Origin Seeker

Chapter 152 – Face Off

After following Idona up the Tree for nearly 1000 meters, they finally came to a massive branch extending off the side. 

This branch was partially modified so as to accommodate many buildings, and inside these buildings, Dream could sense many people with class 3 auras. 

"So this is where all the powerful people live. I was wondering where they were."

"The majority of the elven elites live in the Tree. There are countless branches, many of which are simply massive. They can allow for entire communities to be built on top of them. But of course, they still need the resources of below to operate. Food and materials can't be harvested on a wood branch." (Idona)


"Though there are many class 3's who live on the ground too. They're the ones who take the taller trees near the home Tree. Sometimes flying up and down the tree can be time consuming, so they stay down there. Or they have families that can't fly up the tree."

"Right. So these Ljosfar. They're meeting us? How many are there?"

"There are 12 Ljosfar. But we won't be able to meet all of them. At least right now. The meeting we're going to will have 4 of them there. And the only reason we got that many is because I told them we're here on behalf of the church. Plus I'm a class 4 elf, so that helped."

"Well it's a good start. Let's just deal with these people and see if we can't get everyone to come."

As he said that, Idona came to a stop. They had risen even higher and approached the 2,000 meter mark on the Tree. It was here that they found a branch with a single building on it.

Idona led Dream to this wood building and entered. Inside, they found four people sitting around a round table. The chairs around this table and even the table itself was grown from the floor. It was a very simple and plain room. 



The two groups nodded to each other as Idona and Dream took a seat. The four looked at Dream.

"This must be Dream."

"I am."

Dream spoke casually as he took a look at these four people.

Two of these elves were women and two were men. All of them though were at least 7 ft tall. And as they had established earlier, they looked different from Idona. They had longer ears, golden hair, and their eyes weren't pitch black like Idona. Though they did have tattoos around their face, similar to Idona. 

Though of all this, Dream was most focused on the height. Both Idona and Dream looked like teenagers compared to these four. The chairs were also unaccommodating, and he could barely touch the floor with his toes. He looked like a child. But as if he didn't care about that, Dream began swinging his legs back and forth under the table, something he hadn't done since he was...well, a child.

"So Xyla, you've requested our presence on behalf of the Church. Can I assume that this Dream is an envoy of the Church?"

One of the men spoke, looking at Dream's odd attire. He responded.

"I would identify myself as more of a hired agent. A contractor if you will."

"So...a mercenary?"


"I don't understand the difference."

"You hire a mercenary to act as a soldier. You hire an agent for his services. I've been hired by the Church to bring logistical supremacy to their forces."

"I see. So you're not a member of the Church."

"No. I am their proxy."

"Ljosfar, to make things clear, the reason we're here has to do with the demon invasion."

Idona cut into the conversation, making sure it didn't derail. The man turned to her.

"What of it?"


"We're here to request an alliance. We wish to band together the forces of the continent and launch an offensive against the demons."

"...An alliance? Is there anyone else in this alliance?"

"The church is going to begin discussions with the United Empire today. We will also head over to the Dwarven Sanctuary to request for an alliance."

"So, other than the Church, there is nobody in this alliance."

"Well, technically no. But there will be."

"Right. And this alliance, what would be required of us should we join it?"

"Participation in the war. We want to band together all the forces the continent has to offer."

"Is the United Empire having problems facing the demons themselves?"

"We aren't sure of the exact situation. But regardless, the situation isn't good. Tens of millions of demons are attempting to destroy everything."

"But the United Empire has over a billion citizens under their rule. Their armies are more massive than any other Empire on the continent. Surely they can handle tens of millions of demons."

"They may be able to defend against it, but they won't necessarily be able to destroy them. That requires them to counterattack and destroy them on the third continent."

"That may be true. But despite that, why should we elves have to go and assist?"

"...Because the demons are a huge threat."

"Maybe to those closest to them. But hardly for us. Xyla, you're requesting us to send elves across the continent to fight in a war against monsters that pose no threat to us. And worst of all, you have nothing to offer. So why exactly would we ever agree to such an alliance?"


Idona went quiet as the elf smiled at her. According to his logic, there was indeed no reason for them to assist. Why should they stick their necks out in a war that had no effect on them? And for no compensation? It didn't make any sense at all. The other elves thought the same. In fact, as soon as Idona brought up the matter, they already knew how they would respond.

As he listened, Dream could also see the trap the elves were leading her towards. While she knew what to argue for, she didn't really know how. 

After her failed attempt, Idona started panicking. But before she started digging a deeper hole, Dream cut in.

"Mr. Elf."

"You can address me as Sir Ljosfar."

"Right. So Mr. Elf, I'm going to ask you the same question I asked Xyla right here. How deeply do you and your fellow elven populations value the Tree we're sitting on?"

"The Home Tree is sacred to all elves. It is like our mother that gifted us our power. Why?"

"Because knowing that, it would be a damn shame if something were to happen to it. Maybe like, I don't know, it burning down and being utterly obliterated as your entire civilization was uprooted by bloodthirsty monsters."

"...Is that a threat?"

"Yes, but I'm not the one posing that threat. Take a good look at what I'm going to show you."

Saying that, Dream pulled out a screen and rolled it out on the table. The four elves looked as it lit up to show them an image. It was of the world.

This world map had the three continents, and the third continent was covered in deep red. Beside this world map was also a series of numbers.

"This is a world map, obviously. And these numbers represent approximate population sizes. Take a look at this number. What's that number?"

"...600 million."

"Correct. And can you guess what Empire holds that many people?"

"...The Dwarven Empire?"

"Wrong. The demons. As of now, the demons have a population of about that much. These demons have been flowing constantly into both of the continents, threatening human and animal civilizations alike. But there's one thing you need to understand about the demons. Their entire population consist of combat capable monsters of at least the class 1 level."

"Impossible. All of them? Of any given population, the majority will be ordinary while only a third will be talented enough to even gain skills. Of that third, a vast majority will be class 1, and the numbers get smaller as you increase power. How can all 600 million demons be at least class 1?"

"How am I supposed to know? Do I look like a demon? All I know is that that's how the demons are. Now you said the united Empire has a massive population of over a billion. But do they have armies that can number the same as the demons?"


"Going off of your logic, only 300 million people within the Empire would be at best class 1. That's half of the demon army. And as we speak, these demon armies are pouring into your continent. They've already begun their invasion, and they're gaining ground. Xyla may not know how bad it is over there, but I do."

"...How do you know all this? What even is this thing?"

"It's called technology. And this stuff is the reason the Church, as well as every single human Empire, has hired me. Because I can provide intelligence and logistical abilities never before seen on this world, they've given me the task of guiding their armies. And now, I've come to the animal continent in order to do the same. I'm planning on uniting the armies of the world, of all species, to fight against the demons."

"Impossible. How could you possibly manage armies numbering in the hundreds of millions that are spread across the world? I refuse to believe you have that power."

"Well believe it. Take a look."

Dream smiled and tapped the screen. When he did, the map disappeared and everyone could see dozens of images pop up. 

The images were live drone feeds. They captured ongoing battles in several different places on the animal continent. The 6 in the room could clearly see animals like bears and wolves being slaughtered by huge waves of demons. They could also see approaching demon armies numbering in the millions, heading straight through forests and plains. 

The sights of carnage and hordes of bloodthirsty monsters was spine chilling. It was like they could feel the menacing aura through the screen.

"...What is this?"

The man blurted out, shocked by what he was seeing. 

"These are images being captured by my golems in the air around the world. What's happening in these images is ongoing, occurring as we speak. Look at this map."

Dream tapped the screen, and a zoomed in map of the landbridge appeared. Live feeds also popped up to the side, showing a massive stronghold and hundreds of thousands of demons crawling all over it like ants. It also showed the armies pouring through it.

"Right now, there are about 150 million demons approaching the united Empire. This doesn't count the 30 million demons that are already launching attacks."


"Now, I can go on and show you images and numbers all day. But I think you can understand the gravity of the situation. There are hundreds of millions of enemies coming to destroy you. They're going to tear their way through the United Empire, and once they're destroyed, you're next. By then, nothing will be stopping them from coming into your isolated slice of paradise, and burning down the very Tree that you so love."

"...How can they get through the United Empire without enough class 4's? The United Empire has 52 by itself."

"Actually, not long ago one of the human Empires had to fight a battle against 20 million demons. Within that army, there were 38 class 4 demons. I'm pretty sure that when you consider 150 million, the number of class 4's would be much higher."

"...Though that may be the case, the United Empire has powerful defensive abilities. Even dozens of class 4's won't be able to easily break through their city."

"But for how long will they have to defend for? Against an endless army, even an Empire like them will still fall after enough time. They can't hold on forever. What will they do then?"


"And here's another problem. If we want the problem to go away, then we have to take the fight to them. We have to fight our way to their continent and destroy the demon Empire. Only then will they stop posing a threat."

"...But how will that be possible when they have such large armies?"

"It'll be possible if we band together! If we bring together all our forces, we will be able to fight our way there and destroy them at the root. But that won't happen unless we have an alliance! Which is what we're here to ask you about. Do you finally understand the situation?"

Dream sat back as the elf went quiet. Though this time, one of the women spoke up.

"What would our participating entail?"

"The majority of your class 4's would need to fight alongside those of the other Empires. I've been told you have 12. So 10 of you would need to go and fight. Not only that, but your armies would also obviously need to travel over and fight alongside the others. This also goes for the dark elves down under."

"10 out of 12? That's too much."

"I'm sorry, did you not hear the numbers I put out earlier?"

"...I heard. But the Tree is our home. How can so much of our combat power leave?"

"By flying. Look, you better get used to the concept of not being holed up in your pretty Tree. If you don't help fight, then sooner or later, you may not have a Tree to ever come back to. You've heard the numbers, and you know that the threat applies to you as well. So let's not pretend like you guys can just be observers."

"Hey, let's watch how you speak to us. You may be an envoy, but you're only a class 3. You don't have the authority to talk to us like that."

This time, the other male elf spoke. Dream turned to him and smiled.

"Actually, elf, I do have the authority. I have the backing of the entire Church as well as the support of every class 4 that makes up the human Empires. Plus, if you didn't get the hint from the technology I've showed you, my combat power isn't low."

"You think you can possibly compare to a class 4? The gap between us is massive, something even the most powerful of class 3's can't cross. Do you need me to show you, arrogant punk?"

"...You know what? I'm getting real sick and tired of holier-than-thou idiots talking down to me like I'm a child. This isn't supposed to be difficult! And I'm also not pleased by the fact that he was talking down to my partner in the same way. So if your hypocritical ass is hungry for a bit of a pounding, I'll be glad to dish it."

"Insolent! I guess I'll have to show you just how far above you I am."


When he said that, the elf's class 4 aura was released. Dream also released his aura, and the two crashed, causing powerful mana ripples to spread throughout the room.


The elf's forehead creased as his aura didn't overpower Dream's. Although it did beat his, the fact that Dream was even able to contend was irritating. But he still would never believe that Dream could possibly fight him, so he wasn't concerned.

And Dream, while he should be scared, was smiling with glee. He was excited to be clashing as he had yet to meet exceedingly powerful foes. 

Dream knew his strength very well. His body was powerful, as was his soul. And his control over mana was unparalleled. Pairing that with his technology and weapons, and he had the confidence to kill anyone. Hell, he had almost killed Raoul with those railguns. And guess what was stationed in the air only 6 kilometers away from them?

If he really needed to, he could kill everyone here, not to mention beating this high and mighty elf. 

So after telepathically telling Idona to stand down, Dream stood from his seat, facing off with the elf.

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