Origin Seeker

Chapter 297: Cosmic Chess

Oraios, Life, Wealth, the Mother

Yao, Creation, Mastery, the Blacksmith

Adonios, Annihilation, Kingship, the Cyclops.

And Death. 

These four appeared before Luna and Iris. 

Yao spoke first. 

“It is done. Both of you have been forged into the Concepts. But your paths are not yet finished.”

“You have not attained the Infinite conceptual power necessary to become true Archons!”

Adonios bellowed as if they had made a stupid mistake. 

Iris snarled. 

“Hey, do I need to send you to the darkness again?”

“You’ve already consumed my existence, parasite. The only thing you have yet to take away from me is the Source.”

“What Source?”

The cyclops smiled at Iris’ threatening gaze. 

“The Source of the Totality. The Source of Everything.”


“And Origin.”

Death and Life mumbled the names of this Source. 

Yao continued. 

“Dust and Ash is that which bridges the concepts to the physical universe. This means the infinite concepts can create an infinite quantity of these bridge energies. But the concepts themselves are not the ultimate form of Power. They attain their power from another Source, a truly Infinite Source.”

Life smiled at Luna. 

“Origin Energy, is the highest Infinity in the Totality, and affords you truly infinite Power. Origin Energy does not have a quantity. It simply is the highest, the end all and be all. And that which attains Origin Energy becomes Order, the highest being over all Life and Creation, a being that can stand Equal to Time itself.”

Death focused on Iris. 

“Null Energy is the opposite of Origin Energy. It is also the highest Infinity in the Totality. To attain Null Energy is to become Chaos, the highest over all Annihilation and Death. However, neither of you can yet attain this power.”

“I thought there wasn’t any such thing as restrictions or qualifications in front of the Archons.”

Luna spoke directly, concerned about why they wouldn’t be attaining this ultimate power. 

Oraios answered. 

“It is because of that impossible power within you.”


Yao frowned as if annoyed, while Luna was surprised. 

“I was told Khroia is equivalent to Dust and Ash. But that’s something that Dream had not yet developed.”

“Perhaps not intentionally, but regardless, that impossible energy is still within you, and it binds your existence to hers, going deeper than Dust or Ash could ever.”

Yao pointed from Luna to Iris. 

Oraios then spoke. 

“The concepts that you two have now become are capable of generating Dust and Ash in limitless quantities, giving you an unrestrained ability to draw power from your concepts. However, not even we were independent. Order and Chaos are those two from which our concepts are allowed to operate infinitely. Without them, we are nothing. You two will attain Origin Energy and Null Energy, however, you must do so when you either unbind your existence from that Khroia, or you find that which operates on the same level as the highest Origin and Null.”

“We call it Neutra. An energy capable of… well, anything and everything. Only Saboth and Pronoia were able to merely interact with it when they both came together. But even then, that only happened twice in their infinitely long existence.”

Adonios recalled memories from an age unknown, giving whatt little information they all had. 

Oraios gazed at them with concern. 

“If you refuse to find Neutra and attain Origin and Null energy, then the bridge between your existences will facilitate your self destruction. You will both attack each other infinitely, never being able to do anything else, not even die.”

“Are you certain something like that will happen?”


Oraios hesitantly nodded before looking at the others. 

Then, her eyes met Luna’s. 

“We know this because that’s how Saboth and Pronoia, the Archons of Order and Chaos, were reduced to nothing. Even now they engage in an eternal battle, never able to pull away, never able to die because of their immortality. The only reason we were able to pass our existences to you is because our concepts are still independent from Order and Chaos, and there was enough created power in existence to facilitate the process. But now, even that has been concsumed. Soon, we will become no more.”

“So you must decide what to do. You two are unique in that you are capable of connecting and cooperating in a way those of opposite natures could never before, especially now that you’ve been properly reforged. But removing your bond of Khroia, while enabling you to take the Origin and Null now, will destroy that, forever pitting you against each other. So, you must choose. The guaranteed path, or the path of risk where you must find the impossible.”


Luna and Iris were silent for a moment before looking at each other. 

It was true, the fact about them being able to connect and cooperate. Upon seeing each other, they didn’t immediately fight. Instead, they sought to balance the galaxy that Luna had created. They had worked together, something inconceivable if it had been in the main universe. 

They were two halves of a whole. They knew that. And they wanted to stay this way, knowing that they would be able to push a universe to growth and ruin with their powers. Such was their new purpose. 

They would be able to decide according to their desire. But, at the same time, they knew that finding this Neutra, the impossible energy, wouldn’t be so impossible. 

The key to their plight, Dream. Apparently, he had unknowingly bound them together with Khroia already. Perhaps he did so when his existence was put in between them. Perhaps, Dream’s own existence changed after being forged between the clashing of their opposite natures. 

He would’ve only had it worse when they both rose to begin comprehending Life, Creation, Annihilation, and Death. He would’ve borne the brunt of those concepts as they tried to clash through him in a secret battle. 

Perhaps his spiral into nothingness, his search for the most foundational realm of existence, his desire to enter each of the four highest concepts despite the ruin their brought him, was all a byproduct of their clashing through him. 

Looking back, Luna and Iris were able to infer far more. They, who were now on par with the Archons, could guess the true sequence of events back then. 

But that also meant that Dream, who had been reduced to nothing, was actually somewhere out there. 

He was somewhere beyond nothing, somewhere that allowed him to simultaneously not exist yet still remain between the two sisters, maintaining that bridge of Khroia. 

That bridge was the greatest proof of not only his continued existence, but his success in finding the realm beyond. 

If that were the case, then perhaps he would be able to find what they couldn’t. 

But they would have to go back. They would have to go to the main universe, carve out a place between heaven and hell, and wait for him to reappear once again. 

As for survival…

“The concepts in the main universe, where we came from. How complete are they?”


The Archons were silent, but all besides Death began to smile. 

Adonios had the widest smile. 

“Girl, who said that the universe you came from was ever separate from this one?”

“That main universe is incomplete without us, thus its twisted nature in regards to the concepts. While the Universal Mind has attempted to rectify its twisted nature through a crutch given to all beings, it is only a mask over the wound.”

“Universal Mind?”

Luna suddenly had a revelation. 

Yao smiled. 

“Yes. The Universal Mind. Like worlds that gain sentience, galaxies can also gain sentience, as can the universe. What you knew as the System or Record is the Universal Mind, an entity that governs all peoples of the Universe, the envoy of the true gods who embody the concepts. Previously, it was Sophia who became the Universal Mind, paving the way for her to become Time.”

“That was why Sophia was able to directly connect to that universe and plant Solomon, who forged a connection between our realms and sought out successors. The usurpers who took Origin and Chaos and expelled us Archons after our demise weren’t able to get rid of us completely. Not only did they damage their universe, but left a backdoor for Sophia. Truly foolish.”

“No, not foolish. Simply the most they were able to do.”

The Archons nodded amongst themselves.

Luna was confused though.

“You said you were usurped, so the concepts were taken. Then how did you give them to us?”

“Well, we say usurp, but the way they took the concepts was superficial. Those conceptual worlds you know of are the points of connection to us. They merely bridged over from this expelled realm to their own. And when one becomes the god of a concept, the god core they obtain is the beacon that connects them to the true concepts in this realm. Of course, we couldn’t do anything to stop it, nor did we want to.”

“Why not?”

Oraios let out a breath. 

“As I said earlier, Luna. I would rather have Life blossom without me than not at all. The same logic applies to all of us. We do not greed for the experience of universal growth and ruin. Our sole purpose is to make sure it happens at all. So no, we wouldn’t wish to stop them. That would merely wipe out the universe, and go against our purpose. And besides, it wasn’t their fault that we were reduced to nothing.”

“...I understand.”

Luna nodded. 

Adonios then glanced at both of them. 

“So make your choice, you two. You can go back now as you are and search for Neutra, or have your bond of Khroia removed. Of course, removing your bond can take place at any time, so if you choose to go back and wait, then so be it. But the time it will take to carry out that separation is an extremely long one. Doing so now will afford you more certainty when you go back.”

“...I think we’ll take our chances.”

After looking at each other, Luna and Iris made their decisions. 

“We’re going to find Neutra.”

“Hm, you have high hopes for your Covenant. Very well. Now, we shall end your succession.”’

Suddenly, the Archons moved. Life and Creation placed their hands on Luna’s shoulders, while Death and Adonios grabbed Iris by the neck as if trying to kill her. 

“May Luna, the Archon of Life and Creation, go and revive the broken universe.”

“And may Iris, the Archon of Death and Annihilation, bring ruin to it.”

“Hands off, assholes!”

As the final bits of power infused into them, Iris let out a roar of annoyance. 

And in the next moment, they all disappeared. 



Without much delay, Luna and Iris reappeared in empty space. 

The first thing Luna did was raise her palm. Within it was the galaxy that she had raised, full of life that had developed to the brink of surpassing the galaxy itself. 

It was filled with galactic civilizations that were trading on an unbelievable scale, harvesting entire planets and solar systems for resources. Using god-like magic and technology. 

And as the concepts all resided within Luna herself, she was able to allow mortals to comprehend them, borrowing their power and becoming demigods. 

They were a powerful force that Luna would soon rely on. 

And sure enough, the antagonist soon appeared. 

“After 80 thousand years. The impossible has returned.”

“Should’ve prepared to kill us better, eyeball.”

Iris sneered at the one who appeared before them. 

It was the eyeball, but now, it was attached to an entire body. 



The highest being beside Chaos was a man of colossal size. Luna held a galaxy in her palm, and this being was even bigger than her. 

But, compared to the true Archons, he wasn’t much. Still, Luna was finally able to see the form that was omniscient throughout the universe, the one that was able to wipe her existence with but a thought. 

Luna looked at that man who stood there like the greatest sovereign ever to grace the universe. 

But now…

“You can’t touch us.”

Luna spoke simply, causing the sovereign to scoff in rage. 

Then, she saw his hand raise. 

The infinite pressure of that hand bore down on them as he sought to crush them like bugs. However, the hand gradually slowed to a stop. 

He was unable to crush them, as if an invisible force had held him back on their behalf. 

Luna had a neutral gaze as she watched the futile attempt at killing them. 

Why couldn’t he kill them? 

Because that would be no different from killing all Life, Creation, Annihilation, and Death. 

Putting it simply, Luna and Iris had snatched back those concepts the instant they reentered the universe. It happened so simply, and this Sovereign could do nothing about it. It was as if they were the missing piece those concepts needed, and they fused with the universe without impedance

But, even though he couldn’t do things directly, didn’t mean there was no way.

Luna smiled. 

“It’s time, Sovereign.”

“Yes it is! Finally!”

Suddenly, there was another shrieking voice. 

Another being appeared. 


Iris spoke with unbridled joy. 

The being was a mass of nuclear chaos, something many would refer to as an eldritch deity. One who was nothing, yet everything all at once. A being without form, with nothing but its ego imposing its causality twisting will unto the universe. A being bubbling with infinity and the inconceivable.

The Daemon Sultan.

It had no form but Luna could feel the insanity within it. 

Though, Iris didn’t lose out much. Also without form, a twisting mass of utter devastation and oblivion, she felt euphoria at the entrance of this elusive figure. 

While those two faced each other, Luna focused on Order, the Sovereign. 

“You can’t touch us, but we are not above you. Not yet. In order to decide who takes the throne…


The Sovereign already knew what was to happen. 

“The forbidden reality, against my universe.”

He smiled. 

“Very well. Muster your armies. Now, Heaven and Hell are your enemies. And by the end of this war, the power of the Archons will become mine.”

“We’ll see.”

Luna just smiled, and raised her palm. The galaxy glowed within it.

“Then, shall I make the first move?”

She snapped, and before them, the entire universe suddenly appeared. 

All the countless stars and planets appeared between them like a chess board, and with a flick of the hand, Luna inserted her galaxy on the edge of the universe. 

With that, her only card had been played. That galaxy accounted for the accumulated power that she had been given in the Archons’ graveyard.

Now, she and Iris needed to grow and expand. 



And return stronger. 

Both of them could already see a majority of the universe that had been dominated by Heaven and Hell. 

But it didn’t daunt them. 

This was how concepts battled. 

The concepts were their products, and their products were the concepts. If all Life in the universe disappeared, then Life would disappear along with it. The same went for Creation, Annihilation, and Death. In a way, all these things would rise or fall together. 

Now, there was a foreign set of concepts in the universe, spawned from Luna and Iris. 

To win, the Sovereign and Daemon Sultan would merely have to end the existence of everything she spawned, and Luna and Iris would lose their power. Their concepts would be destroyed. 

The concepts displayed their powers through the occurrences of the universe, because the universe was the concepts. They could be considered the same thing. 

It made one think about if there was truly any free will, or if their actions were the mere product of the concepts, that composed intelligence or wisdom, balancing each other in a grand game of cosmic chess. 


With Luna having played her card, the table was set. 

These gods looked down upon the universe. 

And the game of chess began.

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