The night was getting darker and darker, and the silver full moon hung in the black sky, shining all over the ground.

In the field with a breeze, Gu Yihan followed the sound and came to the foot of Tianheng Mountain.

Mountains as tall and straight as Tianheng Mountain can be seen everywhere in Liyue.

Although there are many rare treasures, minerals, monsters and beasts on the mountain, it is not surprising.

It is because it embraces Liyue Port in its arms and there are often footprints of Liyue people on the mountain, so it is particularly kind in the eyes of Liyue people.

After searching for a while following the sound, Gu Yihan stopped under a tree with only branches and no leaves, close to the mountain range, and a winding and rugged appearance.

Around the tree, one piece after another of black burnt marks are clearly visible.

The originally lush green grass was also burned to ashes by the raging fire.

Several pieces of burnt cloth armor were shallowly buried in the ashes.

The ruined wilderness was filled with a strong smell of fire.

Apparently, a fierce battle had taken place here not long ago.

"Who on earth is that?" Gu Yihan frowned, and used the displacement of the ice element to easily jump onto the tree and run towards the top of the mountain.

Compared with other ordinary peaks, the altitude of Tianheng Mountain is definitely not low.

Even Gu Yihan, who was as light as a swallow, wasted a full five minutes to reach the top of the mountain.

On the top of the mountain, a square monument covered with moss and engraved with strange patterns blocked Gu Yihan's sight.

He couldn't see the situation ahead clearly.

After moving a short distance to the side, Gu Yihan fixed his eyes on the battlefield in front of him.

Less than ten meters away from him.

The power of the fire element was enthusiastically burning on the fiercely burning grass.

The originally uneven ground was also smashed into more than a dozen huge pits by unknown objects.

A girl holding a spear was fighting a four or five meter tall ruins guard.

He looked at the huge pit on the ground, and then at the girl who was gradually losing the upper hand

Gu Yihan frowned and said lightly, "Those who bully children should pay with their lives."

Just when Gu Yihan was about to make a move, he heard something that made him laugh and cry.

"Ah~ Can you be so unreasonable just because it's food? I'm going to burn you!"

The girl's crisp voice came from the front, and Gu Yihan wanted to laugh a little.

Because he really couldn't think of what other strange ideas the girl had about eating.

Just as Gu Yihan was thinking, an orange figure flew out from the battlefield in front of him, drawing a beautiful arc in the air.

He fell into Gu Yihan's arms for no apparent reason.

Gu Yihan stood there woodenly, his hands stiff at a certain point and didn't take them away.

"It feels good, should it be A shield?" Gu Yihan thought.

After a while, Gu Yihan came back to his senses. How could he know this! Damn...

Then, he hurriedly shook his head and quickly found his irrational thoughts.

Then he took his hands away and looked down at the girl who had already fallen into a coma in his arms.

The girl was very beautiful, with a standard melon-shaped face under her gray-blue bangs.

Her cute and lovely appearance made people love her.

"Wake up?" Gu Yihan shook the girl, and just as he was about to speak, he was blocked by the strong murderous intent behind him.

Along with the mechanical sound getting closer and closer, a fierce wind also whistled.

Gu Yihan curled his lips and touched the ground with his toes, holding the girl and jumping off the cliff.

The ruins guard behind Gu Yihan did not give up the pursuit, and jumped in the direction where Gu Yihan disappeared.

After settling the girl, Gu Yihan slowly stood up and walked towards the ruins guard.

He raised his hands, and two short knives transformed from ice elements appeared in his hands out of thin air.

As Gu Yihan quickened his pace, a huge elemental force field was born around him.

The four elemental forces of thunder, ice, rock, and fire were freely controlled by him.

Although he could not defeat Gu Yihan, the ruins guard still had no intention of giving up.

After the clapping attack failed, he switched to a rotating cycle attack.

It was a pity that those were like eggs hitting stones for Gu Yihan, and he had no idea how hard he was.

"Take it." Gu Yihan snorted coldly, like a sharp blade, he only pierced the ruins guard's body back and forth and knocked it down.

Bang~ The ruins guard completely collapsed, and fell heavily to the ground like a small hill.

Once again, a huge pit was smashed on the flat ground.

Even the ground within a radius of five meters shook for several seconds.

Gu Yihan put away the knife, and was shocked. He quickly turned around and looked at the girl lying in the distance.

Seeing that she had not woken up yet, he was completely relieved."Huh~ Fortunately, my many God's Eyes were not seen..."

Gu Yihan touched the God's Eye on his waist, and raised his hand to pull the outer collar of his clothes.

Except for the God's Eye of Thunder, he hid the God's Eyes of other elements before heading towards the girl.

After checking the girl's pulse and confirming that she was fine, Gu Yihan fell into confusion again.

He always felt as if he knew the girl in front of him.

It's just that he didn't know why he had forgotten her.

Of course, it didn't matter to Gu Yihan whether he knew the girl or not, so he didn't need to worry about it.

Just as he was about to take the girl back to Liyue Harbor for medical treatment, his system and the little camel flew towards him in a hurry.

[Host, how could you do such a heartless, worse than pigs and dogs, and something that is infuriating to both humans and gods! ]

[Xiangling is still a child, she can't satisfy you, a centenarian, let her go, dog host! ]

Hearing a series of random complaints and unbearable filth from the system.

Gu Yihan rolled his eyes fiercely.

Raised his fist and smashed towards the little camel's head.

Luckily, the little camel dodged quickly, otherwise he would have been blown up by Gu Yihan.

"Which eye of yours saw that I am worse than a beast?" Gu Yihan gritted his teeth.

The little camel scratched his head guiltily and whispered: [This wave of operation of this system is called persuading the host to return to the right path...]

"Say it again?"

[I...I didn't say anything. Didn't you knock Xiangling unconscious? ] The little camel said, and flew away in a whoosh.

"Xiangling?" Gu Yihan frowned, and finally remembered Xiangling's approximate identity.

At this moment, Xiangling also woke up leisurely from her coma.

The breeze brought the clear night fragrance, and a handsome young man with a beautiful face, picturesque eyebrows and unparalleled elegance came into Xiangling's eyes.

Under the starry sky, the young man's dark eyes seemed to hide the sea of ​​stars, and Xiangling was inadvertently fascinated by him.

"Are you okay?" Gu Yihan asked.

Xiangling nodded, slowly got up from the ground, rubbed her painful buttocks and said.

"Hello, my name is Xiangling, the chef of Wanmin Hall, may I ask if it was you who saved me?"

[Then it must be my Gu Yihan, Gu Shao...]

"It wasn't me." Gu Yihan quickly took over the words of the little camel, smiled gently at Xiangling, and continued.

"You were already here when I came, but there are often wild animals in this mountain, and you were unconscious, so I stayed."

"Since you are awake, I will go down the mountain first, and you should go back quickly.

"The wild is too dangerous, so when you go out next time... you should bring a companion with you."

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