The two of them were in a state of panic.

Xing didn't really mean to fight, she just wanted to scare Liuying.

Liuying, on the other hand.

She seemed a little nervous.

"Don't come over, this bomb is very dangerous! And... I'm the real Liuying."

Even if Liuying can transform.

Sam Armor can't transform.

Hanabi won't become such a person who is easy to be exposed.

Xing nodded, indicating that she understood.

Seeing this situation.

Liuying also relaxed and turned her attention to the doll in the pool.

"Beautiful Dream has lost the protection of order. If it explodes here... the consequences will be disastrous."

"Can't it be solved?"

Xing asked in confusion.

"I'm afraid it won't work. There's a special energy inside."

If it were possible, Liuying would have already started defusing the bomb herself.

But this bomb now.

I'm afraid that except for Hanabi herself, no one else can defuse it.

"How about waiting for Black Swan?"

They are not the only ones on this ship. They just need to wait for Black Swan to come and let her move the bomb.

"No, Hanabi left a note saying that there is a memetic virus on it."

This is a virus specifically targeting memetic creatures like Black Swan.

Just touching it.

It may be life-threatening.

"Then let's go catch Hanabi! Let her defuse the bomb!"

There was some impatience in Xing's tone.

Finding Hanabi may be the only way at the moment, but it doesn't seem easy.

They don't even have any news about Hanabi.

Not to mention, the other party is in the dark and they are in the light.

This makes it even more troublesome to investigate.

"Hanabi might change her appearance, and she won't surrender even if she's caught."

Liu Ying rejected the proposal again.

Now Xing had no choice but to retreat.

"Mom... I don't want to die..."

She pouted and murmured.

Even if she was sure there was no danger, she still didn't want to experience the feeling of death if possible.

They had just solved everything.

Now it should be the celebration party!

Why did it turn out like this?


Liu Ying took a deep breath, turned her head and looked at Xing and said:

"Actually there is another way."

"Remember? The script said that I would experience three deaths in the dreamland."

"I think this is the precursor to the third time."

Her face was full of seriousness, and it was obvious that she was not joking now.

"I told you not to retract the foreshadowing at this time!"

Xing looked up suddenly.

She suddenly realized that there was someone better than Liu Ying to take the bomb away from the airship.

"You may have known that I was born without the ability to dream, and entering dreams is also a special method of the Star Core Hunter."

"This allows me to do things that ordinary dream chasers cannot do."

Her tone was flat.

As if she was talking about something trivial.

"As long as I can withstand the pain brought by the heavy pressure of memory, I can dive into the original memory domain outside the dream."

"And this will also bring a glimmer of hope for the Hibiscus."

To be precise, it is to bring a glimmer of hope to Xing.

But she didn't say that.

If she really said that, Xing might feel guilty?

She wanted Xing to be happier.

And Xing didn't have time to think so much.

She couldn't help but recall the first death of Liuying.

At that time, she was clearly stabbed through the body by Mianmian and sent to Liumeng Reef.

But after a while.

She still came to her side wearing the Sam armor.

I didn't know the reason before.

Now she finally reacted, but just as she reacted, Liuying was about to leave her again.

And this time.

She can only watch here.

"I will take the bomb to another place, so that no one will be hurt."

Liuying's tone is still calm.

But Xing can't be so calm now.

"What about you?"

Even at this time, Liuying still smiled and comforted:

"Don't worry, I believe this Firefly armor can send me to where I should go when the countdown ends... and even have a chance to return safely."

How many years of old armor.

She is still confident about its performance and defense capabilities.

"You are more important than this world."

Xing held Liuying's hand, reluctant to let her leave.

This is the world of Tianmu.

It's not worth it for Liuying to risk her life.

"This is something I have to go through

Love, don't mind, I have prepared everything. "

Liu Ying gently broke free from Xing's hand and walked towards the bomb.

"This is the best and most reasonable choice at the moment. After all, this long story should have a happy ending."

Before leaving.

She took a last look at Xing behind her.

"Let me share a sentence with you. Actually, it was Miss Huang Quan who told me that the so-called impossible things are just things that have not yet come."

"It is not fate that shapes us, but we shape fate. "

After saying that.

She walked away without looking back.

The chat room was also in an uproar.

[Potio: Fireworks thief! Don't let me catch you. If I catch you, I'll take off your mask and spank you hard.]

[Silver Wolf: If it's in my hands, I'll definitely beat you!]

[March Seven: Uncle Yang's pseudo black hole might work! Don't give up.]

[Yun Li: Where's Silver Wolf! Save him! For example, type in a coordinate to throw a bomb out or something!]

[Hu Tao: We don't want to work overtime at Wangsheng Hall.]

[Huo Huo: Miss Liuying, you're amazing. If I were her, would I be able to make such a decision?]

[Jing Yuan: Changle Tianjun's subordinates are really a mixed bag.]

[Arakaki Ito: Why! These two have only been friends for a short time!!!]

[Gallah: Damn it! Let They are together! Why does the story always end in an unhappy way!!! 】

Some people are angry, some pray, some give them advice, and some are thinking whether they can do their best.

Of course.

There are also people who watch and create fun.

[Aha: Haha, this is so fun. ]

[Sambo: Our company is going to clean up the Masked Fool, and we hope you will support us. ]

[Shajin: Hmm? Which department are you from? ]

[Sambo: I will not change my name, I am Kakavasia, the new director of the market development department. ]

[Shajin: ? ? ? ]

There are constant disturbances on the Internet.

At this moment, everyone in the world remembers a person named Liuying, who wants to use his life.

to exchange for the comfort of his companions.

The Star Core Hunter is not calm here either.

"Is this what you said about being able to land safely? "

Kafka bit her lip.

She is a veteran of the Star Core Hunters.

She has a good relationship with everyone, and seeing the firefly may cause trouble.

Even if there is no fear in her heart.

She is more or less irritable and reluctant.


Silver Wolf didn't know what to say for a while.

She didn't expect this to happen!

Did Fireworks do this?

"Dan Feng is there too, I want to meet him again."

Blade rubbed the long sword in his hand.

He didn't move when he saw Dan Heng appear on the sky before.

But at this moment.

He took the initiative to volunteer to participate.

"Elliot, don't you have anything to say?"

Kafka's mind is still calm. When something happens, she will ask Elliot.


Elliot is not in the base at this time.

Several people are in contact through personal terminals.

"Don't worry, this shouldn't happen. "

Elliot replied.

The sky screen has been playing until now, and it is basically the future she has seen before.

There shouldn't be any accidents at the end.

"Humph, if I had known, I wouldn't let Hanabi go to direct the matter of Pinocchio. It's so annoying!"

Silver Wolf looked at Hanabi angrily.

At least he had made a lot of concessions.

As a result, this little girl Hanabi gave her this?

It's also thanks to the sky screen, otherwise it might be too late for everything.


Hanabi must not be allowed to do the matter of Pinocchio!


Reality began to change at this moment.

But the scene on the sky screen is still going on.

"The Star Train and the Star Core Hunter are like light and shadow."

"We are on different roads, entangled, moving forward together, growing passionately..."

"Maybe the end is certain.'s not now. "

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