The sky was full of stars, and the sky was full of stars.

On the sky screen, the scene of the prison was being played.

Luosha raised his hands high.

Standing in the center of the room, a confident smile hung on the corners of his mouth.

Although he was surrounded by several elite cloud cavalry and the strongest man in Luofu, Jing Yuan.

But his momentum was not bad at all.

He even had the tendency to overwhelm Jing Yuan.

"What did you say?"

Jing Yuan tightened the formation knife in his hand, narrowed his eyes and looked at Luosha.

His muscles were tense.

It seemed that he was going to draw his knife and kill the man in front of him in the next second.

"Do you need me to repeat it again?" Luosha held his chin with one hand in contemplation. He looked at the general in front of him and said, "What I want to say is that if the Immortal Boat stands on our side." "Perhaps I have already figured out a set of effective methods that can make a large number of emissaries and even star gods fight for hunting." At this point. His tone was filled with a touch of loss and helplessness. "It's a pity... You seem to be a little impulsive in major events and don't distinguish between the important and the unimportant." Jing Yuan's face was stiff. He said in a deep voice: "Are you referring to the matter of defeating Huanlong?" "Yes." Luosha answered without thinking. He snorted. He said to Jing Yuan: "Let's talk about your fight against the Lord of Extinction this time." "I brought the star core into the Immortal Boat because of some unavoidable reasons." "And are you going to insist on confronting me for decades?" Jing Yuan's face did not change. He raised his knife and answered calmly:

"Of course! The revenge of the patrol will come."

This is the fate of the patrol.

As fellow hunters, Xianzhou could not let their grudges go unpunished.

Regardless of whether Luosha brought the star core into Xianzhou or not.

Anyway, the other party has admitted it.

Then he could not let the other party go so easily.

"What should I say?"

Luosha's expression was a little subtle, as if he was troubled by the stubbornness of the man in front of him.

"It is true that my power comes from abundance, but I am the enemy of the pharmacist like you."


Everyone in the chat room also discussed this scene.

[Gui Naifen: The underworld scene. ]

[Arakaki Ito: The real one is here! ]

[Xiangling: What a stupid logic, can comrades-in-arms be replaced just by replacing them? ]

[Hu Tao: Okay, this is the person who should be buried. ]

[Xiao: Humph. ]


[Paimon: What's wrong, Traveler? You look a little uncomfortable?]

[Ying: It's okay, I just have a headache, it will be fine soon.]

There are many people who criticize language.

Of course, there are also many people who analyze the overall situation.

[Lei Film: This person doesn't look strong? Why is he so confident?]

[Zhongli: Maybe he has something similar to the return to the end?]

[Xianyun: What can threaten the gods?]

[Xianyun: Just like when Ganyu was a child, she was still fat, but with the body of the demon god. She can choke others to death.]

[Ganyu: Master!!!]

[Gallagher: Bringing the star core to the fairy boat, this feels like a huge foreshadowing.]

[Kamisato Ayato: Maybe the five heroes on the cloud collapsed because of this.]

This video does not have a time mark.

Therefore, many people can only make guesses based on fragments. Insufficient information also leads to their speculations being somewhat distorted.

[Xing: Started chanting, feeling a little bit evil! ]

[Su Shang: I don’t know why, I always feel that this person in front of me is a bit handsome! ]

[Gui Naifen: Indeed! I always feel that this person can send everyone to heaven in the next second. ]

[Fu Xuan: I just saw him for the first time, and my first impression of him is not bad. ]

[Qing Que: I didn’t expect that Master Taibu would also make mistakes. ]

[Fu Xuan: It’s like I made a mistake and didn’t notice that you were lazy every day. ]

[Pela: The book records the Great Lord of Extinction, who is said to be the most powerful and evil group of people in the world. ]

[Tingyun: Yes, I heard that they are causing chaos everywhere in the universe, and I am really scared! ]

[Yukong: Those who are outside, come back quickly, don’t get into trouble. ]

Tingyun almost grew up with Yukong.


Tingyun has a strong talent in diplomacy and various management matters.

She has always been a role model for the new generation of fox people.

She is a child of other people's families.

Yukong is very good to her.

Still very caring.

[Tingyun: Don't worry, I'm on my way back, and this time it was also a complete success. ]

[Jingyuan: Xianzhou is also in trouble! Everyone should be more careful during this period. ]

[Huanlong: Thumbs up for your Xianzhou!!! ]

[Feixiao: Humph! You actually attacked Luofu! Then we Yaoqing must help! I can't bear to see you! ]

[Qin Suyi: I'll take care of you! ]

[Sushang: I'll take care of you! ]

[Gui Naifen: It seems not bad to be able to see Xianzhou and Juemie Dajun fighting against each other? I just don't know if there will be any danger. ]

[March Seven: There is no point in fighting against each other, right? Shouldn't we be fighting against gangs and eliminating evil? ]

[Danheng: .... (What are you guys talking about?)]

[Doctor Zhenli:...........]

[Shajin: Someone come! The doctor fainted again! 】

The chat room was full of heated discussions,

On the Starry Sky Train.

It was the same as before.

At this moment.

Walter Yang was completely stunned.

He looked at the sky.

It took him a long time to utter a sentence:

"How can this bastard still be alive!!!"

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