The old man was so angry, and he was so angry.

[Potiou: We are all the same, wanderers in the world! ]

[Potiou: I really love those cute little girls in the company. They changed my star icon to be so cute. ]

[Potiou: I really want to love them all to death! ]

Off the screen.

Yinzhi looked at the content and raised the corners of her mouth unconsciously.

It seems that I guessed right this time.

The patrol ranger opposite also has a pure and beautiful heart.

Pure and beautiful!

Did you see that? I passed your test again.

In the future, I will continue to work hard to let more people know about and believe in pure beauty.

This will not disappoint your cultivation of me.

【Yinzhi: Little wild cat, we can discuss language issues with each other in the future. 】

Seeing Yinzhi's words.

Potio shook his head helplessly.

"I thought I was already of low quality, but I didn't expect! Brother Yinzhi's quality is even lower than mine."

At least I only had some problems with some words.

Yinzhi is better.

The whole sentence doesn't sound like something an ordinary person would say.

This beacon has been transformed too thoroughly.

【Potio: It's not easy to get into such a situation. As long as you don't commit crimes in the future, we two will be brothers! 】

【Yinzhi: Okay, little wild cat. 】

Potio paused.

This person said good things, why don't he have good words?

But he has never been inferior to others, and he can't lose if he is scolded by others.

He showed

【Potio: Little cutie. 】

【Yinzhi: Little wild cat. ]


Harmonious and sincere.

Although they were not on the same channel, the two of them still had a happy chat.

Anyway, the two of them had convinced themselves.

The two of them swiped each other's screens, attracting the attention of others.

[Clary: Strange adults. ]

[Hook: Sister Natasha, why do they call each other like this? ]

[Bailu: Are they saying some secret codes? There are often such plots in the picture books on our fairy boat! ]

[Clara: But Mr. Swarlow said that these are bad words. ]

[Sambo: Ahem, children, don't listen, this is a game that only adults can play. ]

Beloberg Lower District.

Uncle Cold Legs shook his head at this scene.

"There are children in the chat room, and they are chatting so happily? What if they lead the children astray?"

He persuaded a few more words.

After letting the children avoid it.

He turned his attention back to the scene he had been focusing on.

[Afrit: The so-called impossible things are just things that have not yet come. That's a good point. I'm looking forward to meeting Miss Huang Quan. ]

[Katrina: How long will it take you to come? @Huang Quan. ]

[Huang Quan: I'm lost, wait for me. ]

[Katrina: I think you just don't dare to come to our Yonghuo Mansion. If you don't dare, then don't dare. You still say so much nonsense. I look down on you! ]

[Afrit: Katrina! Be careful with your words. ]

For Huang Quan, the Duke of Hellfire obviously still has a lot of good feelings.

The impossible things in the world are just things that have not yet come.

Have this kind of thought.

If she can be pulled to join the Yonghuo Mansion, there may be another general in the future.

[Afrit: Since you want to see me, I will privately chat with you about the coordinates, and someone will pick you up there. ]

[Huang Quan: OK. 】

An unknown small planet.

Huang Quan put down his personal terminal.

"Huh, I finally found the location. I thought I would be lost for a long time."

Looking at the coordinates sent by Grand Duke of Hellfire.

Huang Quan couldn't help but feel relieved.

What a good person!

Saved me a lot of trouble.

The only problem next is to move the replenished supplies back to the spacecraft.

This made her relax.


Grand Duke of Hellfire gave her the coordinates.

And on the sky.

It also appeared when Miss Liuying died for the first time, so I should have successfully arrived at Pinoconi in the end.

I just don't know if Pinoconi has a patrol ranger.

This bullet is of great importance.

There must be no mistakes. The identity of the other party's patrol ranger must be confirmed before it can be handed over.


An octopus sprayed a lot of ink.

Huang Quan just turned sideways and dodged.

Looking at the dark river bottom.

She couldn't help but frown.

"It feels more and more remote."

"I forgot to ask that person whether he walked along the river bank or walked straight according to the geographical direction."

"Forget it, let's ask someone again."


The matter of Huangquan is just a trivial episode in the eyes of most people.

The more critical point is the sky curtain.

When everyone thought it was over, a voice sounded again on the sky curtain.

——"Although Hua Dao's drama has long ended, Liuying's three deaths have just begun."

——"Please enjoy the animated short film, "Grammer's Embers."

——"Let us witness Liuying's death together."

——"And, her new life!"

In the darkness, a voice suddenly sounded.

"Command! Firefly Team 4 has found the queen."

"Request support!"

"Firefly Team 2 has lost contact."

"We were attacked in the rift zone."

"Repeat! Request support!"

The shouts of countless people were mixed together, but at this moment, Firefly no longer had the extra energy to think about these.

She greedily breathed in the air around her, wanting to replenish her energy.

Even as a Grammer's artificial human.

No matter how good her physical fitness was.

After a long battle, her face was already covered with sweat.

Her limbs were like lead.

Almost unable to swing again.

Standing alone on a hill made of steel and insect debris, she slowly propped up her body.

Her hands were burning with yellow flames representing destruction.

Facing the swarm of insects coming from all directions.

She kept punching and blocking, and she had repeated all the movements hundreds of times during training.

And what she had to do.

Just keep repeating these actions on the battlefield.

Simple and direct!

This is the fighting style that has been summarized after tens of thousands of battles in the Republic of Gramer.

It is also the action that she has streamlined after hundreds of battles.

Each punch can accurately kill a bug.

But it is useless.

The queen bug will reproduce more bugs in large quantities.

As long as a short period of time passes, perhaps in the next second, a new swarm of bugs will join the battlefield.

And her physical strength will be exhausted before that.

Then she fell to the ground.

After the past few days, she became part of this planet, or part of the swarm.


The huge impact force came, causing Liuying to lose her center of gravity.

Then her back was severely injured.

[The back armor is damaged, you can wait for the armor to repair itself, or contact relevant personnel for repair. 】

A cold prompt sound came.

Don't even think about it, it's best to find relevant personnel to repair it now.

But it's useless...

Gramer has long been destroyed.

They did not perish in the endless tide of insects, but perished in internal strife.

Their cavalry could only wander in this universe like lonely ghosts, following the agreement made countless years ago.

Hunting all insect swarms.

The moment she was distracted, a half-human-sized insect flew towards her.

The target of the attack was towards her already damaged back armor.

"It's too late. It seems that my old predecessor will also fall here..."

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