The turbulent weather was so bad that the enemy was trapped.

In the green smoke, several Bu Li people came out.

The leader took a breath.

The whole green smoke seemed to change.

On the side, several Bu Li people also ran towards Yun Li by the wall.

"A good dog doesn't block the road!"

Yun Li was not afraid at all.

Instead, he looked like he was full of fighting spirit, took out a huge red and black sword, and rushed straight towards Bu Li people.

"You curse again!"

The Bu Li people didn't get angry anymore, and the two sides fought on the battlefield.

There were five wolves, and three of them rushed up.

Yun Li kicked Bu Liren, who had just spoken, against the wall.

That was still good.

The next few, one by one, came with a sword. Under the blazing firelight, no Bu Liren could last a fight.

The Bu Liren leader immediately felt bad when he saw this.

He abandoned his teammates and was about to run away.

Unfortunately, how could Yun Li give him this chance?

He raised the sword above his head and threw it down with force.

Bu Liren's figure was like a family of meteors, heading towards the bottom of the prison, and Yun Li also jumped down from the platform.

He landed steadily on the hilt of the sword.

He said coldly:

"I told you, don't get in the way."


After defeating the enemy, his tone was so calm.

This look immediately impressed many people, and further discussions about Yun Li were launched in the chat room.

[March 7: Yun Li Cat can really do a backflip. ]

[Dixia: Yunli's kitten expression is really cute. ]

[Navia: When I saw this werewolf before, I was afraid that Yunli would have some problems. I should have known that this child is very strong. ]

[Seno: The reason why she is strong is because she has the most perfect sword. ]

[Yunli: The strongest sword? There should be many swords stronger than Laotie. ]

[Colai: I think... he didn't mean that. ]

[Tinari: I have a bad feeling. ]

[Xiaogong: It's time for the guessing game again? I guess it's because of 'clouds and fog', so her physical strength is strong, and the weapons she makes are good? ]

[Seno: Wrong! It's because 'Laotie is fine! ' ]

[Kamito Ayato: This one is still so humorous. ]

[Paimon: What a cold joke. ]

[Bai Lu: Out of God. ]

In addition to these.

The happiest people belong to the people of Xianzhou.

[Feixiao: A little reckless, every attack is to defeat the enemy with one move, but at this age, such achievements are really extraordinary. ]

[Suchang: Envy. ]

[Qin Suyi: If you sleep less, you won't be much worse than this one. ]

[Jingyuan: General Zhuyuan really teaches his daughter well. ]

[Huaiyan: No, no, Luofu also has a blue young swordsman? His skills are also extraordinary. ]

[Yanqing: You are too kind, Yanqing still needs to learn. ]

[Yunli: You are so roundabout...]

She just doesn't like this kind of official language.

The conversation between generals is the most boring.

[Ren: Tianmu still can't forget his three-turn two, if the company's games are of this quality, it would be great. ]

[Xinyan: The jingle in this music is too spicy! ]

[Elhaisen: Is this dog too smart? ]

[Doctor Zhenli: Di ​​Ting's intelligence level is indeed a bit unusual. ]

[March 7: Could someone be controlling him? ]

In addition.

The big stone that smashed his chest performed by Gui Naifen and Su Shang also attracted a lot of attention.

After all.

This job is really a bit strange and novel.

It refers to being hit by a girl falling from the sky.

[Paimong: Did you notice that Xiao Guizi's hammer was scared off by Yunli. ]

[Gui Naifen: I didn't expect that I was really there, and I was performing with you, Shang Shang! ]

[Su Shang: My heart finally died. I suddenly realized that I don't like this child very much. When we go back to compete, remember to remind me not to go out. ]

[Xing: Li-da-zhen-tou! ! ! ! ]

[Huo Huo: Shang Shang's soul is still floating... Is it really okay? ]

[Giovanni: God of Fun, it's so much fun. ]

[Hanabi: I won't be satisfied if I don't take this opportunity to hit her with a hammer. ]

[Sambo: If Xiao Guizi hits her with a hammer at this time, it will be a sure kill. ]

[Xingqiu: A sure kill in every sense. ]

[Zhong Shan: No one feels sorry for Xiao Guizi? Although Su Shang

Lost half of his life, but Gui Naifen lost the chance to hammer! ]

[Qingque: Jingyuan is still watching the show in the back. ]

[Hutao: Do ​​you want to buy the services of our Wangsheng Hall? The second monument is half price! ]

Of course, there are also a few people who focus on strange things.

[Sangbo: Does anyone know what brand the performance table is? It seems to be very useful. ]

[Xiangling: Suchang is about to be kicked to death, you care about this? ]

[Xing: Actually, I am also very curious. ]

[Dolly: If you can sell it, I always feel that you can make a lot of money. ]

The money-making team here has begun to form.

On the other side.

Tianmu is also playing the next video.


Solve the enemies in front one by one.

Yunli immediately focused on Di Ting who ran all the way here.

From Jinren Lane to here.

But she had a hard time finding it.

Now Di Ting was squatting there, looking at Yun Li curiously, with the bird skewers Yun Li had always wanted to eat in his mouth.

At this moment,

a huge claw grabbed Di Ting.

"It seems..."

The sharp sword energy swept across Yun Li's head, and a Bu Liren who was several times taller than Yun Li appeared on the screen.

On the strong muscles were thick body hair.

Purple lines spread on its body, and the big knife was carried behind it, emitting an ominous halo, which made people shudder.

Yun Li stood still.

The shawl behind her fluttered in the wind.

She just quietly watched the enemy in front of her show off her powerful force.

"Are you looking for this?"

Bu Liren squinted at Di Ting in his left hand.

Di Ting, which was originally the size of a palm, was thrown up and down like a toy in Bu Liren's hand.

He threw Di Ting away casually.

He took a step forward, ready to fight Yun Li head-on.

And it was this step that completely pissed Yun Li off.

The Qiongshi bird skewers were crushed right in front of him, and the heartache made Yun Li so angry that she couldn't speak.

"How dare you... How dare you!!!!!"

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