After the members of the treasure-stealing group boarded the ship, they searched around again.

After searching for a long time, they still found no useful treasures.

Looking at the ship that was only for show but without substance, they all felt contempt.

The handsome man named Ah Qi, who was in the lead, complained dissatisfiedly.

"I thought he was some great rich man."

"After all the hard work, there is nothing!"

He pointed at the two people behind him and urged them very unhappily, "Go and move the useful things out of the cabin."

Before they could go in, Lei Dianying walked out of the cabin slowly.

She stood at the door of the cabin, glanced at the dozen people in the treasure-stealing group, and asked them calmly.

"Do you know whose ship you are robbing?"

Everyone was stunned after seeing Lei Dianying's face clearly.

How could General Lei Dian be on the ship in Liyue Port...

Ah Qi quickly knelt down to apologize, and the dozen people behind him also knelt down.

"General... General, please forgive us, we didn't know you were on the ship..."

A Qi's legs and feet began to tremble involuntarily as he spoke.

He kowtowed to Lei Dianying and begged with courage.

"I beg you to let us go!"

"I'm sorry, General, we thought this was just an ordinary merchant ship from Liyue." Another person hurriedly echoed.

Having spent most of their lives in Inazuma, how could they not know the strength and majesty of General Lei Dian.

Dare to touch the head of God, really don't want to live.

If they had known that there was General Lei Dian on this ship, they would not dare to offend even if they had ten thousand courage.

Lei Dianying glanced at the few people who were kneeling on the ground and trembling all over, pointed at five people casually, and said sternly.

"You guys stay, the rest, get out!"

The few people who were not pointed out by Lei Dianying jumped off Lei Dianying's ship in a panic, all fell into the sea and swam away.

The five people selected by Lei Dianying, led by Ah Qi, still knelt on the ground obediently.

Ah Qi suppressed the fear in his heart and began to beg for mercy again, "General, please let me go..."

"Can you drive a boat?" Lei Dianying ignored Ah Qi's request and asked him directly.

"Yes, yes, yes!" Ah Qi nodded quickly and asked Lei Dianying carefully, "Will I drive the boat now?"

Lei Dianying nodded casually.

So, the boat resumed normal operation in the hands of several treasure-stealing groups.

Just when Lei Dianying was about to go back to rest, miserable screams came from the silent sea.

Lei Dianying turned around suddenly and found that the people in the treasure-stealing group who were let go by her were all killed.

The bloody blood stayed on the sea for only a moment, and then disappeared like psychedelic smoke as the bodies sank.

Lei Dianying squinted at the boat moving slowly in the mist ahead, signaling the boatman to slow down.

She wanted to see who the person was.

The ship caught up quickly and sailed side by side with Lei Dianying's ship.

On the bow, the lady greeted Lei Dianying with a smile, "It's been a long time since we last met. I hope you are well, General."

"I wonder if General is free to drink a glass of this fine Lanling wine with me?"

Lei Dianying did not respond to the lady's words, but when she heard about Lanling wine, she couldn't help but look at the lady's ship.

She didn't know if Gu Yihan was also in it, but curiosity drove her to take a look.

After stepping on the lady's ship, Lei Dianying was disappointed because there was no one she wanted to see on this ship.

Lei Dianying came at the invitation, so the lady naturally didn't want to lose face.

She took out the remaining half bottle of Lanling wine with great pain and poured a glass for her and Lei Dianying respectively.

Lei Dianying just glanced at the wine glass that the lady handed to her, and didn't reach out to take it.

"Tell me, what is your purpose this time?" Lei Yingying was too lazy to be polite with the lady, so he just got straight to the point.

The lady threw away the wine glass in her hand and smiled coldly, with an arrogant attitude.

"Of course I want your God's Heart, General."

Yes, in order to get Lei Yingying's God's Heart, the lady endured the strong discomfort and gradually scattered consciousness and planned for nearly three months.

This time, she did not rush into the castle tower without scruples like last time.

Because she knew that it was not the best place to fight.

There were too many hamsters, and they could always disrupt her plan without warning.

And today, in this vast sea, she didn't believe that there was anyone around Lei Yingying.

She would get back all the pain that Lei Yingying had inflicted on the little guy no matter what!

She would also avenge the alpaca.

"You dare to come here to ask for the God's Heart?" Lei Yingying smiled sarcastically, with obvious smiles in the corners of his eyes and eyebrows's murderous intention.

Originally, she was thinking about easing the relationship with the lady, and then getting close to Gu Yihan through her.

But now it seems that there is no need.

If the lady hadn't come to the castle tower to make trouble, how could she break up with Gu Yihan!

How could the castle tower be burned, and how could his ice-attributed divine eye be broken.

How could Gu Yihan completely forget her, the lover who had accompanied him for nearly a hundred years!

All this is because of her - the lady!

Seeing that Lei Yingying's reaction was much greater than the previous time, the lady was more certain of her guess.

Sure enough, the twelfth executive officer of the Fatui, Shaoqing, was favored by the high-ranking General Lei Dian.

But she may not know that Shaoqing has no feelings for her~

Although Lei Yingying's aura is very strong, it can't scare the lady at all.

The lady threw the wine glass into the sea and said in a proud tone.

"What if you want it? The Heart of God is a waste in your hands anyway. What's the difference between a treasure that can't be used and a waste?"

"Ridiculous." Lei Dianying smiled and looked at the arrogant woman in front of her with disdain, "Come and get it if you can."

"I'll let you know in advance. I won't show mercy to you just because you are Yi Han's friend."

"The Heart of God belongs to this general, and so does he."

After all, from the perspective of fighting.

Lei Dianying will never show mercy to anyone other than Gu Yi Han.

The lady raised her head and smiled, and her disgust for Lei Dianying increased a little.

"You are still as annoying as ever, General!"

The powerful power of the ice element overflowed from the lady's body, and the frost and cold air swept in like a demon from hell.

As the temperature dropped sharply, everything around was freezing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Thick ice jumped on the sea surface, and the sea surface of nearly 100 meters was completely frozen.

The six-pointed snowflakes slowly fell from behind the lady, and like graceful snow elves, they seeped into the frost-covered boat.

"It's really noisy." Lei Dianying said, with a pair of shining eyes revealing disgust, cruelty, and anger.

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