The two of them were shocked.

【? ? 】

【? ? 】

【? ? 】

A series of question marks flashed across the screen.

This was too much information, and they didn't react for a while.

【Tail: Look at you, you're still shaking? People outside treat this thing as a bus! 】

【Huo Huo: Woo! I'm the normal one, right? 】

【Zhongli: From a universal rational point of view, this kind of thing shouldn't appear in the paradise called a beautiful dream. 】

【Guinaifen: More than that! I'm going to get sick from being scared. 】

【Sushang: I have to work the night shift tonight, I'm done. ]

[Kaia: You can't judge a person by his appearance. How can we understand the aesthetics of the family? ]

[Dolly: I've never seen such a way to make money. ]

[Nashida: I've learned more strange knowledge. ]

[Funina: I don't want to travel anymore. ]

[Hanabi: The family is so capable that they can let an alien meme stab the head of the family in their own territory. ]

[Sunday: Fool! Don't say too much! ]

[Hanabi: Oh, are you angry? But before that, do you want to explain to your sister first? ]

[Robin: Fool, don't stir up trouble between us. ]

At this time, Robin will not really ask for an explanation.

That might cause a lot of trouble for her brother.

Of course, this does not mean that she is not curious about Mianmian's affairs.

And that Liumeng Reef.

She doesn't know these things.

At the same time,

In the heart of the family, the news that Liuying, Robin, and Sunday were assassinated under the protection of the family spread like wildfire.

Even if it was just a simple transmission, not a real death.

But this can make everyone feel nervous.

After all.

How many people hope that they will be stabbed to death by an exotic meme while playing?

And the sky screen began to play the second death of Liuying.

The second death scene was at the Sulada audition venue.

At this moment.

Ji Zi looked directly into Liuying's eyes and asked him solemnly:

"Miss Liuying, are you... ready?"

At this moment.

Liuying answered without hesitation:

"If not, I wouldn't be here."

At this point, Jizi did not hesitate, but made a final farewell:

"Thank you again for your help with the Starry Sky Train. I hope we can meet again in reality."

"May your pioneering journey never end."

After saying everything.

As the music sounded, the three members of the Starry Sky Train stood together on the movable platform.

Only Liuying stopped where she was.

"I dreamed of a scorched earth."

A green transformation device appeared in her hand, with light spots flashing on it.

"A new stamen that broke through the ground, it bloomed in the morning sun, whispering to me..."

The light on the transformation device became brighter and brighter.

And some flames gradually appeared on Liuying's body.

She spread her right hand holding the transformation device, and silver-white armor began to appear on her body, and her voice gradually became heavy.

"Flying fireflies into the fire! Live towards death!"

The moment she said it.

The Suleda fountain in the distance also happened to spray, taking Xing and others to a higher place.

Finally, he looked at the three people from afar.

Liuying turned his head and flew away.

"May we meet in a sober reality."


The impact of this video is no less than that of the previous one.

[Qingque: Sam, the company's wanted criminal, I didn't react just looking at the silhouette just now, 9.7 billion bounty. ]

[March Seven: I'm in it too! Why wasn't I invited to play? ]

[Danheng: Have you completely forgotten who said you were scared just now? ]

[March Seven: Now I'm paying attention, isn't it okay? ]

[Old Aodi: ? ? ? How come there are so many things in our family. ]

[Sunday: The Star Train cooperates with the Star Core Hunter, this is really rare. ]

It's normal for the family to want to shift the focus.

But if they want the Star Train to become the focus instead of them, then Jizi and the others will not agree.

[Walter Yang: I'm curious why the Star Core Hunter appeared at the banquet.]

[Ji Zi: The family's ability to control dreams seems to have some problems.]

[March Seven: That's right! That's right!]

This back-and-forth exchange made the company's Emerald Eater very surprised.


"Haha, interesting."

Emerald looked at the sky curtain and couldn't help shaking his head. How many surprises can this thing bring him?

First, Osvaldo, who had always been at odds with the Strategic Investment Department, was taken away.

Now they have given them a reason to intervene in Pinoconi.

Could it be that Shajin's luck is really that good?

He actually provoked the favor of a star god?

Shajin noticed the eyes next to him and knew what the other party was thinking without him saying anything.

"If I have this ability, will I still work here?"


Emerald did not comment and asked Shajin, "How is the project going?"

"This is not a difficult task, but there is no big force to do it for the time being. Instead of worrying about me, you might as well worry about Topa."

Shajin yawned.

I didn't expect this job to be so boring.

At least I can look at the sky curtain from time to time to relieve my boredom.

What is the relationship between the Star Core Hunter and the Star Dome Train? What happened to the family? Isn't this more interesting than processing documents here?

"You are the one who should be most careful not to make mistakes. Don't forget that my success rate is several percentage points higher than yours."

Topa interrupted at this time.

"Haha, you only look at quantity and not quality, you are just so-so."

Hearing this, Shajin didn't have the slightest intention of accommodating him.

The two immediately started bickering.

In the end, it was Jade who spoke up to stop the two.

"You two should learn to get along well."

She said helplessly.


Topa opened her mouth, obviously wanting to say something else, but since Jade had already spoken.

She had to hold back what she wanted to say.

Things were finally back on track.

Jade took a final look, and seeing that there was nothing to disclose about the overall plan, she simply ordered:

"Since everything is ready, let's make it public after this video is over."

Shajin nodded.

"I hope luck is still on our side this time."


At this moment, Tianmu had begun to prepare for his third death.

——"Sam fought his way out of the encirclement alone and reported the information to the people on the train."

——"Although the war failed."

——"But after going through untold hardships, everyone finally solved everything."

——"The incident finally came to an end."

——"The third death is coming!"

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