The two were about to fight.

The two figures, one red and one blue, kept colliding in the Scaled Abyss, stirring up clouds of dust.

The ice sword in Jingliu's hand.

It was no worse than the sword in Ren's hand.

Only in terms of swordsmanship.

Of course, Jingliu was better.

But Ren only relied on his immortal body and fearless fighting style to suppress Jingliu for a short time.

"The way you looked at that time is still lingering in front of me, as if it was a dream last night."

Jingliu kept muttering.

Facing the surging sword in front of her.

She fought and retreated.

Finally, she jumped away from Ren's attack.


Three sword qi slashed out from the smoke and dust one after another.

Jingliu just turned sideways and passed through the narrow gap of the sword qi.

And rushed straight towards the direction of the blade.

"Ding ding dang dang."

The sound of metal colliding came, and it seemed like the sound of wine glasses colliding.

The sword techniques of the two were exactly the same.

Even the steps and breathing were very similar.

"I thought such a happy day would be as long as the life of the immortal boat people, day after day, endless cycle."

Now Jingliu no longer gave in.

She turned around.

Not only did she not look weak just now, but she suppressed the blade.

And the blade did not give up.

He raised the long sword in his hand.

He took off Jingliu's eye mask.

The two sides fought more fiercely, but no one at the scene tried to stop each other.

Jingyuan stood there with his head down.

I don't know what he was thinking.

Dan Heng crossed his arms and hid under Dan Feng's shadow.

"I will wake up eventually, like a cloud dispersing."

The battle between the two has also reached the final stage.

As Jing Liu slashed down with his sword.

The whole world was shrouded in a touch of white.


Seeing this scene in the chat room, I didn't know how to comment for a moment.

Instead, Jing Liu spoke first.

[Jing Liu: It seems that your swordsmanship has improved a lot over the years. ]

[Blade: Same here, same here. ]

[Jing Liu: Thank you for your hard work over the years, Jing Yuan. ]

[Jing Yuan:.......]

I don't know what Jing Yuan feels when he hears this.

Anyway, others feel sorry for him.

[Ningguang: General Luofu's life is really rough. ]

[Fu Nina: Even worse than mine. ]


[Paimon: Now I am more curious, how did he survive? 】

【Tadalia: You can't devote yourself to the battle, so this kind of competition is not fun at all. 】

No way.

From Jing Yuan's perspective.

The whole incident is too dramatic.

First, in the battle, Luo Fu's former general died, and Bai Heng also died.

But at least the battle was won.

The others are still alive.

As a result, a wicked dragon suddenly appeared in his home and wreaked havoc inside the entire fairy boat.

It was not easy to subdue it.

Let's see who the criminal is?



Two of them!

Just after sorting out my thoughts, I was about to talk to my master about the situation of these two people.


Where's the master?

Where's my master?


The devil's body!

If this happened to anyone, it would not be impossible for him to have a devil's body attack on the spot and then leave the world.

Jing Yuan not only resisted.

And he resisted very well.

He managed to hold on for more than 700 years when Luofu was in a period of transition.

This kind of stress resistance.

He is a big boss no matter where he is.

The sky curtain continues.

I saw between the horizon.

Blade's body was smashed down from the sky by a blue sword energy.

The whole screen was dark.

"It's really... a familiar feeling..."

"It's like going back to the first day you taught me swordsmanship."

"You hold the sword energy made by Yingxing for you... piercing, cutting, piercing, over and over again..."

In the picture.

The broken sword pierced Blade's body.

At this moment, his clothes were tattered, and bandages were tied all over his body.

And under the bandages.

was a body with scars everywhere.

"The sword moves that once fell on the enemy are now engraved on this abominable body, and I can only watch my flesh and blood twitch, heal, and recover..."

"It's like asking, asking..."

Ren seemed to be unable to recall.

He seemed unwilling to recall.

But in the end he still said:

"Why? Why did you commit this evil with Yinyue?"

Jingliu's voice rang clearly beside his ears.

He was a little confused.

He couldn't tell whether it was Jingliu who was speaking, or Jingliu in his memory who was speaking.

But it didn't matter.

Ren said silently in his heart:

"I know... you don't expect my answer..."

"So, when you looked me in the eye, I asked a question. That was a question I had asked myself thousands of times, but there was no answer-"

Ren's tone here became more and more excited.

His tone was full of confusion.

It seemed that he was questioning the injustice of God.

"Why...why can only evil creatures come back again and again..."

"Why should people like her be buried, burned to ashes, and forgotten...why?!"

"In the end, you pierced my heart and left me and the sword in that withered grave."

He regained his composure.

But confusion still lingered in his heart.

"The wonderful thing is that in this short and dreamlike death, I no longer feel so painful..."

"...just like those days of drinking."

——"The fox people pursue life to bloom in a moment."

——"The Xianzhou people pursue death on the battlefield."

——"The population of the Chiming tribe is gradually decreasing, and we must find a way to increase the population."

——"The short-lived species values ​​feelings and individuals."

——"The ending of the five people is the sadness of the times."

——"When the Xianzhou crosses the hunting patrol and enters the new era, there will be changes."

——"But please don't let the sadness of the times become your sadness."


It ends here.

Another wave of discussion started in the chat room.

[Yae Shenzi: Straight to the point]

[Xianyun: All good things must come to an end.]

[Dr. Zhenli: The blade part is actually the emotional outburst of the entire plot, and it is the knot in the hearts of the four people that cannot be untied]

[Jingyuan: I hope our tragedy will not be repeated in Yanqing's generation]

[Ningguang: If the general falls into the devil's shadow, then Yanqing, as the sword master, will have to free Jingyuan himself, right? ]

[Potiou: So cute! What a fate that makes people love to death! ]

[Aratake Ito: I feel so painful just listening to it! ]

[In the final analysis, he has never been able to forgive himself... Jingliu killed him thousands of times because he voluntarily asked for death...]

[Xing: The other side that cannot be reached is the "beautiful view" that he wishes for in this life, but has no chance to see]

[Seno: There are five people, and four white-haired ones... Danfeng, you are not one of them. 】

【Leosli: The invincible Blade fell again】

【Gallagher: Yanqing was sweating beside him】

【Tadalia: Jingliu's dodge is amazing】

【Natasha: Danheng stood under the shadow of Danfeng's sculpture - he still couldn't escape from the shadow of his past life】

【Jizi: You can end it at any time, but you can never escape】

【Emerald: Look carefully, Jingliu's eyes are full of bitterness, pain, sympathy and reluctance. 】


The chat room was heated.

In the Starry Sky Train.

Xing looked at Danheng seriously and asked:

"Danheng, do you know why the blade is not on the train now?"


What's the question?

Danheng was confused, and after thinking for a moment, he replied:

"Because our train is heavily guarded?"

Xing shook his head:

"Of course it's because the point is not reached (the point is not reached)."

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