Origin Seeker

Chapter 173 – Offer

After Mara and Arrina were carried off by the bots, they were swiftly transported through the stronghold.

Along the way, they could see the corpses of all the demons that had once guarded the pathways. There were hundreds, and almost all of them were class 3's. The girls were shocked, and they truly wondered how powerful these humanoids carrying them were.

After many twists and turns they eventually ended up exiting the stronghold. They proceeded out into the wide open plaza, the entrance to which was a gate. And up in the air, they could see a shocking battle. 

The sky was blazing with dark bloody fire that blocked out the sun. The pressure coming from that fire was immense, though not as immense as the pressure coming from the people within that fire. 

They could see 10 people. 7 were demons, one was a fox, and the two others were human. The fox was the one bellowing fire, and one of the humans, a woman, was releasing ice lances from a distance at the 7 demons. In the middle of them was another human covered in gray and red armor. He was handling the attacks of 5 demons by himself, while the other two handled two of their own.

Suddenly though, the woman who was launching powerful ice lances turned away from the battle and looked at the girls. Both of them shrank back a bit from the majestic aura of the woman, expecting her to quickly focus back on the fight. But baffling both of them, she turned away from the demon she was fighting and flew down to them.


All the Bobs bowed to the woman who gracefully landed on the ground. The girls, who were no longer floating, were confused as to what to do. 

"So you two must be Arrina and Mara. Get rid of those suits, they won't need them."

After she spoke, the suits around the girls came off and reformed into the guardian bots. The woman finally took a close look at the two.

"W-we are... Arrina and Mara."

Arrina spoke for them as Mara returned to her side. Luna titled her head. 

"Really? You sound unsure."


"Hehe, I'm just messing with you. I'm Luna. Here, let's freshen you two up a bit."

Saying so, Luna put her hands on them and activated her skill. Her mana quickly filled their bodies, rejuvenating their energy and fixing them entirely. 

No cell was left out, and no abnormality wasn't fixed. The wounds that had accumulated inside the bodies of the girls from many battles, wounds that only the best of healers could possibly hope to fix, were instantly repaired. Not only that, but the scars from their battles had also fixed themselves. They disappeared as if they were never there, leaving behind healthy, supple skin.

This was the power of restoration. It went beyond just healing wounds. It sought to return the body to its peak state, void of any defects or hindrances. It was incredibly rare, and because of that, Mara quickly recognized it.


"So you do have it? Dream told me that you had a skill like it."


"Mhm. He's the one in the armor up there."


Arrina and Mara looked up, taking another look at the armored man in the sky. He was taking hits and dishing hits to the demons constantly alongside the fox. Each hit was so incredibly powerful and concentrated that the only reason they knew he was delivering mana-filled punches was because of the explosion after making contact.

"After discovering you were captured, he organized for your rescue. Good thing too. This was one of the places he planned to hit later..."


"I-It's nothing. Oh! You can go ahead and relax in the ship over there. There's all the food you can eat and drinks to drink. We should be done with the fight up there soon. And no need to worry about any demons. They're pretty much finished. Avatar, attend to them for me."

"Of course."

Bowing, the recently arrived avatar took the lead and led the girls into the prepared ship. Luna smiled to them one more time before flying back up to the battle. 


As the girls walked into the ship, they could hear the sounds of the battle going on, especially the gnarly growls and snarling of the fox. In fact, despite the raging mana, it was possible to detect the aura of the fox growing stronger, especially as it cut down one of the demons. Liquid mana that looked like blood roiled off the fox while mana of lesser densities streamed into the fox. There was clearly something odd going on, but being as weak as they were, Arrina and Mara couldn't tell what it was.

Eventually pulling their eyes away from the battle, the two walked into the large ship. The ship was equipped with cushy couches, chairs, a bar, and a table filled with tons of food. Plus, it filtered the noise from outside, making the inside nice and quiet.

"Please take a seat and eat whatever you wish. Everything here was prepared for you."

"Uh... I-It's okay." (Arrina)

"Please, I insist. It's been at least a day since you've eaten anything. This food is very nourishing for the body."

"I... Alright."

Nodding, Arrina brought Mara over and took a seat. The avatar went over and prepared two plates, piling them with mana-filled meat and delicious fruits from who knows where.

After putting the plates in front of them, both girls stared at it for a bit before grabbing their utensils. Mara was the first to give, and she quickly put a piece of meat in her mouth.


Mara shivered a bit at the delicious taste before gulping it down. When it entered her stomach, the mana in the meat filled her and gave her a nice, warm feeling. 

No longer holding back, Mara dug in like a ravenous wolf. Arrina was surprised, but after taking a bite, she was doing the same.

Soon, the plates were wiped clean, but the avatar had already prepared more food which he placed in front of them. Thanking him, the girls went back to devouring the food. 

This went on for a while until they were suddenly interrupted.

"Well aren't you two enjoying yourselves."

Food in their mouths, both girls looked over to the entrance of the ship. There they saw Dream walking in with Luna and Iris.


"Finish food. Unfortunately Scarlet didn't feel like saving any class 4 meat, so we can't have any."

"Hey! Class 4 meat is good stuff! But you guys wouldn't appreciate it like I do, so I just make sure that it gets enjoyed to its fullest."

"You're just a glutton, you glutton. I can only imagine how bad it's gonna get as you keep advancing. You're lucky Luna and I never really need to eat anything."

"Unfortunately there aren't any class 5's here. I bet those are really tasty, especially their souls! Huhuhu..."

Iris chuckled and licked her lips as she thought about the impossibly delectable meal that would be a class 5 soul. And while Dream thought she was looking pretty hot, Arrina and Mara felt chills go up their spine. They had a much worse impression of Iris now, and their view of the graceful Luna improved by leaps and bounds.

"Y-y-you can eat souls?"

Arrina stuttered as she couldn't help but ask. Iris looked her up and down for a second before smiling.

"Don't worry, your soul might be strong, but not nearly that of a class 4. You're safe."


"Alright, that's enough Scarlet. You're scaring them."

"What! It's the truth! Her soul is definitely impressive for a class 2, but everything else isn't up to par. She might just barely be similar to an average class 3. I would know. I've eaten tens of thousands after all."

"T-Thousands?!" (Arrina)

"Of course. Only class 4's can satisfy me now. It's quite the burden to bear."

"Uh-huh. Poor little you. How about you and Luna go and finish off the captives my bots took. You should be able to max your skill."

"Okay! But before that..."

Walking up to Dream, Iris suddenly planted her lips on his, giving him a deep, passionate kiss. Only after 10 hot seconds did she separate, looking into his eyes and licking her lips.

"I'll let you know when we're done."

"I look forward to it."

Smiling, Dream turned to Luna who also gave him a quick kiss. Saying bye, they both walked out under the incredulous gazes of Arrina and Mara.

Once they disappeared, the two turned back to Dream.

"Sorry about that."

"...Are you really?"

"Eh, I guess not. I mean, who would refuse a kiss from those two right? Oo, that fruit looks good."

Eyeing a fruit that looked kind of like dragonfruit, Dream went over and took a seat, grabbing it and taking a big bite.

"Mm, that's good. Kind of tastes like strawberries."


"*Gulp* Very refreshing. Now, I'm guessing you two might have some questions, but before that, I want to apologize."

Dream sat back and looked at the two who had stopped eating. Mara was looking down while Arrina was looking back at him, complex emotions in her eyes.

"I'm sorry that you guys got caught by demons, and that you were even in the situation in the first place. I guess it was mostly my fault that the demons went crazy and you got ambushed. One thing led to another, and you know the rest. I'm just glad that nothing untoward happened to you guys. I guess demons are pretty good in that sense. Either way, I'm sorry. It won't happen again."

"...What won't happen again?"

"You guys getting captured."

"...Are you planning to guard us or something?"

"I was planning on giving you something that could. Two suits that nothing short of a class 4 would be able to break through. Those combined with the systems onboard would be able to either ensure your safety in any life-threatening situations or, should you meet with something too much to handle, will be able to notify me."


"I mean, this isn't my apology. Well, it is, but not all of it. I know I can't really make up for the months that I was gone, but I want to try. Granted things are complicated right now with the demons trying to kill us all, but I can make it wo-"

"You left."

Interrupting, Mara spoke and looked up at him with teary eyes. Dream went quiet as a bit of guilt washed over him.

"Yes, I kind of did."

"And...they all died."


"Her squadmates. During the war." (Arrina)


Dream just nodded his head. He didn't know all the details, but either way, having squadmates die during a war wouldn't be fun. Plus, Mara was a healer. He could imagine what kind of position she was put in.

"I guess... I can make sure that doesn't happen again. If you two wanted, I could take you out of the war entirely. No more death, no more destruction. You could live your lives doing something else at the Spire or the Enchanted Mountain. You could take the people close to you and go. Is that what you want?"

"I...I don't know." (Mara)

Mara stumbled in thought when she heard the question. To have any options open to her was new. All this time she was just being directed around. There wasn't really any choice in the fact that she had to be sent to war and watch the people around her die. 

Seeing this, Dream sat up a bit and leaned toward them. He had a good idea where Mara's dilemma was now.

"Mara. We're friends. As far as I'm concerned, that's not going to change. But I'm sure you've heard the things I'm doing, and I can tell you now that my place isn't wherever you guys might be. The last time we saw each other was when you were boarding my plane a few months ago to head to the Mercenary Empire. Since then, I went on an expedition and was almost killed. After that, my responsibilities shifted. I'm now taking care of the logistics for every human Empire as well as every Empire on the animal continent. The entire world is at war, and I got myself wrapped up in it."


"I don't regret my decisions. And now that I was able to save you two because of my bracelets makes me glad I did everything. But that brings us to now. Both of you have a choice. Although there's still the demon threat, you can take any path in life you want. If you don't want to fight, you don't have to. If you do, I can ensure your safety. You'd be able to go onto the battlefield knowing you'll never be in any mortal danger. 

And there's another thing I can do. Mara, I know how much you care about those around you. You're a good person, and that showed at the hospital when you were constantly healing people. I can make you something. A staff. An accessory. A suit. An object that can assist in your healing. I would employ Luna's help in order to make it so that it suits you perfectly and can drastically boost your abilities. But if I'm going to make it for you, it's gonna have to get used. I know you must hate the fact that anybody dies with you around..."



Arrina spoke as Dream touched on a sensitive topic, making Mara tear up some. He just shook his head though.

"I'm just saying it as it went. I know it sucks, but it happened. However, I can give you the ability to become stronger. I can widen the path for you. I may not be able to help you save everyone, but I can make the task a little less impossible for you. That is, if you want to take up such a task."


"This offer is open only if you want it. You'd have to go back to the battlefield and see more people die. But at least then, you'd have a better chance of saving them."


"You don't need to answer now. You two are tired and need a couple days of rest before doing anything. You can take those bands on your arm. They'll allow us to communicate and act just like bracelets. This ship will also take you to wherever you wish. If you need a place to stay, I can make arrangements."

"No, it's fine. You can just send us to the Sword School. Merlin is there."

"Alright. Go there, rest, and take however long you two need to give me your answer. Whatever you want, whatever path you want to go down."

"...Thanks, Dream."

"Sure. Hugs?"


"Ah, come on. Bring it in."

Getting up, Dream went over to them and brought them close. Arrina just sighed and gave in, and Mara hesitated for a bit before also letting herself be held.

After a bit, they separated. Dream looked at the two.

"Hmm, you know, I'm surprised."

"About what?"

"Neither of you got boyfriends yet. Ever thought about getting yourselves some boy toys?"

"B-boy toys? What do you mean?"

"Hehe, don't play dumb. You guys are adults. Don't tell me you've never thought about getting yourselves some dudes and settling down a bit. Anyone catch your eye yet? Mara?"

"U-uhh... well..."

"What's this? Is that a blush? Could Mara have a crush on someone?"

"N-No! I mean... I don't know..."

"Hahaha! I've seen everything I need to. Arrina! You gotta make sure she doesn't shy away. You're her wing girl. Same for you Mara. If Arrina snares herself a dude, you gotta help out. And hey, if you guys end up getting partners and want to settle down in a house on a lake, just hit me up and I'll get you whatever you need. Capisce?"


"Great! I only wish I could see the guy who caught Mara's eye. Now, you two get going. Merlin is worried sick."

"Oh, right."

"Then see you guys later."

Saying bye, Dream stepped off the ship that lifted off moments after. Soon, it was flying off into the distance.

"So? How'd it go?"

A little later, Luna and Iris came walking up to him having finished off the captives.

"Good. I'm basically giving them the chance to become whoever they wish to be. Not something people often get."

"Hah! I'll say. All they had to do was fight a few battles, get captured by the demons for a day, get saved, and now they're getting anything they wish for? I say you're giving them too much."

"It's not really any skin off my back. Either way, hopefully, they're happy, and so am I."

"Very well. Hey, guess what."


"We did it. Our class advancement. Our Magic crossed into S tier, and I also maxed out my skill. I think we're finally ready to advance!"

Iris smiled excitedly as the same blood colored mana from the battle streamed out of her. It was liquid mana unique to Iris, one that was appropriate considering her fighting style. And when it emerged, the mana around it was disturbed and pulled into it, as if being sucked in by a black hole. The surrounding temperature also rose, a result of her fiery nature.

Luna also couldn't hold back her excitement as she streamed out her own liquid mana. Though they didn't know why, both of them seemed to share the same stats, so Luna was capable of doing the same thing Iris was. Hers was blue and silver like liquid ice that seemed to freeze the air around it. At the same time though, it emitted an aura of healing and vitality, glowing with a soft light that felt comfortable to look at.


I've got a birthday party to go to, so I posted rather early today. I might also post tonight depending on whether I have the energy after the party. 

By the way, I've added another tier to the Patreon. Wanted to offer a lower cost to people. And this definitely isn't like advertising or anything, but I'm super stoked to get to chap 177. I can say for sure that from then on, things are gonna get wild. 

We're getting close guys. Big things are coming.

Oh! And I'm also rewriting the beginning chapters. I'm done thinking about how bad it is. I'm gonna make it better. It won't change much though. Just give a better introduction. I'm thinking it'll only be the first 20 chapters aka their time in the woods. I'll also post it all at once. Maybe then those bad reviewers might give it another chance.

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