Origin Seeker

Chapter 235 – Newlyweds

Luna, Iris, and Alice gazed at the rings on their finger. They could feel Dream's aura directly from the ring itself, as if he were within the ring. Technically, that wasn't a false assumption. 

After the soul bond was created and finished, Dream analyzed what exactly it did. The bond cut out a part of his soul and placed it within another person. Dream had altered this part and formed that chunk of soul into a ring. Thus, three pieces of his soul were among the three rings. These rings were then connected to the others. However, it wasn't a simple cut and paste. 

For some reason, Dream could sense those pieces of his soul within the girls, as if those pieces were still a part of him. And because those pieces were also imprinted among the girls, he could feel the girls' souls. This was the connection. It wasn't much different from directly connecting one soul to another. 

The girls had also given three pieces of their soul, giving it to the others. Thus, they were all connected. However, Dream was definitely the one with the greatest connection strength. This was because he was the catalyst by which the bond was placed down in the first place. They could feel him more deeply than the others. 

They didn't mind this at all, and the three indulged in the newfound sensation. Their feelings flowed between each other, strengthening their bond another level. This was especially so for Alice. She had never felt such an intimate connection before, and she was almost swept away. 

The angel Giros watched, waiting patiently for the process to finish. While he didn't know exactly, he could make a guess as to what just happened. Though, he was shocked by what he saw. A soul contract was an incredibly rare and valuable item, especially one that could affect those at the level Dream was at. For someone who had been in the outer cosmos his entire life, Dream shouldn't even know what a soul contract was, let alone have a high level one. 

However, this also meant Giros knew nothing about Corvatsch, or the god behind him. In actuality, these dealings were way above his level. The reason he made a big deal about Dream being a Seeker was because Seekers were exceptionally rare, only being heard about in stories or legends. To meet one was an honor. Beyond that though, he knew nothing about what a Seeker truly was. Not even Dream knew much about what it meant to be one. 

Giros suddenly reevaluated Dream, assuming he had some kind of support or backing in the inner universe. He wanted to find out what connection Dream had with the inner universe, but now wasn't the time. He also didn't want to anger Dream by snooping around. They may have been a bit friendly, but they weren't close. Dream clearly had secrets, and Giros didn't feel like poking a bear. This was especially so after realizing Dream's power. He wouldn't feel confident in a battle even as a class 5. 

Soon, the husband and wives came back to reality. Giros raised his hands and wings. 

"The rings have been borne, and the bond is made! May glory and prosperity bless you husband and wives for an eternity to come! Dream, you may kiss your brides."

Giros announced, and Dream faced his wives. Suddenly, he was caught in a dilemma. Which one should he kiss first? This was a hard problem to solve, but luckily he was a quick thinker. 

As the girls were wondering which he would go to first, Dream brought up his hands. His figure shook before two copies of him were made, each identical to the other. Everyone in the hall was stunned. 

"You had this kind of ability?"

Luna gawked, unsure of how to feel about this. The Dreams chuckled.

"I just thought of it."

"Which one is the real you?"

"Less questions, more kisses."

Smiling deviously, the Dreams moved forward, taking each of the girls and landing a big kiss on their lips. The three were swept off their feet in different ways. Meanwhile, the actual Dream stood behind them all. He was in his spiritual form, hidden in a higher dimension. 

Those three Dreams were copies of his shell. It wasn't exactly hard to replicate his shell. Unfortunately, he only had one spirit body, so he had to go between them and kiss them with his real lips one by one. Of course, they couldn't tell. Dream just didn't want the scene to be awkward with him having to choose one first.

There was one person who could see through his little trick though. Dream's senses were able to see Corvatsch staring at him with a smile. The man had been sitting among the others like a friendly uncle the entire time, not catching any attention. 

Dream figured Corvatsch could see through this easily, so he could only pretend to not notice. Soon, he finished his kisses, and the shells retracted back into one. The girls decided to let the matter of his clones go as they simply enjoyed the moment. Besides, when his spirit kissed them, they could feel the difference. For now, they didn't know who was kissed first, and they didn't press it.

Music started playing, and Dream walked down the aisle with Luna, Iris, and Alice. They were now officially married.

"7 years! Lord, how I've waited for this!"

Luna smiled as they walked, unable to contain her absolute glee. The other two were the same, their brilliant smiles scrunching up their cute faces. 

Dream also couldn't contain his smile. It was like the happiness of his wives was infecting him over their newfound connection that was deeper than ever before. 

The four walked down the aisle, and people began to arise from their seats. However, Luna didn't exit the building, instead turning around as she reached the end of the aisle. 

"Ladies and gentlemen, the ceremony isn't over yet. If you could please stand."

Luna announced, and those who hadn't already began to stand up. Once everyone was out of their seats, Luna waved her arms. 

Suddenly, the shards of the tower began to swirl, while the walls around them came crumbling down. Everyone was stunned as fragments of material whirled around them like a hurricane. 

Then, without anyone knowing how, the fragments melded back together, forming a glorious structure around them. The whole place had expanded. Tables were built with white cloth tops and chairs, a stage was formed, food seemed to serve itself on platters, and music began to play.

Everyone found themselves standing in the center of a vast banquet hall that glowed with a bright but comfortable light. The place seemed to radiate a sense of festivity. Surprisingly, there were no more walls. The ceiling was magically suspended while the outside paradise was in full view, beckoning everyone over. The children's eyes started to glow, but they held themselves back from running outside to play. 

Luna smiled.

"Everyone, please find a place to sit and enjoy yourselves. The outside gardens are free to roam, food is plentiful, and the night is young. And for the adults..."

Luna went quiet as she playfully whispered.

"The bar is in the back."

"Haha! Miss Luna knows how to throw a party!"

"First come first served for the food!"

"Crap! Get out of my way!"

With that, the party began. Hearing that they were given free rein, children were quick to run into the gardens, while parents hurriedly piled into the food court and bar. The festive atmosphere quickly took over. 

Some came to congratulate Dream and the girls as they took to their own activities. Dream was quick to walk over to a chocolate fountain, picking up fruits and stuffing his face with deliciousness. Those there spoke to him about how amazing it was that he had three wives. 

Luna walked herself over to grab some food. Many of her friends and business acquaintances came to her to congratulate and talk. She was soon seated at a table with many others, the subjects shifting from business to politics to future plans. Nobody there was one to engage in mindless chatter, so their topics were filled with depth. 

As for Iris and Alice, they found themselves at the bars. Iris was constantly cheering with the crowd of people there. Meanwhile, Alice stuck behind the bar, mixing drinks and taking orders. Not many people paid her much heed, but she actually enjoyed this. It gave her a sense of mystery, something she was well aware of and liked to indulge in. She played the classy, quiet bartender part for a while until Corvatsch came and started his own talk with her. 

As all the adults engaged in their own mature fun, the children and young teens were playing around as explorers, prancing through the mystical gardens like little deer. 

A group of two girls and two boys walked through some plants, coming upon a small pond in the midst of a clearing. The kids approached the pond, looking down at the crystal clear blue water. There they could see small and large fish that swam up to the edges where the kids bent down. The fish stuck their little heads above the surface as if they were beckoning to be pet. 

The kids were mesmerized as they reached out their little fingers to pet the fish, touching their wet but incomparably smooth scales. Some of the fish even had legs like amphibians, prompting them to climb out of the water and to the children. 

While the children were wary of being approached by animals, this paradise eased their minds to a great degree, almost eliminating any fear they had. And the animals proved to be non-hostile as well. They were incredibly friendly, rubbing their heads against the children's hands.

Not long after, the children heard rustling. They turned their heads to see a little creature pop out of a bush. This creature looked like a small cat with white fur and golden eyes. The only difference from normal cats were the wings on its back and the mana that swirled around it. 

This was an animal born of magical mutation. These animals could be found on Earth, and they had spawned after the dawn of mana. For this garden, Luna had collected many young creatures and brought them here. This was for a particular purpose. 

After exposing itself, the little cat creature spotted the children. Its eyes scanned them before pausing on one of the little girls. As if having made a decision, the cat carefully approached the girl. The girl was also quick to go to the cat, cautiously reaching out her hand to pet it. 

The cat accepted her, nudging its head into her palm. Its head fit perfectly in her hand, and the girl giggled in delight. The others tried to go and pet it as well, but before they approached, more of these creatures emerged. 

There were two other cats. One was blue and one was black. The two cats each seemed to pick a person. However, this left one child left who hadn't been chosen. 

Seeing his cousins make new animal friends, the child was bumed out. But before he could get too depressed, he felt a little splash of water on his leg. He turned behind him and saw one of the fish that had emerged from water. 

This fish was actually some kind of salamander. This little salamander had smooth but bold scales that gave off a green sheen. Its eyes were deep gold, narrow but friendly. If this child had an attunement to mana, he would be able to see mana swirl around this salamander. 

Not only that, but this salamander had little wings as well, just like the cats. They weren't unfurled, but clearly visible. If it weren't for its adorable appearance, one could mistake this for a tiny dragon. 

The child bent down to the salamander, reaching out his hand. The salamander scurried up the child's hand, not stopping there and climbing up his arm. The child was surprised before giggling as the salamander tickled his neck. The salamander stationed itself on the boy's shoulder, almost like a guard. 

With that, the four children seemed to have gained pets. And they weren't the only ones. There were many other children who were wandering the gardens, finding their own little animals. Some were furry animals like cats or wolves, while others were avian like birds, reptilian like lizards, or amphibious like the salamander. One child had even found a small bear. 

Each child who entered the gardens either found or had been found by an animal. This was actually by Luna's design. Every child out there was a part of Dream or Alice's family, and each of these animals held the potential to grow into incredibly strong beasts. This was especially true after they had been blessed by Luna, increasing their potential even further. 

Her idea was to supply these children, and by extension families, with a certain guardian. The animals were docile and would bond with their owners. They would also live for many years, some of their lifespans even surpassing normal humans. Many people on Earth, specifically Supers, would kill for pets like these. But instead, these children were freely receiving them, and they didn't even realize how special they were aside from their unique appearances. 

This was her little gift to these families. Of course, the parents might not see it that way at first, but they would be convinced. 

With the children making friends in the gardens, and the adults having a grand time in the banquet hall, the wedding blazed with a merry spirit. Everyone had a euphoric time, one that they hadn't experienced in many years. The adults felt like they were teens again as they chatted and laughed the night away. 

Surprisingly, without anyone knowing, the party lasted an entire 12 hours. It was only when Luna began to calm everyone down that they realized how long it had been. When they learned, they were shocked. 

Of course, them not realizing the passage of time was also by Luna's design. This place was special in that when people ate food, they weren't filled very quickly. When they drank, intoxication barely set in. When they danced, they didn't get tired. And as they bustled with activity for hours on end, their energy didn't deplete. It was like they had infinite vitality, thus enabling them to party for 12 hours straight. 

This was all due to the enchantments Luna had placed down. Given her power, while she couldn't match Dream's enchantments, she could make her own and supply it with her special power of vitalization. This power was infused into the entire island. Even Melody could feel it despite being a class 4. Naturally, anyone below her level would be greatly affected by it. 

When everyone learned that it had been so long, they decided that it was time to go. All children were called in from the gardens, but this event brought about another shock. With their appearance came dozens of odd creatures. The parents were stunned as their children introduced the friends they had been prancing around with for many hours. 

Unfortunately, the parents weren't quick to accept the new pets. It was here that Luna stepped in though. She talked to them, convincing them that they should take the animals. With her insistence and the revelation as to how valuable the animals were, the adults could only accept. 

Thus, everyone was loaded back on the ships and sent to Earth. Dream, Luna, Iris, and Alice were left on the island by themselves. Once the last ship took off and the island was cleared of all life, Dream sighed. 

"Well, that was something."



Hearing his name, Dream turned his head. He saw Iris looking at him with blazing eyes.

"Kiss me."

"Only if you kiss me first."

Dream smiled. Iris wasted no time before shooting toward him, grabbing his collar before pulling him toward her. The two locked lips, kissing as if they were mad at each other. 

Luna smiled wryly. She had felt Iris's anxiousness throughout the entire wedding. She had barely held back from pulling Dream away and jumping on him right then and there. Whatever they spoke about in private had lit a fire within her that could match the heat of the sun. 

Luna couldn't blame her though. In fact, she wasn't much better off. She couldn't help but bite her lip. They were all alone as newlyweds. There was only one thing they could do in this situation.

"It's baby making time!"

Iris shouted as she pulled away, basically echoing Luna's thoughts. Dream rolled his eyes.

"We just got married, give it a bit. That goes for you too, missy."


Luna's face turned incredulous as Dream focused on her. Realizing that he could almost read her thoughts though, she could only huff. Alice saw this and couldn't help but giggle. 

Iris couldn't bother with Dream's little retorts though and was quick to jump back on him. Eventually, Luna had to pry her off to get some sugar herself. Dream also went to Alice, making sure all three of his wives got some love.

Thus, the newlyweds began the process of finalizing their marriage, spending a few days to do so. Although, while on the surface of the sun, what was a day, really? They simply indulged in each other until they couldn't think of anything else.

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