The train was in a state of panic, but the train was still in a state of panic.

Walter's body suddenly stiffened.

He glanced at March Seven indifferently, but just this one glance made March Seven's hair stand on end.

"Hey! Pam, isn't the temperature of the train a little too low?"

He hugged Pam into his arms.

March Seven's hands kept rubbing on its body, as if he wanted to keep warm.

"You are disrespecting the conductor."

Pam pouted and whispered

But his body was very honest.

He didn't mean to move at all, but just turned his head to look in the direction of Uncle Yang.

"Family members are not allowed to fight, huh!!!"

Uncle Yang showed an apologetic expression on his face, and coughed twice:

"It's a conditioned reflex."


It's just one or two words, the collapse is over... at least the collapse of the earth is over.

Now that I have started traveling.

Then don't be so irritable.

He comforted himself in his heart.

Uncle Yang looked at Sanyueqi and said with concern:

"Are you okay?"

"Uh, just now, did something happen?"

Sanyueqi blinked his eyes, still a little unresponsive.

"Look at you, you should be fine."

Seeing this, Uncle Yang breathed a sigh of relief.

Although it was only a moment of hostility towards Xiao Sanyue, it was normal that it was nothing, and it could even train reaction speed.

It is also good for cultivating combat qualities.

But after all, it is not training now.

He was also afraid that Sanyueqi would be frightened and have some problems.

"Wait, I have something to do. I feel dizzy, nauseous, sleepy... and... and... I have a stomachache."

March Seven said it seriously, as if it was real.

She also reacted now.

It was Uncle Yang who released hostility to her.

Such a good opportunity, if I don't take advantage of it, it's really a bit of a shame for myself.

The two looked at each other for a few seconds.

March Seven couldn't help but shrink her neck.

Just when she was about to say it was okay, Uncle Yang spoke first.

"What do you want? I'll buy it for you?"

Just take it as an apology.

Hearing this, March Seven jumped up immediately.

"Great! Uncle Yang is the best!"

She ran to Uncle Yang in small steps and handed the personal terminal to him.

"Uncle Yang! Let's buy a star destroyer?"

"Do you think it's possible?"

Uncle Yang showed a bitter expression on his face and looked at March Seven with a complicated expression.


March Seven also knew it was impossible, she just mentioned it.

"Then buy the company's latest camera? The photos taken by Xing's personal terminal are too low in clarity, so we still need to change equipment."

The price is indeed not low.

According to March Seven's pocket money and the speed of commissions, it is not impossible to save up for a few months.

However, for me, that's it.

"Buy it."

He said lightly.

This made March Seven a little afraid to accept it.

"Well, actually this is just a joke. I actually want to buy this one."

She called out another camera.

The price is cheaper.

Uncle Yang took a glance and found that this one belongs to the same series as the one March Seven himself uses.

"It's all right. You decide for yourself. I don't care."

Ji Zi also interrupted at this time:

"You don't have to be too frugal. Mr. Walter is still quite wealthy."

"Alas~ Why does Uncle Yang never seem to worry about money?"

March Seven asked.

Several people silently directed the topic elsewhere, and no one asked Uncle Yang about his behavior just now.

This is the unspoken rule on the train.

Unless the other party is willing to talk, don't force the other party to talk about his past.

"Mr. Walter is an exception~"

Ji Zi smiled.

"Envy, young people."

Walter replied.

After several people discussed what camera to buy for a while, Uncle Yang left first on the pretext of having something to do, and Ji Zi also went to get coffee.

Pam continued to clean up.

Only March Seven and Dan Heng were left on the field.

"Hehe, the theory of jumping off a building that you taught me is really useful."

March Seven put his hands on his hips, with a proud expression on his face.

"Jump off the building?"

The calm face jumped twice unconsciously, and Dan Heng began to ponder in his heart.

What is this jumping off the building theory?

When did I teach March 7?

"Didn't you say that as long as you put forward an unrealizable request,

Can you finally accomplish what you want to achieve? "

March Seven scratched her cheek with her hand.

She felt that she was quite smart.

She was able to achieve such a good result in the first experiment.

"That's called stepping on the threshold."

Dan Heng took a deep breath and began to mutter unconsciously in his heart.

What jumping off the building?

You said the window opening theory, even if it was the broken window theory, he would accept it.

After teaching for so long, why do I feel that the knowledge is not very useful?

"Ahem, don't you remember it now?"

March Seven was a little embarrassed, but she quickly cheered up, "In fact, this girl is still very smart."

"It's just that I have lost my memory now, so I look a little stupid."

"Xing is the same."

"When both of us regain our memories, we will definitely become a lot smarter. ”

For this sister who shared the same suffering as herself.

March Seven still liked it very much.

But this made Dan Heng react.


Now there is not only March Seven on the train, but also a Xing whose brain circuit is similar to March Seven.

Putting these two people together, will there really be no problem?

The future pioneering journey always feels very tiring.


As long as I don’t go to jail every time.

He prayed silently in his heart.

And for Dan Heng’s indifference, March Seven has long been accustomed to it.

She said to herself:

"I always feel that Uncle Yang’s past is very mysterious? He is not also from the Republic of Gramer, right? Otherwise, why is the reaction so strong?"

"Also, Liuying may be a fellow villager of Uncle Yang?"

"If so, it’s not impossible for Liuying to get on the train, but I don’t know if the company will have any objections."

"In fact, I think this is quite cool, but I’d better not say it in front of Uncle Yang in the future. "


March Seven talked nonstop.

It wasn't that he really wanted Dan Heng to respond.

He was just bored and couldn't stop talking.

And Dan Heng would quietly agree from time to time.

It wasn't that he hated March Seven.

He just didn't like chatting and didn't know how to answer.

Xing and Little March got along well.

If the two of them could take care of themselves in the future, maybe I could take a rest in the train and read more books.

No need to run around every day. .

Just as he was thinking.

Uncle Yang also adjusted his mentality and returned to the viewing room - since the sky curtain came out, Pam specially arranged it to facilitate everyone to gather together to watch the movie.

Looking at the two little ones who were chatting happily.

He didn't care.

Instead, he planned to sit in his seat and continue to watch the sky curtain.

Just then.

A passage from March Seven caught his attention.

"I heard that Uncle Yang was the leader of a secret organization, saved the planet, was a teacher, and drew the original paintings of animations!"

"I have imagined a blockbuster in my mind!"

Speaking of this.

March Seven's eyes lit up, and he muttered:

"My father died in the war. On his deathbed, he gave the family heirloom to Uncle Yang, asking him to punish evil and promote good with the artifact."

"In order to complete my father's mission and save the world."

"Uncle Yang became the leader of a secret organization. Because he needed to train his juniors, he became a teacher, and finally saved the planet through continuous efforts. ”

“But he didn’t get complacent about it.”

“Instead, he returned to his ordinary life and became an animation artist.”

She muttered to herself.

As she spoke, she became even more excited, as if she was very satisfied with her guess.

“It’s played like this on TV, it feels so exciting!”

She looked up at Dan Heng.

She saw that he was not listening to her at all, but looking somewhere else.

This made Xiao Sanyue a little dissatisfied.

“Did you hear me?”

After thinking for a moment, Dan Heng pointed behind Sanyueqi and said:

“Uncle Yang heard everything. "

March Seven mechanically turned her head away.

I saw the person involved, Walter Yang, standing behind her.

"Ahem, hello, Uncle Yang..."

March Seven was a little embarrassed.

It was so embarrassing to discuss other people's past behind their backs and be heard!

The atmosphere was a little awkward for a while.

I don't know how long it took before Uncle Yang uttered a few words:

"TMD! Honkai is still chasing me!"

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