Although it took a long time to get back to Guiliyuan, it was not too late for Gu Yihan to return to Liyue Port.

At this time, the sky lanterns had not yet been launched, and the fireworks at the port had not been lit.

The noisy streets were crowded with people, and pedestrians gathered in groups of three or two, conveying good wishes to each other.

Looking at the pedestrians like flowing water, Gu Yihan felt an unprecedented pleasure in his heart.

It was as if the huge stone pressing on his heart was cleared by an invisible force.

Coming to the stairs in the middle of the street, Gu Yihan walked up to the second floor with brisk steps.

Bypassing the crowded crowd, Gu Yihan finally stopped at the door of the North Country Bank.

Looking at the closed door of the bank, Gu Yihan himself didn't know how he got here.

The warm light at the door of the bank shone on Gu Yihan's body, coating his fair skin with a layer of light gold.

It made him look mysterious and noble for no reason.

Feng followed Gu Yihan silently until he saw A Yuan playing in the crowd at the corner of the street, and then he asked Gu Yihan for instructions.

"Sir, I saw the young master. Do you need me to bring him up?"

Gu Yihan shook his head, "No, it would be lonely if I didn't have a friend at this age."

"Oh, it seems that you understand children very well." The young master leaned against the railing behind Gu Yihan, and an unruly smile appeared on the corner of his perfect lips.

He couldn't figure it out. Gu Yihan looked about the same age as him.

But there was always a strange feeling around him that made people unpredictable.

Through Gu Yihan's nearly perfect shoulder line and slender waist.

He could vaguely feel the inexplicable sense of alienation on Gu Yihan.

This almost surprising illusion made the young master feel a little awkward...

Gu Yihan turned around and smiled at the young master, "Because I was also at that age."

"So you were very lonely when you were a child?" The young master frowned.

"Not completely. At least I still remember the moment when I first came into contact with this world... Well. Anyway, the red moon in the sky is very beautiful."

Gu Yihan said, and changed the subject again, "Isn't Mr. Zhongli with you?"

The young master answered Gu Yihan unhappily, "I wanted to go shopping with Mr. Zhongli, but he actually said that he was worried about Ayuan."

"Well, just ignore me while walking..."

Gu Yihan laughed dumbly, "My Ayuan is so likable, don't you like him?"

"I like him. When I see him, I will think of my brothers and sisters." The young master sighed helplessly, "But they are so different."

Seeing that the young master likes Ayuan, Gu Yihan took the opportunity to ask him, "Then do you want to consider teaching Ayuan some fighting skills?"

"Ah?" The young master was stunned, as if he was shocked by Gu Yihan's words.

He has always been very keen on fighting. Although fighting is his lifelong pursuit, he has never taught anyone.

Looking at the bright lights in the distance, Gu Yihan's eyes revealed an unclear emotion.

"Ayuan is a smart child with high talents in all aspects. I think, with his temperament, he will not be content with being ordinary."

"You also know that we are members of the Fatui. We have heavy responsibilities and obligations on our shoulders. Ayuan is also bound to be affected."

"Although I am his brother, it is impossible for me to be with him and protect him at all times."

"I hope he has the ability to protect himself."

The young master was silent.

He didn't quite understand what Gu Yihan said. After all, in his opinion, as an executive, Gu Yihan has the ability to protect the people around him.

Although he didn't know Gu Yihan's current strength, he always felt that Gu Yihan was a little...not easy to mess with.

"He doesn't need to know about the Fatui."

"He's still so young, don't push him too hard. Childhood dreams are always easy to break. Let him get in touch with these things when he grows up."

"Give him a happy and relaxed childhood."

Everything the young master said made sense, but Gu Yihan couldn't do it.

Ayuan still has less than three years...

His own situation is not that stable, and he doesn't know how long he can protect him.

All things are not difficult for Gu Yihan, but only Ayuan, Gu Yihan has too many uncertainties.

"You are right, but Ayuan is not Tok, he has no parents, no family..."

"Apart from me, Ayuan has nothing." Gu Yihan smiled and added, "Me too."

The young master nodded, "I respect your wishes. I will ask Ayuan tomorrow to see if he is willing to learn from me."

"Think about it carefully, being a geniusBeing a teacher to a young man seems to be a very good experience. "

"What if he becomes a great man in Teyvat in the future, I, Tartaglia, will also be proud, right?"

What Gu Yihan didn't expect was that the young master agreed so easily. He admitted that he was in a very good mood at the moment.

Gu Yihan walked up to the young master, raised his hand and patted his shoulder, sincerely inviting him to meet again.

"Hahaha, thanks to you."

"Let's go to the restaurant and get drunk tonight."

The young master put one hand on his waist and glanced at Gu Yihan, "Okay, but you treat me."

"I treat me." Gu Yihan agreed with a smile.

The young master nodded and followed Gu Yihan to the Yinyue Zuiying Tower.

"By the way, how much do you still owe Her Majesty the Queen? Can you pay it off in three years?"

"Three years? Well... time is a bit..."

"Is it too tight? Do you need my help? "The young master asked very frankly.

Gu Yihan smiled awkwardly, "How much are you willing to help? I can help you, right?"

"You wish! But why don't you teach Ayuan yourself?"

"I will teach you when I have time..."

In the night with flickering lights, two handsome men disappeared at the corner of the stairs during the negotiation.

Hidden in the bustling downtown.

At the moment when the gorgeous fireworks lit up the sky at the port, thousands of sky lanterns slowly rose to the sky in Liyue Port.

Where the immortals stepped, the Rock King Emperor sent down the blessings of the gods in the dark.

Countless people found a brief peace in this moment of prosperity.

The night of the Sea Lantern Festival also gradually came to an end amid the laughter of the people of Liyue...

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