Origin Seeker

Chapter 255 – Loyalty

Dream and Tersa returned to the planet. This time, the way Tersa looked at the world was much different. The way she looked at Dream also changed. She still retained her endlessly curious gaze, but she now looked at him with reverence and trust. 

After conversing a bit more, Tersa went back out to explore while Dream holed up in his factory. It was there that he began constructing ships and making true on his promises. He personally crafted the spear for the guardian as well, sending it off to find its master. 

Not long after, Dream was suddenly greeted with hundreds of ships, all of them filled to the brim with resources of all kinds. Vela personally headed this small fleet, and she delivered a large stack of papers to Dream. There were a few hundred, and all of them were the custom orders for the class 5's in the clan. It only took Dream a moment to scan them before he vaporized all the papers. With that, he had his work cut out for the next several days. 

The resources from the clan were all dumped into Dream's factory. The factory itself had stunned Vela, but she tactfully didn't ask any questions and just let Dream be. However, this was apparently only the first batch of material. Vela would send another in only a few days. Dream was a bit surprised by this, but smiled when he realized what she wanted. She wanted to make the most out of his power. It wasn't like he minded, only that he found it a bit humorous. 

After that, Dream was left totally alone. By himself, he was isolated with cold steel and profound power flowing around him. This was the first step in a massive leap of power for the Red Eye Clan.



Meanwhile, on a distant planet an unknown amount of lightyears away from Dream, Luna and Alice had begun making their own way. 

Their journey started when they were sucked into a space channel. The space channels they failed to dodge in the chaotic void were all channels created by the connection between two stable portals. So when they were sucked into one, the two women were carried along and ejected from a portal. 

Luna was smart and could easily guess what would happen. Portals could only be established by powerful groups, whether they be clans or empires and the like. Moreover, since not many people had the deep, comprehensive power that Dream did, the sheer power of the ones who created these portals were likely much higher than his. This meant that wherever they were spit out, they would be tossed into a lion's den. Luna could only hope that these lions were not immediately hostile. 

With those thoughts, she and Alice were carried out of the chaotic void. They felt a powerful force guide them and spit them out, and the two appeared in another world. 

Alice could also guess what was going on. Since it was an unfamiliar place, upon being ejected, she immediately retracted the suit around her and activated the fullest extent of her stealth abilities. Like that, she became a ghost that lingered by Luna's side. At the same time, Luna quickly took in the sights around her. When she did though, she was a bit stunned. 

After being ejected, Luna was subject to a myriad of chaotic forces in the atmosphere. Around her, hundreds and thousands of people were flying and running around, their auras dangerous and bloody. The skies were a blood red, and magical explosions boomed in the distance. 

"A warzone?"

Luna gawked at the conclusion she came to. However, there was yet another detail that stunned her. 

On all the people she saw flying around were large wings on their backs. Some had two pairs of wings while most had one pair. 

They were all angels.

"An angelic warzone... just where the hell did I get dropped..."

Luna pondered for a second. Meanwhile, various other angels were continually ejected from the portal behind her. These angels all had glorious armor, likely some kind of reinforcements. 

After some time though, Luna suddenly looked up, and an angel dropped in front of her.

"You! Who are you? Where is your commanding officer?"


Luna was silent as she saw this angel. The angel had the aura of a class 5, with a single pair of wings. However, he was clearly very powerful and had some authority. 

Luna quickly thought about her response. This situation was complicated, and it was too suspicious to be someone who accidentally came through this portal. She rapidly formed a story for herself.

"My name is Luna. I come here as reinforcement. I was told to find an officer to be assigned to a unit upon arrival."

Luna spoke calmly and with confidence. Despite being a class 4, she wasn't at all weak. She might not be weaker than this class 5 in front of her. She could even somewhat compare to Dream before they left, and he could instantly kill this class 5. Combined with the aura of a queen that she had accumulated over many years of ruling, she carried herself with unquestionable grace. The angel interrogating her, although a bit suspicious, didn't think she was some random nobody. Plus, Luna's exceptional beauty had an unconscious effect on his disposition toward her.

Before the angel could speak again, it was Luna who took the initiative. 

"You sir, what's your name and rank?"

"...My name is Tristan, Captain of the 2nd Company under the 1st Battalion."

"Understood. Well Captain, I was told to find a Colonel, but I'll take it upon myself to insert into your Company. I've come to support and assist, and it looks like you could use some help. Allow me to take care of your wounds."


Captain Tristan was surprised as Luna suddenly extended her hand. A blue light then wrapped around him, and he could feel his body be repaired and even his soul nourished. The fatigue he had been building up over the endless days of fighting was instantly washed away. He felt like a new man who could stand tall.

"This... you're a healer?"

"Indeed. As I said, I'm here to support and assist. However, if you're looking for my official rank and military standing, I don't have one. After all, I'm sure you've noticed I don't have any wings."

Luna smiled as she spun around, revealing the obvious lack of wings. The Captain was a little enraptured by her grace before shaking his head of unimportant thoughts. 

"You indeed aren't an angel. Yet you're still here."

"Yes. I've been brought on as external help. I guess you can think of me as a mercenary, only a bit less crude. I will act as your medic and can assist in tactical planning if you so wish."

"...I see."

The Captain rubbed his chin, pondering the odd situation. Luna wasn't one to give him time to think though, so she clapped and pulled his attention.

"Well then, Captain Tristan. I will follow you. Please lead the way. I'm sure there are many things to do in this war-torn area."

"Oh, yes. Come, I will take you to my company."

Remembering the list of tasks he was supposed to be doing, Captain Tristan let out a breath and waved, taking to the air. Luna smiled as she followed close behind. 

With the chaos in the air, Luna didn't attract much attention to herself. Only those who weren't busy enough and observed their surroundings spotted the graceful Luna who flew in the air. Compared to the armored soldiers and bloody aura running rampant, she was like a soft beacon of vitality. Just by looking at her would one feel their mind relax.

Like this, Luna was taken to a small stronghold. The Captain spoke a bit along the way. 

"I command three platoons worth 200 men in total. We're just about to launch another offensive according to orders from my superior. We're working alongside another Company within the Batallion. I've hawked my men to assemble, and we launch in 20 hours. Before then though, we have a final briefing in 15 hours."

"I understand. For now, I will stick with your company. This mission I'll focus on support. If you guide me to your men, I'll do some preparatory rejuvenation."

"Can you really heal 200 men? They aren't all injured, but doing what you did with me 200 times over would be difficult."

The Captain spoke with a bit of surprise. Healers were always welcome, but their effects were usually limited. Normally, healers would still focus on combat while saving a bit of strength for the end where they would save people from the brink of death. After all, only killing earned one experience, so even healers only healed on the side. Combat was everyone's main focus. 

But this also meant that they couldn't heal so many people. Their power was limited. If Luna could really handle the healing of 200 men, the captain would be beyond impressed. 

Luna only smiled at him. 

"I'll just do my best. I can't say that they'll be brought up to the prime of their life, but I'm confident in my power. You worry about commanding, and I'll make sure your men can carry out your orders to their best ability. On this mission, let's see if we can't beat that other company, eh?"

Luna turned to the captain with a mischievous air around her. To her statement, the Captain's eyebrows raised before he let out a happy laugh.

"Haha! I like your style! That's exactly what I had in mind. Luna, you take care of my men, and I'll see if I can't get you an honorary rank. There's recently been an opening. I can see that you're exceptionally powerful. Perform well enough, and you could very well become my second in command."

"I surely won't disappoint you."


The captain nodded as he saw Luna's smile. He knew that to be his second in command was a great honor, one that thousands throughout the army would fight for. He also knew that if her power was enough, Luna would be an exceptionally valuable asset to his force. There weren't many healers even in all the companies on this war front. For him to suddenly snatch one was a stroke of luck. 

Only, he had no idea the thoughts that were brewing behind Luna's captivating smile. In that head of hers, she was already planning far ahead of a mere captain of a company. 

Luna was a ruler, a queen who had overseen billions and orchestrated global prosperity. Even before coming to the inner universe, she always imagined herself carving out a place within it, establishing another empire that would be far more prosperous and powerful than Earth. Her ambition had only been limited by that tiny speck of dust in the outer cosmos. How could she ever be satisfied with some tiny military position? Her goal lay beyond the military, though when she thought about it, this was a rather great place to start. Captains, Colonels, and Generals all commanded the loyalty of their soldiers. Luna needed people to follow her, ones that could fight for a slice of land in this vast universe. 

Her smile became even brighter as plans rapidly formulated in her head. The captain beside her only thought that she was enthralled with his offer. If only he knew that she was keen on taking his position for herself and then surpassing it, perhaps taking his troops with her as she left, then he might not be so happy to have her around. 

With that, Luna was brought to a barracks. It was actually something like a stronghold with hundreds of small living spaces for each of these soldiers. 

"Everyone! Assemble now!"

After walking into this stronghold, the captain walked into a wide open area and bellowed. His voice shook the entire building, and moments after, 200 people came flying out of their space. 

They all gathered in front of the captain with emotionless expressions. In this company of 200, there were both men and women. Right now none of them had armor on or weapons equipped, merely storing them in their inventory. 

Once they were assembled, they immediately looked at Luna, and Luna observed them. This company had about 130 class 4's and 70 class 5's. Each of the class 4's were exceptional for their level, and the class 5's, while not matching the Captain, had significant power. Still, Luna was confident in being able to fight and kill any one of them. 

"Listen up! This is Luna, and she'll be joining the company. She's external reinforcements. Her primary role is support and her healing power is impressive. I vouch for this personally. In 20 hours we're launching our next operation, and by then I want you all to be familiar with her. Luna, any of the quarters that are open are free for your taking. Make yourself comfortable, because this will be your home for a while."


Luna nodded, her gaze remaining on the group of 200 in front of her. With a nod, the Captain didn't say anything else and left. 

Seeing the captain leave, many among the group of 200 started walking off, clearly not interested in entertaining Luna. She stopped them though. 

"Wait a moment everyone. I have something for you all."

Saying that, the people who were walking off all stopped. Then, they were surprised as a blue light streamed through and wrapped around their bodies. Some tried to stop this power, but when their Will touched the blue mana, they felt reinvigorated. This lowered their defenses, letting the blue mana seep into them. 

Suddenly, the entire company of 200 felt a spurt of energy. The class 4's felt any lingering wounds totally heal while the class 5's felt their fatigue melt away. It was as if their minds took a drink of water after many days of thirst. It was an infatuating feeling. 

"Just a little something before the operation. I'll be in my quarters."

With a smile, Luna waved and walked away. The company of soldiers stared at her for a second, their eyebrows raised. Once she disappeared through a door, they all dispersed themselves. Though, there were a few that branched off in her direction. 

Four people walked through the door Luna went through. Upon entering a hallway, they could detect a faint trail of vital power, rich with Luna's aura. They followed this trail toward one of the many quarter rooms in the building. 

*Knock Knock*

"Come in."

One of the four knocked, receiving a response. With that, the door opened. 

What was revealed was a small but comfortable room, equipped with a bed and a few other amenities. This was the standard quartering for these soldiers. Normal soldiers received bunks, but every soldier here was a class 4. Obviously, they wouldn't stand for being bunked in uncomfortable spaces. These small rooms were their living spaces, and the higher the rank, the better the space. 

The four walked into Luna's room as she eyed them. There were three men and one woman, all angels and dressed in their own casual but luxurious clothing. The woman spoke. 

"Luna right?"

"I am."

"Mm. We're pleased to have you here. I know your reception wasn't grand, but there's not much to be happy about in this warzone."

"I understand. I'm wasn't interested in a reception either. You four coming to greet me is more than enough."

Luna smiled at them as she sat on her bed. She forever retained her queen-like demeanor, feeling both royal and down to earth. 

This had a subconscious effect on the four in front of her. They all straightened up, and after feeling her power, they felt themselves fall into a position of subordination. After all, they were class 4's, and while Luna was also a class 4, she was far above their power level. They actually couldn't tell the difference between her and a class 5 like the captain. 

Luna took the initiative, tilting her head a bit as her silver-blue eyes gazed at the four. 

"Say, since I'm new here, I'm not too familiar with the dynamic of the company. If you all don't mind, why don't you accompany me here for a while and tell me about everyone?"

"W-we'd love to."

Suddenly, one of the men stammered a bit as he readily agreed. The others stayed silent. Despite coming here for their own reasons, they couldn't seem to muster the will to step in Luna's way. She wanted this of them, and they seemed to forget about anything other than her request. 

Like that, the four took seats around the area. Luna proceeded to ask questions about those in the company who held influence and wielded great power. She also asked about all things military as she attempted to build an outline on the structure of the angelic forces out in this warzone. This wasn't much different from Dream getting a read on his location in the universe. Neither of them had any idea what the general situation was, and getting a grasp on this information was crucial to moving forward. 

Because of that, Luna spent several hours talking with these four angels. The more they talked, the more they became comfortable with Luna, and the more they spilled. They answered all of her questions to the best of their ability, not suspecting anything off with her oddly significant lack of knowledge. 

Afterward, Luna 'blessed' them with some of her rejuvenatory powers, sending them off with high spirits and light steps. In her room, she sighed as she laid back on her bed. 

After a few seconds, a figure formed from thin air. It was Alice, and she bore a mask on her face. 

"...I must say, I'm impressed. I saw this going much worse."

Alice spoke after thinking for a second. Luna had entered this foreign world and skillfully improvised her way through it. Now, she was placed into a unit without much suspicion. She had already grasped a foothold to jump off of. 

Luna closed her eyes, letting out a light breath. 

"It's nothing much. Just a bit of pretty talking. This whole situation is out of my expectations though."

"Right. Speaking of out of expectations, what was with those people you were just talking to you? They seemed a bit too enraptured than normal."

Alice asked as she remembered the odd behavior of those four people. They had walked in so seriously, but turned to putty in Luna's hands, dropping all resistances. That wasn't normal no matter how good Luna could speak. 

Thinking, Luna suddenly tapped into her and Alice's soul bond. With that bond, nobody could hear the words they spoke to each other. 

"This is one of my skills. It's called [Rule]. I'm not entirely sure about its specifics, but it lets me do exactly as the skill is called. It lets me rule anything I come in contact with. Initially I thought this only applied to mana, giving me greater control over it. But on Earth, I had tested it with some subordinates of mine. The result was... surprising. It allows me the power to make others feel a sense of loyalty. It also does what you saw, turning others into obedient underlings. If I use this power over time, that loyalty becomes stronger. You could say that this skill allows me to rule minds."

"...That's rather amazing. And also kind of scary."

Alice wasn't sure what to say as she looked at Luna. She knew Luna had turned into something of a queen back on Earth and that she had hundreds of direct subordinates who were loyal to her. Alice had personally seen the almost fanatic faces of those who frequently interacted with Luna. While it wasn't everyone, it was a few, and those people had surprised Alice with their undying obedience to Luna's will. 

Turns out, it was because of this skill. Alice knew this skill had been granted to Luna, and because of Dream's grand conflict with a god that involved them, she knew that this skill had likely been hand picked and intentionally bestowed to her. Still, she didn't think it was this amazing. She wasn't sure that Dream even knew about this skill's effects. 

Luna smiled at Alice.

"Don't worry. The more powerful someone is, the more resistant they are to the skill's effects. Thankfully, the skill is very discreet. On those four I just talked to, my words contained the skill's power. The healing power I used on everyone contains the power as well."

"So as you heal and talk to others, they come further under your control."

"Something like that. Only if I want it though."

"And... you want to take control of this company?"

Alice's eyebrow raised, and Luna's smile got a bit wider.

"Correct. We need a place in the inner universe, a piece of land or even a planet just for us. If we become big enough and our names legendary enough, perhaps we'll be able to find Dream. Plus, this could be considered my new vision. I can already see it. An empire spanning the stars, containing perhaps hundreds of billions of lives and controlling catastrophic amounts of wealth. Our glorious constructions on Earth will be nothing compared to the fruits of a galactic civilization. Of course, building such an empire comes with a plethora of conflicts. We need loyal soldiers and powerful allies. I think starting here is perfect for us. What do you think?"

Luna's eyes shined as she looked at Alice. Alice was her most powerful ally because they were united on all fronts. There was nobody she could trust more other than Dream. Plus, she was a powerful assassin. Luna had plenty of ideas as to how to direct her powers in the right direction. 

Alice also knew all this. And while she was surprised by the vast ambition Luna had held in her heart, she wasn't at all opposed. She wanted to find Dream, but she also wanted to fight for something. This was the perfect opportunity. 

She smiled back at Luna.

"You point, I shoot."

"That's all I needed to hear. Linger around and don't get caught. Your secrecy is our most valuable asset. If you can, we need to collect more information."

"Sure. Call me when you need me."

Saying that, Alice suddenly disappeared, vanishing as if she never existed. Luna laid back and closed her eyes, plans rapidly formulating in her head.

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