"That's funny......


"St. Freya's side is really getting more and more lively. "

Otto looked at the crowd with interest.

Glondelle looked at Xi'er: "I didn't expect that there is another personality hidden in this little girl's body." "

"And ......".

"This personality also has a lot of power. "

Glondelle felt that this power was somewhat familiar.

But I can't remember it for a while.

Li Sushang also said: "This power is a little peculiar ......."

"It's stigmata!".

The location of the pre-civilization era.

Kevin spoke out about the source of this power.

Glolandel also chimed in, "That's right, it's stigmata. "

Rita's eyes narrowed as she looked at the pre-civilization era: "The stigmata is the legacy left to us by the pre-civilization era to fight against the Honkai. "

"The stigma of birth should inherit the power of the predecessors. "

"Could it be that the stigmata itself has a consciousness of its own?"

Mei shook her head: "The power of stigmata is the treasure and power left by the predecessors. "

"It itself is used by Stigmata Awakeners. "

"There is no consciousness of oneself. "

Mebius: "But it seems that the stigma has received a mutation on Cier's body. "

"And the feeling that this stigmata gives us. "

"If I'm not mistaken, it's the stigmata consciousness of the lawgiver of death in our civilization. "

Elysia: "I see!".

Because of what happened in childhood, Xi'er gave birth to a personality to protect herself. "

And this personality happens to awaken with the stigmata. "

So he assimilated with the stigmata and became Ciel's personality together. "

Bronya heard the analysis over there.

"Ciel, is that really the case?".

Cier's consciousness.

Hei Xi said directly: "That's what it looks like. "

Ciel relayed Hexi's words: "The other one I said, it is indeed like this. "

And in Ciel's chest.

It's the stigmata that only comes from the awakening of stigmata.

Delisa: "I kind of understand why that fox asked you to do the experiment." "

"Walter, it's all a good thing that you did against entropy. "

After all, Cocoria is the acting leader of the inverse entropy.

This matter is counted and settled.

Indeed, it can be counted on Walter's head.

Walter said apologetically: "I'm sorry, but it was my fault. "

Walter admitted his mistake straightforwardly.

Theresa was embarrassed to pursue any further.

After all, it's not entirely Walter's fault.

Mei then continued to educate the people of the Star Dome Universe and Teyvat Continent about the role of the 'stigma'.

Funina: "It's a powerful and convenient ability. "

Navillette: "But the conditions for awakening are still a little too harsh. "

Zhongli: "It's normal, after all, such a powerful force can be awakened by everyone." "

"The world is in chaos. "

Nahida: "Yes, if everyone had such power. "

"Some people with ulterior motives will reveal their own conspiracy. "

Venti: "Still don't have the strength to be most comfortable." "

Paimon: "Paimon, you're really irresponsible. "

March 7: "Will I have stigmata on me too?"

Star: "You're not from the Honkai World......

In the light curtain screen.

Ciel climbed up from the hard floor.

The tone was full of self-reproach and crying.

"Sister Bronya!".



Ciel's fist slammed weakly into the floor.

The blood on his hands also left blood stains on the floor.

It's the first punch....

Behind him, a black figure of Ciel appeared.

Hei Xi didn't want Ciel to take risks, either.

After all, this is a chance for Bronya to sacrifice herself in exchange for survival.

"It's over!".

"You don't get anything. "



Ciel smashed down with one punch.

Tears are not short of dripping.

The audience was looking forward to it.

Can you really smash open the quantum sea?

Hei Xi behind him kept dissuading: "The door can't be opened!"

"You can't save her!".

"No, it won't!".

"Sister Bronya!".

"Sister Bronya!".


Cracks began to appear in the ground.

This directly confused the audience who knew about the quantum sea.

Vilwe: "That's ......


"Really smashed it open?".

"Isn't that a bit outrageous!".

May: "Isn't it ......


"Is the power of emotions really that exaggerated?".

Compared to these, May still believes in science more.

on the area of the Star Dome universe.

Heita immediately became curious: "What is this little girl's hands made of?".

Esta: "It's a bit outrageous. "

"The doors of the Quantum Sea have been smashed open. "

"Should I say that her arm strength is amazing, but there is another reason. "

Kafka smiled: "It's a bit unbelievable. "

Silver Wolf: "If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I would have been a little skeptical. "

"...... now


In the light curtain screen.

Ciel was about to throw another punch.

Hei Xi stepped forward and grabbed Ci'er's hand.

At the same time, black chains appeared around and tied Ci'er.


"Already...... Enough ......


Hei Xi couldn't bear to look at it anymore.

It's not that she doesn't want to save Bronya.

Rather, as the embodiment of stigmata consciousness, she is more rational.

I know that I can't save Bronya this way.

But whether to believe in miracles and feelings.

This is also the biggest difference between humans and stigmata.

Cier's tears flowed, thinking back to her past with Bronya: "I obviously said that I would go to see the ...... of the sea together".

Tears fell on those cracks.

Seeped in.

At the same time, the red stigma on Ci'er's chest began to glow.

It was not known who it was in the screening room at this time.

"By the way, how many punches is this?".

Kevin replied, "I've already done six punches, and this is the seventh!".

In the light curtain screen.

The burst of power in Xi'er's body directly broke free from the chains that bound her: "Quickly release !!".

"You ......




Hei Xi can't catch Xi'er.

With the final punch falling.

The ground shattered.

The entrance to the Sea of Quantum.

In this way, it was directly hammered open by Xi'er.

Ciel also began to fall back in the direction she came......


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