The doctor glanced at him and asked:

"What are you doing here?"

"Haha, what? Can't I come?"

Sha Jin's smile did not diminish. He picked up the medical examination report beside him and read it. "Overwork and impatience caused him to collapse."


"According to your physique, the doctor said that you only need to rest for one night."

While he was reading, he was still paying attention to the expression of Doctor Zhenli.

He also wanted to know how the other party would react.

What a pity.

This would disappoint him.

Doctor Zhenli's face was calm and there was no change at all.

"Take care of yourself, gambler. I don't need your concern."

He said coldly.

Sha Jin was not surprised.

Having been with him for such a long time.

If he didn't understand his sharp tongue and soft heart, he wouldn't be like him.

"If you say that, I'll be sad."

Sitting aside.

Sha Jin began to process the documents in his hand.

Since he became the director of the market development department, he has more things to consider during this period than in the previous year.

There was silence in the air for a while.

Finally, it was Dr. Zhenli who spoke first:

"Why do you think you can win, damn gambler?"

"Three chips are enough, everything, or nothing!"

Sha Jin replied without thinking.

Looking out the window.

The breeze blew through the willows, making their branches dance in the sky.

This was built by the company.

It is said that it is for the senior management to feel better when they are recuperating.

When dealing with the rich and useful people.

The company is always willing to give the other party due respect.

Of course.

The premise is that it does not affect the interests of the company itself.

"I came from the desert of Tsygannia."

"For sixty copper coins, people branded me."

"Put shackles on me, sent me to the rack, and buried me in the yellow sand."

At this moment.

There was no nostalgia for the past in his eyes, only full of confidence, "But the sun can't kill me."

"The quicksand sent me to the embrace of the society and the company."

Turning to look at Doctor Zhenli.

The smile on his mouth was a little evil.

"Remember, I didn't win once by chance, I have never lost!!!"

There was a little silence in the air.

Doctor Zhenli looked at Shajin with a complicated expression, and he didn't know how to evaluate the man in front of him.

Should he say he was confident?

Or arrogant?


Just as he was thinking.

The sound of the silver plate falling to the ground rang out.

The two looked over.

I saw a pretty girl standing at the door, looking at Shajin with a blushing face, and I don’t know what she was thinking.

"It seems that the way I spoke just now was so handsome that I have gained another little fan girl."

Shajin chuckled.

Young, rich, and good-looking.

This is a sign of popularity everywhere.

The little nurse didn't explain much.

Instead, she smiled and said.

"Mr. Shajin is really amazing. If the way you looked just now spreads out, I don't know how many people will be impressed by someone like you."

A young hero with lofty ambitions.

Really charming.

Shajin nodded.

"Then I will hang this sentence on my main business later, maybe I can attract more fans."


He didn't explain too much.

Instead, he asked the little nurse:

"What are you doing here?"

The nurse lowered her head and explained:

"Doctor, just now I asked me to come over and say that the patient needs to rest now."

Pick up the things on the ground.

These are things like incense for cooling down, clearing away heat and relaxing.

Each one is worth a thousand gold.

"Well, it seems that it is time for me to leave."

Sha Jin sat up.

He arranged his clothes and walked towards the door.

On the way.

He even smiled at the little nurse and said:

"Take good care of our professor, and don't let him get tired."

After that.

He waved his hand and said frivolously:

"Goodbye, my dear professor, this time I'm going to change the world!"

This confident look is quite likable.

At least it is quite likable to the little nurse.

The little nurse couldn't take her eyes away.

"Don't look, they are all gone."

Doctor Zhenli sat up and began to arrange himself.

his own clothes.

"You need to rest now."

The nurse said.

"When the person dies, you can rest all the time, no need to stick to the moment."

After getting dressed.

He followed the steps of Shajin and walked out the door.

"Who in this world doesn't have a dream? What we are going to do next is a great event that will be remembered for thousands of years. Before we get there, we need to check again."

"We won't lose!"

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