The old man was very happy.

"Ah? Was this also expected by Master Taibu?"

Qingque's face fell instantly.

I have been working hard to cultivate my anti-divination ability.

But I didn't expect that I still couldn't escape Master Taibu's eyes?

Unlike Qingque.

Fu Xuan is now a little happy.


I didn't expect this guy to grow so fast. It seems that I have wronged her.

Qingque has been working hard to practice divination in private.

She really wants to improve!

"I won't bother you about the matter on the sky."

Fu Xuan pretended to be very righteous.

After all, it was just a slacking off theory.

Fu Xuan would not make a big fuss about something that did not happen.

On the contrary.

She wanted to take this opportunity to cultivate Qingque.

"This time the entire Luofu defense system is updated, you will be my deputy."

This job.

You can exercise your abilities, accumulate experience, and even gain prestige.

Who wouldn't want to participate in the entire Taibu Division!

This good job is given to Qingque,

Come on!

It's time to show your talent!

When you grow up, I will gradually transfer part of the work to you.

Then I will be the general.

You will be the Taibu!

It's really a perfect arrangement!

After all, she can't even not want to be a Taibu, right?

Ideals are very skinny, and reality is very cruel.

Qingque didn't feel that good, but instead couldn't help but murmur in her heart.

It's tiring, there's a lot of work, and you have to deal with other people every day. If the enemy invades in the future, you will have to bear part of the responsibility if something goes wrong.

What's more troublesome is.

If I do it well, I might get a promotion.

A promotion means more work, how can I slack off!

These things should be handed over to those who like to work hard in the company. What's the point of calling me here?

She can't really want me to be the Taibu, right?

Forget it.

No matter what.

Since the Taibu said so, for the sake of a easier life in the Taibu Company in the future.

She had to bite the bullet and finish it.

Thinking of this, Qingque nodded and said solemnly:

"I promise to complete the task!"


And above the sky.

The debate between Qingque and Scott also began.

At the beginning, Scott's momentum took the upper hand, but Qingque didn't feel nervous at all.

"Let me ask you, is the company your home?"

Qingque asked.

Scott didn't even think about it and answered directly:

"Of course the company is my home, Gong, I have so many good brothers in the company... Do you know the structure of the company?"

"Colleagues in the Talent Incentive Department make the company warmer than home!"

He was stumbling at first.

But the more he talked, the smoother he spoke.

He originally belonged to the Talent Incentive Department, so as long as he dragged the topic to a place he was familiar with, he would not have any problems.

Xing is a negotiation expert.

She certainly knew about this matter.

"Ask the good brothers you brought with you, can they hold their heads high and say that the company is their home?"

His eyebrows were inverted.

Xing's expression was very serious, which made people feel very serious.

"You treat your brothers as family, do your good brothers treat you as family?"

This momentum.

It makes people feel scared unconsciously.

"....... I am a grandson under Scott's hands."

The company employee who has been guarding Scott couldn't help but answer here.

Scott was obviously choked by this sentence.

After a moment of silence.

He replied:

".......Grandson, isn't he family?"


In the chat room, everyone couldn't help laughing at Scott's answer.

[Xing: Next is the time for me, the expert in negotiating, to appear]

[Nielu: Is the battle music on? ]

[March 7: Come and see me show off my skills! ]

[Ling Ke: Warmer than family? Is this talent incentive department really that good? ]

[Dolly: According to the company's nature, it is estimated that the people in the talent incentive department will be asked to motivate others. Who knows, the cost of hiring people may be deducted from the year-end bonus? ]

[How do you know so much? ]

[Dolly: Of course I know! This company is really profitable! How can I not study their corporate culture? ]

[Walnut: This company should be hung on a street lamp. ]

[Gold Sand: ? ? ? This rule, as a company employee, I don't even know it

. ]

A large group of people were quite excited at first.

Talking and chatting.

After hearing that the grandson was a family member, they were immediately happy.

[Blade: Is this person really not a happy person? His words are too funny, right? I laughed so hard that I didn't even have the energy to play games! ]

[Gui Naifen: Hahahaha, at least logically, we are a family, nothing wrong]

[Shi Luwa: Genius! ]

[Xing: Live in Bengbu]

[Potiou: My dear, why do I always feel uninterested in this thing? ]

[Ye Lan: I feel that it is a waste of time to pay attention to him. ]

[Charlotte: Interview Ms. Fu Xuan, what do you think of having such an excellent employee under you? ]

[Fu Xuan: Qingque is still willing to stand up to defend the honor of the people, and is so enthusiastic, I am naturally very happy. ]

[Fu Xuan: As long as you are motivated. ]

[Qingque: Uh..... um. 】

【Mona: I feel that Qingque is the type who works harder than anyone else as long as it is not work. 】


【Paimon: I guess he is enjoying himself and is in high spirits. 】


And the sky screen is also playing the next part.

This statement is far-fetched, but if you think about it carefully

Don't say it! Don't say it! If grandsons are not family members, what are they?

Sanyueqi next to him also interrupted at this moment.

"Look, Scott, your brothers see things more clearly than you."

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