"From a universal point of view, Morax can do without Mora."

Hearing Zhongli say this, Wendy was out of breath and almost fell on his back.

His poor old friend, when did he become so poor?

Back then, when he first came to Liyue, the Rock King was very generous to treat him to wine and meat.

Now, he can't even take out a Mora.

The more Wendy thought about it, the more outrageous it became. Finally, he suppressed his temper again and said to Zhongli seriously: "Zhongli, please look at me carefully."

"Hmm?" Zhongli frowned, put down the wine glass in his hand, and looked up at Wendy.

"You really don't have Mora?"

Zhongli: "Yes."

"Then think of a way, peel crabs for a month, ah! I really don't understand why there is such a rule here?!!"

"If there is wine to drink, it's okay to waste a month of time."

"But the key is that not only will there be no wine to drink for the next month, but you have to work non-stop."

"How can I peel crabs?!!" Wendy said, and the alcohol came up again.

This damn Yinyue Zuiyinglou is even more deceptive than Diluk's tavern.

Zhongli looked at Barbatos standing in front of the table, even his steps were a little unsteady, and shook his head helplessly.

"Or, I'll go to borrow some from the young master, and you wait for me here for a while?"

Wendy quit on the spot when he heard that Zhongli was leaving, and put the bottle of wine on the table again, looking at Zhongli pitifully.

"Can you really get Mora? Don't lie to me."

Although the two have been friends for many years, Wendy still doesn't trust Zhongli.

After all, Zhongli said when they were first detained by Shuang that he would send the bill to the Hall of Rebirth.

In that case... wouldn't he really be the only one left here?

The more Wendy thought about it, the more he felt that he couldn't let Zhongli leave, so he began to keep Zhongli, who had just been scolded by him, with all kinds of excuses.

Shuang saw that neither of them could afford Mora, and because Zhongli was a friend of the Shaoqing and had helped them, he couldn't make up his mind for a while.

So he just left them to his men to watch, and ran out to buy the materials needed for brewing.


Gu Yihan and the lady bought fresh flower cakes at the snack stall at the port, and then walked leisurely towards the direction of Yujingtai.

Flower cakes are the most common snacks in Liyue Port. They are round in shape and look very much like Mora with a golden appearance.

But they are many times more beautiful than Mora, and they smell fragrant and make people salivate.

The lady took out a flower cake from a small paper bag and handed it to Gu Yihan.

"There are many flower cake shops in Liyue Port, but this one is my favorite."

"I guess you will like it too, try it."

Gu Yihan took the thing handed by the lady and took a big bite, then nodded with a wry smile.

"Well, it's delicious, but a little sweet..."

After being reminded by Gu Yihan, the lady suddenly remembered that this little guy didn't like sweets very much.

So, she took another spicy flower cake from the small paper bag for Gu Yihan.

"Try this one."

Gu Yihan nodded, took the flower cake from the lady's hand and took a big bite.

He originally thought that this flower cake was really as delicious as the lady said...

The lady stared at the changes in Gu Yihan's expression very attentively, looked at his frowning eyebrows, and asked him expectantly, "How is it, is it delicious?"

"Ugh~" Gu Yihan vomited before he could answer, and the flower cake in his hand was thrown away by him.

"Little guy!" The lady raised her hand nervously and patted Gu Yihan's back, looking at him worriedly.

Why would the little guy dislike such delicious flower cakes? The lady couldn't figure it out...

After a while, Gu Yihan adjusted his state and stood up with a bitter face.

"Is it too spicy?" Looking at Gu Yihan's somewhat exaggerated expression, the lady asked worriedly.

Gu Yihan shook his head, frowned and drooped his face, gritted his teeth and answered, "It's all leeks..."

"Don't you like leeks? There are corianders here, do you want them?" The lady asked jokingly, it turned out that the little guy didn't like leeks, hahaha.

Very good, she has a small handle on him again. If he dares to disobey in the future, she will buy leeks for him to eat.

Leeks... Coriander...

Gu Yihan got goose bumps all over his body when he heard it. What sin did he commit that he had to be punished with leeks and coriander.

In the end, no matter how the lady persuaded Gu Yihan, he did not eat the flower cake anymore and left it all to the lady.

On the Yujing stage, the lady pointed at the thunder attribute God's Eye on Gu Yihan's waist and asked.

"Why don't you put the other God's Eyes outside? I feel that purple doesn't suit you very well."

Gu Yihan touched the God's Eye on his waist, his lips moved, and he said calmlyInsignificant words, "I'm used to it."

"Okay~" The lady spread her hands. If she also had four God's Eyes, she would definitely wear them alternately.

As they spoke, the two had already stepped into the Shaoqing Mansion.

A Yuan had just played a small game with Lei Yingying in the yard with the Hill Culvert toy when he saw Gu Yihan.

"Brother!" A Yuan put down the toy in his hand and ran towards Gu Yihan happily.

Gu Yihan raised his hand and touched A Yuan's hair, and asked him lovingly, "Have you eaten well these days?"

A Yuan nodded obediently, "Yeah, in the two weeks when brother was away, A Yuan listened to Sister Xiaoyi obediently."

Two weeks...

Gu Yihan's mouth twitched. Has it been so long?

"Brother, who is the sister behind you?" A Yuan frowned. Is there any other big sister around his brother?

But... why does he feel that this big sister doesn't seem to be so easy to get along with?

The lady raised her eyebrows, pursed her lips, and asked Ayuan in a stern tone, "Whose child are you, and why did you come to the Shaoqing Mansion?"

"Don't you know where this is?"

Gu Yihan raised his hand and put it on the lady's shoulder, smiling and said: "He is my child, called Ayuan."

After briefly telling the lady about Ayuan's situation, Gu Yihan introduced the lady to Ayuan, "Ayuan, this is the lady's sister."

"Hello, lady." Ayuan said, and took out a fresh sunset fruit tightly wrapped in tin foil from his pocket and handed it to the lady.

"Lady sister, this is the sunset fruit that Sister Ying and I baked. Try it, it's delicious."

Although Ayuan wanted to give the sunset fruit to Gu Yihan, he thought that there were still many in the kitchen, so he simply gave it to the lady.

Grandpa said that delicious things should be tasted by girls first.

"Oh?" The lady took the sunset fruit handed by Ayuan, pursed her red lips, and didn't say much.

Because she didn't think it would be delicious.

She even doubted whether the sunset fruit roasted by this little thing was really edible?

Would it be a failure?

"Brother, I have something else to do and I have to go out first. You should go in and have a good rest with the lady. Sister Ying and Sister Xiaoyi are both in the mansion."

"Go." Gu Yihan smiled gently and watched Ayuan leave.

Although Ayuan didn't want to go out at all, he had no choice. Chen Rui and Hu Yue had made appointments with him several times.

If he delayed any longer, they would probably hate him even more.

On the other side, Lei Dianying packed up his toys and hurried to the door to ask Gu Yihan, "Are you back?"

But the next second after seeing the woman behind Gu Yihan, Lei Dianying froze in place.

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