intelligence that has come from you. There was another that came a few months ago which prompted the expedition that you also participated in. Although it was less detailed, the way you describe the demon threat is no less urgent. The first question I have is, how did you collect the information?"

"I have robo- golems under my command that I sent into the 3rd continent, or as I'm now calling it, the demon continent. There they directly fought demons and killed millions. In the process they also collected data on the demons and everything about them, sending it right back to me to compile. I've also fought the demons directly and have collected plenty of my own data."

"So you're an enchanter?"

"I am."

"Then, as I'm sure many of the other enchanters in the room are wondering, how can we be sure that your golems were able to be accurate in their information gathering? Especially considering the fact that golems are not intelligent."

"Well, as far as I'm concerned, scouts from both the Mercenary Empire and Spire have collected their own data and confirmed every bit of intelligence that I've provided. I'm sure the Enchanted Mountain and Sword School have also sent their own scouts and done the same. I think that proves more than enough the data gathering capabilities of my golems. And if there's any intelligence that finds errors with my own, then I would like to see it."


Everyone looked around at each other, seeing if anyone was going to speak up. 

"Can I say something?"

Suddenly, a class 4 spoke up across the table. This man had a large bow on his back and looked to be from the Sword School.

"In your intelligence, although the present data is correct, you also include future predictions. It is these future predictions that you base their 'World Ending' threat on. How can we be sure that these predictions are correct? And why should we even consider speculation?"

After the question was asked, everyone nodded, obviously having considered the same questions. Dream looked at the man and spoke.

"...A few months ago I had warned those at the Spire about the demons when there were still only class 3's coming into the continent. I had asked them if it would really take class 4's knocking on their door for them to finally do something about the demons. Even in the report that I had released then, I talked about how it wouldn't be long before they invaded with class 4's.

And sure enough, only a month or so after, two class 4's come marching on our lands with an army and wipe out a kingdom helmed by a class 4 human. Even the battle to retake that kingdom ended in a defeat. So actually, according to my data, I might indeed be wrong about their growth rate. They're growing even faster than I had anticipated. It doesn't take a genius to see that. So I'll instead ask you this, are you willing to bear the consequences of ignoring their growth?"


The hall went silent as everyone considered the question. They had all seen how the demons went from just some monster to an organized threat in mere months. To let them be for another few months, according to how things have gone, would result in disaster. And if anyone were to be the reason more people were killed, then they would become the public enemy. At least, that's how Dream's question framed it. And nobody wanted to become public enemy number one.

Shane spoke up after a bit of silence.

"I think we can all agree that nobody is ignoring this issue. That's the reason we're all here after all. Now, I also think we can agree that Dream's intelligence is accurate as it has been confirmed many times over. Knowing this, we can move on to discussing how we should handle the demon threat. And since he's very passionate about this, Dream, I'll hand the question to you first. What is your solution?"


Everyone remained quiet and listened in. This was the main focus of this meeting, what everything came down to.

"...Total war."


"Total war?"

"Do you even know what that means?"

Everyone reacted strongly to such a bold declaration. Chatter could be heard from everywhere as the hall grew noisy.

"Quiet down!"


Shane shouted with a bit of aura, forcing down the boisterous atmosphere.

"...Dream. Why do you think such a measure is necessary?"

"Actually, I don't see it as a measure. I see it as an inevitability. The demons have already begun their attack. That kingdom being wiped out is only the first of many. What we need to do is start going on the offensive. And I'm not talking about more small expeditions like the one I was a part of. I'm talking about an all out effort to destroy the demons and wipe them from existence. We need to gather our armies, prepare the resources, and begin marching our way onto that continent. We need to slaughter every demon in our path all the way up to their core. And then we need to burn their Empire to the ground."

"But do you realize what that will take? The manpower, the food, the logistics, and everything in between will be outrageous. And you actually want us to take the initiative and attack them?"

A man across from him questioned further.

"Yes. Because if we don't attack them, then they will attack us. Well, they already are. The reason I'm saying to go on the offensive is because if we get into a defensive war, then we will have already lost."

"Why would we have lost? And why do you put such little faith in our power? Do you think we're weak?"

When the man said that, everyone began to flip sides a little. Everything Dream was saying made humans out to be just weak little lambs up for the slaughter. For one, the class 4's didn't like being made out to be weak. And the ones who were ordinary didn't like him insulting the entirety of the human race.

"The reason why we can't get on the defensive is because the demons have the advantage in numbers. If we get into a defensive war, then we'll end up having to defend against unending hordes of demons. Literally. Although we are more powerful than them, there's only so much we can survive against. Those two class 4 demons we killed at the kingdom may have very well already been replaced. Us humans definitely can't match that kind of spawn rate.

The demons cannot be reasoned with and their sole goal is to wipe us out. They are our natural enemy, and if we give them the space, they will build themselves and destroy us! Every man that we lose takes time to replace, but they're able to spawn out more demons like candy. By the time we kill one army, they'll just have another waiting. So we need to kill more than they spawn, and that can't happen in a defensive war."

"But what you're asking for is too extreme. We can't simply send every man we have and launch a war of such a scale."

After the man said that, several others nodded. 

"I agree. Containment comes first. We can fortify and monitor them while chipping away at their forces. That would be the best way to preserve our men and it wouldn't require such an expenditure of resources."

"We would probably be able to at least seal our borders and set up outposts to scout the demons, getting a proper read on their movements. That way we would be able to prepare for any attacks."

"We could also assign more men to subsidiary kingdoms, ensuring greater protection."

Various leaders began to speak up with different plans, almost ignoring everything Dream had said. He just sat there, a lot less nervous and a lot more so disappointed.

After a while of back and forth between several people, Shane looked over to Dream, who had remained quiet, and saw his pitying face. He spoke up.

"Dream? Do you have any input?"

Everyone saw this and looked to him, seeing the same face that looked at them like they were idiots. 

"...I'm just surprised that those of you who underestimate the demons could be so blind."


"Excuse me?"

Several people spoke up in anger. Dream just snapped back at them.

"You heard me. After seeing all the intelligence, having dozens of villages, an entire kingdom destroyed, and an entire army of men killed, you people refuse to see their threat for what it is. Here you are just blatantly ignoring all the logic I laid out for you. Do I have to keep telling you how ruthless the demons are? How they want nothing more than our demise? Or the fact that they went from having no armies to vanguard class 4's in mere months?! 

You asked me why I was making us out to be weak and powerless. Well this is why! You people are too cowardly to go out and fight if it'll cost you some money. Since when did we need a reason to go and fight mindless monsters? Aren't you all class 4's? Where did that drive go that got you to where you are now? 

To all you people who just want to contain or monitor them, can we stop playing politics with the lives of millions of people? Let's look at the facts of the situation, which have been laid out for you clearly, and start doing something about it. Otherwise, you can be the ones to give us a number on how many people need to die before we finally retaliate and do go to war."


The hall went silent, and everyone's eyes were wide. 

Ciroc sent Dream a mana transmission.

'That was bold.'

'I wouldn't have to be if they could just open their eyes.'

'Although the balls are good, you should remember who you are.'

'If you believe in what I say then I shouldn't have to worry, now should I? And if no one else has the balls to say this stuff, then I obviously have to be the one. Otherwise those stupid politicians will bring about the demise of everyone else. I've chosen to push, not step back.'


Ciroc went quiet after Dream's declaration. 

"Hey, Dream!"

Suddenly, a voice was heard. It definitely wasn't friendly. Everyone looked towards a man from the Enchanted Mountain.

"Who do you think you are to insult us like that? Don't forget that you're just a class 3."

"And me being a class 3 somehow makes the demons weaker than they are?"

"No, but you don't have the authority to say the things you did. Apologize."

"You want an apology because I insulted you? Did you ask for the same apology from the demons when they destroyed that kingdom, killing tens of thousands?"

"I'm not talking about the demons, I'm talking about your lack of respect!"

"So you're more worried about my respect than justice for that kingdom? Nice. And I don't remember you doing anything to gain my respect. In fact, it's dropping by the seco-"

"You will respect us because you're weaker than us!"

"So when the demons come and destroy everything, you'll just bow down because they beat you? Ouch."

"Brat! Don't make me rip your tongue out!"

The class 4 suddenly stood up, releasing his aura. Dream smiled and also stood.

"Try me!"


The two auras clashed, creating intense mana ripples that spread throughout the theater. And while the class 4 aura was overpowering, Dream's aura wasn't squashed completely. 

"Gentlemen! Please calm yourselves."

Not able to watch anymore, Shane stood and mediated. The class 4 frowned while Dream's almost maniacal smile widened.


The class 4 spat before reluctantly sitting first. Only then did Dream sit back down, the smile on his face disappearing.

"While we can have disagreements, this is a civilized meeting. I won't have any fights break out under my watch. Two conflicting points have been made. One to take a passive approach, the other to take an active approach. Let's hear more people's thoughts on the matter."

"I agree with Dream."

A woman who had a sword across her back spoke up.

"Even if the demons aren't more powerful than us now, we shouldn't wait until they are. They're a high potential threat, so we should destroy them sooner rather than later."

"I also agree. The intelligence has been correct about everything so far. It's better to be safe than sorry."

"I as well. Going on the offensive is better than just hunkering down and hoping for the best. We need to take the fight to them."

For the first time, various people began to speak up in support of Dream. He looked around and began remembering the faces of those speaking for him. Though he also remembered those who spoke against him. 

Although many spoke for him, there were those that still couldn't accept going to war. They spoke up with the various problems of doing so. Unlike before though, they weren't treating Dream's ideas as outrageous and began throwing out compromises, taking things seriously.

Thus began a long back and forth, and the meeting became productive with everyone establishing ground and playing the field.

But while things became productive, Dream couldn't help but sigh. The passive side pushed against the active side and the middle ground they were reaching wasn't what he had hoped for.

[What you're proposing is one extreme while that guy was the opposite extreme. The best we're going to get is an in between. At least for now. It'll take a certain level of panic and danger for them to finally understand and fully commit.]

'I just wanted to skip that learning process because that period of understanding is the most dangerous. If they don't realize and act fast enough, the situation could turn irreversible and we're all fucked either way.'

[Well that's one of the great flaws of humans. If things really do get to that point, then we can only do our best with those that stand with you. Worst case, everyone who stood with you gets to go to the space station and survive doomsday.]

'Heh, funny.'

Dream chuckled. Though deep down, he really hoped it didn't come to that. Even if only for the sake of the billions on this planet.

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