The gods are the creators and rulers of the universe.


Refers to the creators and rulers of the universe. Superstitious people refer to the spirits of gods or people with great abilities and virtues after their death.

On different planets, there may be different definitions.

But no matter what, the general direction is certain.

Strong ability and high reputation are necessary conditions to become a god.

And the gods of Teyvat are even more so.

They all emerged from wars.

Even if you say you are a second-generation god, your strength is not as good as the first generation.

But at least it can't be like in the video.

Being attacked by others.

The whole person is trembling with fear.

It makes people feel embarrassed to see it.

[Is the sky curtain really not fake? Can this thing really lead us to victory? ]

[This is the first time I have seen a god who was almost scared to tears. ]

[The judge seems more reliable. ]

[So, how did she become a god? Why is she so weak? ]

The whole Fontaine was in confusion.

What's going on?

The water god knelt on the ground and trembled.

Is this really the one who led them to break the prophecy?

Even Villette couldn't help but feel some doubts in his heart.

"What's going on?"

He thought he was too shallow.

Even after working with Funina for many years, he still couldn't see her tricks.

But now it seems.

He really doesn't have the ability to solve all the problems.

And Funina stared blankly at the sky.

At this time.

She has completely forgotten everything else.

What is the sky reward for relieving troubles.

She doesn't care about these!

I was just anxiously thinking whether I could save the people of Fontaine and praying that the sky curtain could give me an answer.

And the sky curtain did nothing.

It just continued to show its powerful power in the sky, which was beyond the imagination of Teyvat and the Collapse Universe.

"Fake! It's all fake! You believe such fake things? This is obviously used to divide our Fontaine."

She did not deny it hysterically.

Her tone was extremely flat.

It was like she was talking about a trivial matter.

If there were no tears flowing down her cheeks, it would be quite convincing.

It seems that this matter is true.

Then Violet thought silently in his heart.


At this time, Funina should laugh twice, then hold her stomach and welcome others to see the sky curtain.

Or ask for a few cakes?

Anyway, it is unlikely to be like this now.

Is the matter in the sky curtain true? Or, at least Funina thinks this will happen.

While thinking.

A message suddenly appeared in the chat room in front of me.

[Company employee: The water god is not Funina, there is someone else who is the water god. Please see the latest research report for details. ]

After him, there were analysis reports sent by countless people.

For easy reading.

The company even arranged for several people to send in turn, and everyone's behavior seemed to be specially calculated.

Let you read the entire report in a comfortable way.

[Simplified version]

[First, the prophecy is bound to end. ]

[Second, the one who planned all this was the water god Fukaros, and Funina's current performance, how can it be like a god? ]

[Based on the above conditions, it can be concluded that the real water god is still trying to fight against the prophecy. ]

[Funina is just a fake. ]

[For a detailed frame-by-frame report, you can go to to discuss. ]

[The company is committed to making a world-class communication website as our compensation. ]

That Villette turned his perspective to Funina next to him.

At this moment, she was staring blankly at the chat room.

She probably saw the report.

That's right.

After all, the company employees were so enthusiastic about it.

Anyone who looked at the chat room would definitely see it.

I don't know how they have so many people willing to help.


Now is not the time to care about these things.

"Lady Funina, I know you have been investigating the prophecy, but you have not taken any action. Can you tell me something now?"

"I can help you clarify the rumors."

Villet's eyes were fixed on her at this moment, not wanting to miss any changes in his expression.

And Funina came back to her senses at this time.

"Hahaha! So you have been paying attention to me all the time? I can't tell you are this kind of person."

This smile was a forced but helpless smile that could not be expressed.

Very stiff.

There is definitely something fishy going on.


Villatte felt a surge of anger in her heart. At this time, wouldn't it be better to work together?

Why do we have to hide?

What if something really happens?

However, Funina had no intention of explaining. She spread her hands.

"It's meaningless to question me or doubt me. As the highest judge, you are still my subordinate and you should obey me."

After saying that.

Before Vilatte got angry, she immediately pointed at the sky and said:

"Look, the next stage of the video has begun."


This time.

What was rare in the sky was not all kinds of fancy pictures.

Some were very simple.

Just a girl sitting in the courtroom, watching everything silently.

In the empty audience seats, various voices of doubt continued to be heard.

The empty courtroom was very noisy at this moment.

Including Vilatte and Sora.

Everyone judged Funina on the throne.

"Is this the water god? Isn't she a puppet?"

"I feel so disappointed. How can such a person be considered a god?"

"Things have come to this point, and you still don't want to say anything?"

"Everyone in the town is dead."


"Funina is not the water god? Then she deceived all of us."

"My ancestors once considered it an honor to meet her!"


Funina was also sitting in the courtroom at this time.

She was a little confused.

I don't know if the questioning came from the sky or the opera house in reality.

But she didn't care about all this.

She only cared about one thing.

Is there a problem with the performance?

Will the prophecy come true?

And, most importantly, will the residents of Fontaine really die?

I just learned that victory is coming. I just need to be patient for a few more years and wait for the arrival of the yellow-haired man.

But now the sky has exposed everything.

Didn't the plan just fail?

Could it be that the people of Fontaine in the video escaped, but the people of Fontaine in reality had to die?

This is too dramatic!

I can't accept it!

If there is any fault, I will take it.

Why can't the people of Fontaine be spared?

We are obviously going to win!


And the sky curtain continues.

The whole scene goes from the original courtroom to the deep sea.

And the tone has changed.

It's like an old man in front of his grandson's bed.

The tone of telling fairy tales to children

"Once upon a time, there was a group of pure water elves. They envied human life and wanted to go to the ground."

"So, they begged their god, Egolia."

"In order to meet the wishes of the people, she used her power as a water god to transform the pure water elves into human appearance."

"From then on, the pure water elves came to the land."

"They named themselves Fontaine people and lived together with other humans on the continent."

"But justice will not allow it."

"No matter how Egolia begged, justice will eventually destroy Fontaine."

"But she didn't There was a way to give up, but there was no success. "

"The second generation water god Fukalos thought of a way. "

"Sacrifice yourself and let the water dragon king help the pure water spirit to truly become a human being. "

"To ensure the implementation of the plan. "

"She split herself into two parts: the godhood and the personality. "

"The one who died was the godhood Fukalos. "

"And Funina was the personality. "

"She is no different from ordinary humans, but she is willing to pretend to be a water god for five hundred years, collecting energy, just to be able to save the Fontaine people. "

"So far. "

"The Fontaine people have become real humans, and the god of justice will also leave us. "

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