Origin Seeker

Chapter 186 – Beginning Of The End

After they disappeared from the factory, the girls soon reappeared next to Dream who was making his way to the human continent.


"We'll go down and sweep some of the areas with the soldiers. After getting a good estimate of how dense the class 4's are, we can gauge their overall strength and determine if we can safely fight them like this. If things are within the realm of acceptability, then you two can go around all you like and fight them."


"Things should be good though. Although I'm already getting batches of my soldiers destroyed, it's showing that the class 4's aren't that dense. Dense enough to wipe out my soldiers on a wide scale, but not enough to worry about gangs of 100 coming after you. So let's check out some land and see if that's right."

Saying that, Dream flew them to the outer lands of the continent where the demons were advancing. After arriving above the armies that spanned as far as the eye could see, he dropped down and released his mana as far as it could go, covering a few hundred kilometers of area. 

"30...70...145...260...380...422. So a bit over 400 class 4's, and they've all detected me."

"Uhh, is that bad?" (Iris)

"We definitely can't handle 400 demons at once, so let's pull in this aura of mine."

With that, Dream pulled back his influence and mana, becoming invisible as if he were never there. 

"Hmm. 400 demons in a few hundred kilometers of area. I'd say there's easily thousands, if not a few tens of thousands. And that's just on this continent. The other continent would have around the same."

"...Are we able to fight them?"

"I would think so as long as you keep it in one small area. Don't go announcing your presence to the world as you won't have to deal with more than 50. Does that sound reasonable?"

"Hmph. We're not the same as a year ago when we couldn't handle all those demons at the landbridge battle. Although it'll take some time and effort, we could take care of them."

"Alright. Then here's what we'll do. You two will go around killing them, and I'll run some errands. There's a lot of building I need to do, some that may require your guys' help as well. We may have a bit over a week before the demons surround the empires, but until then, many kingdoms and villages are going to get wiped out... Maybe that's another thing you guys can do. Go around to the frontlines where the demons are wreaking havoc and task some ships to transport the populations of the kingdoms or villages you find to the Mountain."

"Okay. That won't be hard. But what if the citizens don't want to go? Your image still isn't very clean from all that slandering the Empires did. Plus, it's not easy for people to just up and go."

"Then force them. If they refuse to budge, use the bots to overpower them and force them onto the ships. Each load should have a ratio of 1/2 men vs women if there's not enough space to fit everyone. Use the soldiers to quell resistance."

"...Isn't that large scale kidnapping?"

"Yes, it is. But I don't really care. They can treat their survival as payment towards me for the assistance they don't have a choice in receiving. It's either that, or you leave them all to die. Either way, the kingdom is going to be destroyed. Decide whether you want no survivors or some unwilling ones."


"It's not like you have to do it personally though. You just need to defend the kingdom as the soldiers do their thing. Sophia will handle all the dirty work and guide you through things. Once you've filled the ships, you leave and find the next kingdom. The unlucky ones who don't get loaded on a ship... My soldiers will stand guard and defend them for a while. Is that fine?"

"Yes. We're saving them, even if the methods are crude. Like you said, better to have unwilling survivors than none. We weren't worried about the kidnapping part. It's just the leftovers that we feel a bit bad for. But we'll take care of it. Nothing we can't handle." (Luna)

"Thanks. If you need anything, just let Sophia know. Now, be careful fighting and don't get caught off guard."

"Of course."

"Then I'm gonna head out. I've got a sanctuary to make."

Saying that, Dream flew off, leaving the girls to their devices. They watched his back for a bit before looking down at the advancing hordes. 

"...We should start at the frontlines like he said. There's plenty of kingdoms that need to be moved. Sophia, are there ships we can use?"

[Of course. I can task 1500. The others are actually already out enacting Dream's plan of large scale abduction.]

"Ok. We'll take them. Give us the nearest kingdom in danger. We'll help them first."

[Location marked.]


Nodding, Luna and Iris looked at each other before flying off in another direction.


After a bit of flying, Dream eventually arrived in the airspace above the Dwarven Empire all the way on the animal continent. After overlooking everything for a while, he nodded. 

"...We'll build the sanctuary in this place. It'll have to be much bigger than than what's here though. The enchantments will also have to cover the whole thing. We'll need the materials to sustain that..."

[Materials shouldn't be too much of a problem depending on how many you plan on keeping here.]

"As many as we can. Worst case, we only have around a hundred million. Best case won't be more than 600 million. Even sustaining such a number would be difficult, let alone protecting them in one place."

[...Are you talking about the total population?]

"Animal and human, yes. I don't think it's possible to have much more optimism than that. The demons are too widespread, and my soldiers are constantly being wiped out. They won't last long, even with us pumping more out. We can only defend so much area. Everything else will be destroyed."

[...If we're going to make a single stronghold capable of housing, sustaining, and protecting even 300 million, we're going to need everything at our disposal and then some. Lots of food, a source of water, a massive amount of materials to encompass everything, and the most powerful enchantments we can muster. It'll take time too.]

"I know. If it takes everything, then so be it. As for time, we just have to move as fast as possible. Now, I plan to put everything here. Underground is the safest option. And while space would work just as well, it would be impossible to sustain everyone's needs. And since the dwarves already have a place, we'll use it as the foundation."

[We would want to go deeper though. The dwarven city is too shallow and won't provide much natural defense. We'll want to go about 5km down. That would be sufficient.]

"That's fine. Prepare the necessary mining teams and bring them here. In the mean time, I'll go talk to that chieftain. Hopefully he'll bend and help me, otherwise we'll have problems."

Going down with a solemn face, Dream quickly flew into the cave that led down to the underground city. After bypassing all walls and passageways with stealth, he approached the outside of the castle in the center of the city. He then undid his stealth and released his aura, scanning over every person inside the castle.

"Chieftan. It's Dream.

"....Dream? The last time you came, you were an avatar."

"I'm here now, and we have things to discuss."

"...Indeed we do. Come in. I'll assemble everyone."

Nodding, Dream flew into the castle. After taking his time walking for a few minutes, he eventually came upon a room. He entered, and inside was a large table with 14 dwarves around it. Dream scanned them all, and as he walked over, he spoke.

"...How many did you lose?"

"We had 22. Everyone here is what's left. That battle at the bridge...was painful. For everyone."

"I'm sorry. Unfortunately, what's going on now is far worse than before."

"I know. You sent us the details. Even now I still find it hard to believe."

"Well, we have no room for doubts. We also have no room for pondering solutions, and this is why I'm here today."

Dream spoke with a low and serious voice. And although he retracted his aura, the other dwarves felt subconscious pressure as he took a seat.

"I'll speak directly. The world is facing extinction. Millions have already died. I'm already moving all my resources and doing everything within my power to save as many people as possible, but it won't be enough. The demons will overrun all Empires in only two weeks at most, and because of that, there's no truly safe place for anybody to take refuge. However, I have a plan, and you guys are a part of it."

"...You wish to build a haven, I presume?"

"Yes. One that's underground. Like your city, but a few times deeper. It also needs to be able to house and sustain a few hundred million for the foreseeable future."

"...Are you asking for help?"

"I'm asking for cooperation. I don't necessarily need the help. I've got the manpower necessary. But I understand that this will be a significant change for your entire Empire. I plan to house all survivors here, human and animal alike. The rest of the world will turn into a demon-infested wasteland, and only this place will hold life. It'll have to support everyone for the years to come. It'll have to survive the attacks of the demons. At least, until I find a solution to the problem."

"...I see. There will be immense conflict though. The people will have trouble coexisting. Territories will be disputed. Supplies will be fought over. It will be an unprecedented upheaval, and that's not considering the conflicts between the class 4's."

"I'm pretty sure I would be able to take care of all that. I've got the armies that can control the populous. Things will be distributed appropriately. Everything's going to be fair. As for the class 4's, I believe I have the power to keep them under check."


"Simple. I will have control of the entire haven. Only my enchantments and constructs can create a suitable haven, and therefore, they will all be under my control. If they want to create chaos, rebel, fight, or whatever, then they can be thrown out. I have the power to do that. As for the ordinary people, they don't have the qualifications to resist."

"...You're planning to become the absolute overlord of the world's populations. That's a bit tyrannical."

"It's necessary. We don't have the luxury to fight amongst ourselves. We don't have the luxury of time. I have the power to enact a plan of mine, and I intend to do so whether people like it or not."

"So this discussion is merely a formality? You're not truly asking us to cooperate?"

"No. I'm asking whether you're going to stand with me or against me. There's no in-between. As far as I'm concerned, you guys are going to be the only ones who I'm ever going to ask. As for everyone else, they can either submit and receive entry into the haven, or refuse and try their luck against the demons."


"Of course, there's a major benefit with me coming to you guys. More of your population will be able to survive. Everyone else will have to migrate with as many people as they can. But since you're already here, you'll get more space. You'll have to live under my roof, but at least you have a better outlook for the future. Otherwise, I'll go to another plot of land or even the human continent and make my haven there."

"We'll help."

Suddenly, the chieftain spoke up. He looked at Dream with a solemn but determined gaze. 

"I have no problems with this place being the foundation of your haven. I'll employ as many dwarves as possible to assist you alongside your men. Just tell us your plans and what to do."

"...Thank you. But what about the others."

Dream looked over to the other dwarves. The chieftain shook his head though. 

"Nobody will disagree. If they do, you can deal with them as you see fit. The same goes for the citizens. I'm handing over jurisdiction to you."

"I see. Then I'll take it. But you still have the responsibility of managing your people. I can't do that on a whim."

"Of course."

"Good. Then there are two things you need to do right now. First, proclaim the decision and plans to your people. Second, open the gates for my men to come through. We have no time to waste, and operations are going to begin within the hour."

"I understand."

"Mm. While you do that, I've got something to do. Anything you need to know including all the plans for the haven will be given to you on your bracelet. Familiarize yourself, but don't act yet. I'm probably not going to need your help, and all I'll need are your people to stay out of the way.

"Of course."

"Then I'll be off... You've made the right decision chieftain. Believe me when I say that I'm not doing this for myself."


With that, Dream walked out of the room and left the city, flying back up to the factory. The chieftain sat there alongside the other class 4's. 

"Chief. Are we really giving him all that power? His plan is truly the most tyrannical one I've ever heard."

After a bit of silence, one of the other dwarves spoke up with concern. Some others nodded in agreement.

"Indeed. Wouldn't we be able to make our own haven too? Why must we turn our city into a refugee asylum?"


Growling, the chieftain quieted everyone who started to speak up.

"The demons are not so easily avoided. All civilizations on this planet are going to be wiped out. You all have seen the information. Now, although it's sudden, Dream has come to us with a plan to save as many people as possible. A plan for a sanctuary. The last stand we will have against the demons. He came to us with the plan. If he hadn't and had chosen to make his own haven, we would've had to transport the remnants of our dying Empire over to his haven, likely utilizing his help for that as well. Can you not look into the future and see what will become of the world?"


"Put aside your ambitions. Destroy your doubts. This is a time where we need unity more than anything else. Dream has already proven himself reliable in the war against the demons a year ago. When the tide was turned against us, he went as far as to wipe them out himself, allowing the world to recover in peace. Now, the world is once again threatened, and he has come back with a plan. Do you really believe a man with such power, independence, and capability would come to us with this plan for his own personal gain? He's doing this for the world, likely out of some sense of responsibility or guilt, and we have to opportunity to benefit most. 

More importantly though, are you really so selfish as to shut the world out? An opportunity has come to help millions, and you wish to shut ourselves away? Let's have a sense of compassion for once. Now, we need to prepare ourselves and our people. It's time for us to contribute to the world, to prepare to stand against the demons. This is the beginning of the end, and we must not let the sacrifice of the villages, cities, kingdoms, and Empires around the world go to waste. Take up this responsibility so that others may have the hope of seeing tomorrow.

Are you with me?"

With that, the chieftain looked at the people beside him not as rulers or competitors, but as comrades. They were also looking back at him, doubts quenched and the flames of determination burning in their eyes.

"I am with you Chief!"

"We will fight them together, Chief. We must save the world!"

"We will stand together. We are mighty dwarves! There's nothing we can't handle! There's nothing we can't do!"

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