Origin Seeker

Chapter 183 – Task

After the battle at the stronghold, the Human Empires made a full retreat. They hunkered down in the cities and didn't come out. However, they were still able to find out about the nukes. It was difficult to hide such destructive weapons anyway.

Dream made sure to do exactly as he said. No demon settlement was spared except for the ones with less than a few million. Those would be either taken out by his soldiers or the girls. All in all, none were spared, and within a week, most of the demons on the demon continent had been wiped out of existence. 

The whole thing caused Dream to sigh. He hadn't kept the war going out of personal gain. He wanted to let the Empires strengthen. That's what was so different about this world. Unlike how it used to be on Earth, conflict didn't only or mostly result in negatives. Here, whoever won the conflict would come out with many gains in the form of strength. In fact, during the war there had been 3 humans from the Empires who became class 4's. It wasn't much, but that wouldn't have happened unless there had been war. 

It was a weird balance, and Dream wasn't experienced with that way of thinking. That's why he hadn't gone full force and let the armies do their thing. It was a way for them to get experience. He thought that was good. He thought that's what they would and should want. And he wasn't wrong. Many did want the improvement. But after it got to a certain point, people began to weigh in the gains and losses. And the fall of the Mercenary Empire was when people began to wish for the end of the war. It brought about immense suffering and grieving. 

But it wasn't like they knew Dream could end the war by himself. They thought that the only way to end the suffering was to get rid of the demons. And it was. So they steeled themselves with renewed vigor and kept fighting.

And seeing that, Dream held back and let them do their thing. Sure he would support, but only some. It was mostly the armies that did the killing. Unless something like another fall of an Empire happened, he wouldn't step in. But with this recent battle at the landbridge, he knew it was time. 

The human Empires received a major blow. They lost most of their class 4's and armies. Nearly all of their elite combat power had been at that battle, and most of them died. Overall, they were significantly weakened, something that couldn't be recovered from in a short time. It was because of this that Dream stepped in the way he did. He wouldn't make them fight anymore. 

Whether their loss was because of his negligence or not, he didn't know. He didn't think he did anything wrong. The demons just got them too good. They had been more devious than any of them would've expected. And they paid dearly for it. Both sides did. 

As for the animal armies, on the day of the battle when they found that humans were converted, Luna and Iris headed over to the encampment outside the landbridge. The reason was so they could find the class 4's that had been assassinated but survived. They knew they had probably been converted, and they didn't want anyone dying from some assassination. 

Unfortunately, the demons were one step ahead. When the humans turned traitor, the converted animals at the other bridge were notified. And after sending a signal to the demon stronghold, the class 4's inside actually came out to attack the encamped armies. This led to an immediate surprise battle, catching all of them off guard and leading to many deaths, especially since the animals had sent reinforcements to the humans. 25 class 4 deaths occurred. After that battle, only around 35 class 4's remained, all of whom escaped. The armies also retreated but were almost totally wiped out. It was a very similar scene to what happened on the human side. 

Overall, the animal Empires were similarly weakened significantly with much of their army being killed. They didn't have Dream's support as he had only been prepared to assist the human battle, so their armies couldn't escape with suicidal humanoids drawing the demons away. 

And so, all Empires across the world had come out with deep wounds. But if there was any consolation, it was that Dream finally took care of the demon threat. He also notified everyone about this, not withholding the fact in order for them to be content with their retreat and recuperation. 

But hearing how he single-handedly ended the war, the class 4's of both sides weren't sure what to think. To end the demons so easily and quickly baffled them all, and it made them think that Dream had them fighting for no reason. It felt like he manipulated them so as to weaken them. He was never seen out in public, nobody knew where he went, and he ran everything from the shadows, choosing whether or not to support them. It made them feel like bugs, as if he had them dancing in the palm of his hand, watching them fight and die for amusement. 

Because of this, no matter how Dream tried to explain himself, the class 4's started to turn on him. They were pissed, and he could understand why. But it wasn't like he could explain his orbital railguns, which were the main reason he could do what he did, in a way they could understand. Such concepts were foreign to them. 

And because of this, the situation spiraled out of control. People began to spread news about what he did. Then the news got skewed, making it look like he did nothing to prevent hundreds of millions from dying at the Mercenary Empire and throughout all the battles fought. They said that he wanted to take all the power for himself, killing all the class 4's so he could rule all the Empires. 

Such news and rumors couldn't stop from spreading, nor would Dream try to do so. He could only shake his head and watch as he was rejected by the Empires as a whole. 

While the animal Empires were better, they were still wary of him. But because of how he wasn't as involved as in the human Empires, it didn't take nearly as drastic of a turn. They just remained vigilant. 


Like that, 2 months passed. By now, hate for the name Dream was rooted in the hearts of many citizens. Not all of them, but a majority. Some who were more rational about it realized that he had indeed wiped out the demons. This was good for them all. Unfortunately, many people were too scared or angry or grief-stricken to accept that. 

The man himself only sighed though. He was independent in the first place. They had no power over him, and no amount of bad rumors would affect him. This was probably the thing those class 4's found scariest, and one of the big reasons they turned. 

Two people were not happy at all about the whole thing though. They were Luna and Iris, both of whom knew best how Dream had gone about things. 

"I can't believe they're slandering you like that. You wipe out the demons and you get hate? How messed up is that?! Should you have just let the demons continue their advance? Then all the Empires definitely would have been wiped out!" 

Iris snarled in rage as she thought about the whole situation. To react the way they did made her feel much less sympathy over the fact that hundreds of millions died. 

"It's fine. It doesn't matter anyway. They're safe, and if hating me helps people cope, then so be it. They're innocent in all this, and I'm not completely in the right either."

"What do you mean not in the right? The fall of the Mercenary Empire wasn't your fault and you didn't have the railgun built in time. In fact, as soon as you finished it you used it to drive back the advancing demon armies. And while you didn't destroy the stronghold at the bridge, nobody saw that flip coming. If not for that, we would be smoothly advancing into the continent, and the armies would have wiped the demons out themselves, taking all the glory. I bet after that, they would have tossed you away anyway."

"Maybe, but that also would've been fine. Again, what can they do against me? I just made sure to do my part. They can think whatever they want."

"Hmph. You're too nice. If not for you stopping me, those little bitch class 4's would've been beaten to a pulp. They'd be bowing down to you in apology."

"And then I'd be a tyrant. Just let them recover. No matter what, a lot of people died, and I'm partially responsible. I didn't do as much as I should've, and people paid for it."

"Again! Stop blaming yourself! You did nothing wrong! Were you supposed to be able to see the future?!"

"*sigh* Nevermind. Let's just drop it... We've got nothing to worry about now, so we better get comfortable with being idle."

"Idle? You've been working nonstop on another construction project. You haven't slept or been to the dome in 5 weeks. Doesn't look very idle to me."

Iris looked at him worriedly as he floated around in the air. He was currently working on... something. Iris wasn't sure what. But he had been working on it without rest for a long time. It was clear that he was stressed, and even his aura was weaker, but he had refused several times to stop.

"It helps me recover my strength."

"...I understand that. I just... Come rest with us. Please? You need to relax."

"She's right Dream. We've been worried. Come home for a bit. Get some sleep. Can you do that for us?"

As she spoke, Luna came over to him and grabbed his head with her hands, combing back his hair. After being silent for a bit, Dream nodded. Both girls smiled at that and proceeded to bring him to the dome where they immediately went to bed. 

Dream knocked out not even 5 minutes later.



During this time, in another realm, there was another world. The world was massive, much larger than Earth. It also had a larger population than that of Earth, with various peoples, kingdoms, and Empires scattered across the world.

In one area of the world stood a hill. It was an ordinary hill with grass and some trees and flowers. It was a very serene place. On top of this hill was a residence, not big like a mansion, but not as small as a cabin. It looked very humble and nowhere did it exude the aura of extravagance.

In this residence was an amiable looking bald man who wore comfortable robes. He was reading a book, but would occasionally mumble to himself.

"Hmm... She should be back pretty soon. So long as she controlled herself, everything should have gone well."



Out of nowhere, a voice filled the residence. The bald man's eyes went wide as he felt the new presence. He quickly closed the book, stood up, and humbly bowed.

"Sir, Corvatsch is at your service."

{I have a small task for you. There is a man. A Seeker named Dream. He is currently in the outer cosmos, and in one year and 10 months, you will need to go there and transport him to another world in the outer cosmos.}

"I understand."

{Good. After that is finished, you will come back and then transport your apprentice to that same world. She has relations with that man, and after being brought to that world, the two shall unite once more.}

"I understand."

{Inform her about the arrangements. However, there is a condition. If your apprentice doesn't pass a trial that I shall give her before the time arrives, she will not be allowed to go to that world.}

"I understand."

{That is all. The details are on your parchment. I hope she doesn't disappoint, for her sake and his.}

After that, the voice faded and the presence vanished. The bald man, Corvatch, rose from his bow and took out a parchment, reading it quickly before putting it away. 


On the same world, a woman walked down a street. This street was within a large city, and it was bustling with many people. 

As the woman walked through the street though, the surrounding chatter quieted a bit as many people turned to look at her. Both fear and awe shone in their eyes. 

"The Little Ghost..."

"She's from the assassin's syndicate. I heard she went out on a job. Looks like she's done. I wonder how many heads she took."

"Last time she wiped out an entire slaving business when she was only supposed to kill a manager."

"Such a ruthless woman... But she's so cute!"

As people talked all around her, the woman just walked through the street while ignoring everyone. If it were up to her, she would just disappear from everyone's view. But disappearing like that wasn't really allowed in this city. She was used to it though, and kept walking until she reached a certain building. The sign on it said 'Syndicate'.

After entering it, all the eyes inside fell on her, though only for a moment. After a second, they all turned away to go back to what they were doing. Clearly these people were much more restrained. 

The woman walked over to a counter before taking out and setting down a piece of paper. The receptionist looked at the paper and then the girl.


"I wouldn't be here otherwise."

"...Drop off your heads in the back room."

"There's only one."

"So you were able to hold back huh? Let me see it."

Nodding, the woman took out a box and set it on the counter. The receptionist looked inside for a second.

"It's a match. Good job. Your payment will be processed soon."

"Then I'll be going."

Turning and leaving, the woman simply walked out of the Syndicate building.

After walking out though, she felt a transmission to her mind.

"Come to my abode."

Freezing up for a second, the woman looked over to a certain direction and started walking. 

After a while, the woman had traversed some land and came upon the residence on the hill. After knocking on the door, she was let inside, upon which she made her way to a study where the bald man was. 

"Come in."

Walking inside the study, the woman stood to one side quietly as the man read his book and sipped a weird drink out of a cup. After a while of quiet waiting, he finally spoke.

"Come sit. You did good on your last assignment."

"Thank you, sir. Do you have another for me?"

Smiling, the woman sat across from the bald man as she asked, also taking a glass of the same weird drink from a small table and sipping it with delight. As she got comfortable though, the man hesitated a bit.

"...I don't have an assignment for you, but someone else does. I have a question. Do you know any Seekers?"

"Seekers? I've only ever seen two, let alone got to know them. They're pretty legendary after all. So no, I don't."

"I see... Another question. Do you know a man named Dream?"


After the question, the cup in the woman's hand was crushed to pieces, spilling the drink on the floor. She looked visibly shaken, but she calmed herself before looking at the man.

"...What Dream are you talking about?"

"A man from the outer cosmos, the same place you came from. Looks like you do know him. Then I'll keep this straight forward."


"You've been given a chance from the man above to see this person. In one year and 10 months. However, there's a condition. You must pass a trial that he has set aside for you before that time comes. Should you fail, you will not be allowed to go. And considering the nature of the trial, failure may also mean death."

"I'll do it. What's the trial?"

The woman spoke quickly, anxiousness, excitement, and longing already in her voice. The man shook his head though. 

"Don't be hasty. This trial will require the utmost planning, all of your skill, your potential, and then some. You're only a class 4, and honestly, I'm not sure you'll be able to do it."

"I'll do it. Just tell me what it is, master. The sooner I start, the better."

The woman stood and bowed to the man with a clasped fist almost as if she were begging. The bald man's eyes went a little wide as a bit of surprise covered his face, though he soon just closed his eyes and snorted. 

"...Hmph. You listen close, and then take a few days to contemplate. There's a plane within Hell's territory. A kingdom controlled by a Demon Lord. He has an item, and you must take it. Should you succeed, you will get the promised transportation as well as the item itself. But failure... I'm sure you can imagine what failure means. Do you understand the severity of the task you wish to undertake? If so, go meditate for the next 3 days... Don't come out until your mind is less turbulent."

Waving, the bald man sent her away with a mysterious power. She soon disappeared from the study and reappeared in another empty room.


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