Xiao felt guilty, "I'm sorry, I didn't know he was your relative."

"Go see him, I was a little out of control just now, he's injured... maybe not lightly."

"I'll come see him again when he's better..."

Gu Yihan nodded, but there was no intention of blaming Xiao in his eyes.

"Okay, see you another day, I'll go see Ayuan first."


After leaving Shaoqing Mansion, Gu Yihan rushed into Bubulu like crazy.

He was really worried about Ayuan, but he was also very grateful that the young master came at this time.

As expected, after Gu Yihan stepped into Bubulu, he was severely ridiculed by Bai Zhu.

"The Fatui are so ridiculous that they can't even protect a child."

"Last time I had food poisoning, and this time I'm contaminated with karma again."

"Very good!" Bai Zhu gritted his teeth and ridiculed Gu Yihan.

"My dear executive officer, if you are unable to protect A Yuan, please leave him to me."

"I am happy to take care of the child for my old friend."

"Hey, hey, hey, speak with respect!" The young master glanced at Bai Shu unhappily.

"What do you mean you can't even protect the child? Which eye of yours saw that he was not protected?"

Bai Shu sneered, "Yes, yes, I protected him. I almost died from protecting him."

At such a critical moment, Gu Yihan didn't care about Bai Shu's ridicule at all.

He only cared about A Yuan's safety.

"Save him for me, or I will tear down your broken house." Gu Yihan warned Bai Shu in a cold voice.

Intentionally or unintentionally, he showed the five God's Eyes hanging on his waist.

Wind, thunder, fire, ice, rock...

That's right, the God's Eye with ice attribute was thrown away by Gu Yihan, but it always appeared abruptly in front of him.

No matter what method Gu Yihan used, he couldn't throw it away.

After a while, Gu Yihan accepted it reluctantly.

He wanted both strength and ambition.

Bai Shu was not a person who would easily compromise, but when he saw Gu Yihan's many divine eyes and the dissatisfied attitude of the young master.

Bai Shu admitted defeat...

He didn't want to have any unpleasant conflicts with these demons.

"Help! Help! I'm so annoyed." Bai Shu glared at Gu Yihan and called Qiqi to come in to help.

Gu Yihan and the young master waited quietly outside.

The young master sat down on the chair and asked Gu Yihan unhappily.

"That boy is your friend? Ayuan was so badly injured, don't you plan to ask for an explanation?"

Gu Yihan smiled bitterly, "He is not only my good friend, but also my savior. He once followed me and risked his life without regard for the consequences."

"I know him very well. This time, I didn't think highly of Ayuan."

"When Ayuan gets better, I will do my best to make up for Xiao."

The young master sneered, "You think very clearly."

"But I am different from you. I hold grudges and protect my shortcomings. No one can touch my relatives, not even my good friends."

"Well, I admire you very much." Gu Yihan said, rubbing his aching head again.

How much did he drink last night when he fell to the ground?

What did he do after he got drunk?

"When did Ayuan agree to let you be his teacher?" Gu Yihan asked the young master in confusion.

"Last night." The young master said, smiling subconsciously.

But his face was still swollen, and he couldn't laugh out loud.

"Is your face okay?" Gu Yihan asked him, looking at the young master's unnatural expression.

The young master glared at Gu Yihan, "Fortunately, Mr. Zhongli came to my rescue, otherwise my face would have been ruined by you."

"If you weren't drunk and didn't remember anything, I wouldn't let you go easily."

Gu Yihan smiled awkwardly, "What happened last night, tell me?"

"Last night we went to your restaurant to drink..."

"Then you..."


"Well, that's about it."

After the young master finished speaking, Gu Yihan wanted to find a crack in the ground to crawl into.

What on earth did he do!

Not only did he fight with the young master, he also wanted to move the current mansion to Zhidong...

He didn't sleep in the middle of the night and had to drag everyone to toss for no reason.

A perfect night of the Lantern Festival was messed up by his drunkenness.

Anyone who had anything to do with him was not spared from the pain of being tortured by him.

The worst was Zhongli, who had been busy all night and finally waited until Gu Yihan fell asleep before dawn.

Before he could catch his breath, he was dragged away by Master Hu and had his salary deducted for more than half a month.

When Gu Yihan thought of the scene of himself being drunk and making a fuss, his face felt hot.

This was really an unexpected surprise...


A week later, Inazuma Renjiu was filled with a repressed atmosphere.

Lei Yingying got up from the bed in a daze, and saw the entanglement while rubbing his eyes.The red bandage stained with blood on her chest.

"Hiss..." Feeling the tearing pain in her chest, Lei Dianying slowly retracted her outstretched hand.

She squinted her eyes and looked around, only to find that she had returned to Inazuma without knowing when.

"Someone~" Lei Dianying spoke weakly, waiting for the closed door to be pushed open by anyone.

Not long after the voice fell, the door was gently pushed open, and Yae Shenzi walked in with the freshly cooked porridge.

"Ying, how do you feel?" Yae Shenzi asked her with concern.

Lei Dianying glanced at the coffee table beside the bed and said in a hoarse voice.

"Give me a glass of water, Shenzi."

Ye Shenzi understood, put down the things in his hand, poured a glass of water for Lei Dianying, and brought it to her.

Raised his hand to her lips, and told Lei Dianying in a gentle tone, "The water is here."

The moment he touched the edge of the cup, Lei Dianying seemed to see a pool of quiet flowing spring.

She lowered her head, took the cup, and drank the whole cup in one breath.

Because she drank too quickly, Lei Dianying choked as expected.

As she coughed violently, the bandage on her chest turned red again.

"Ying!" Yae Shenzi was very anxious, but there was nothing he could do. He could only stare at her in panic.

After a long time, Lei Dianying finally calmed down. She told Yae Shenzi with a pale face that she was fine.

She swallowed the fishy sweetness in her throat silently.

Although she was seriously injured, the longing in Lei Dianying's heart was several points stronger than the pain in her chest.

She took a long breath and slowly lay down along the traces of the quilt.

"Ying, your wound has split and needs to be treated." Yae Shenzi said, but his face was even uglier than Lei Dianying.

Lei Yingying shook her head, "No, Shenzi, can you help me pick him up? I want to see him."

"I don't agree!" Yae Shenzi put down the water cup and rejected Lei Yingying's request without thinking.

She is seriously injured now, who knows if that guy will take advantage of her and do something cruel to Ying.

The stakes are too high, she can't afford it.

[•᷄ࡇ•᷅Are there any free gifts that can be taken for free? ]

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