In the evening, countless flickering zigzag electric lights on the lead-gray sky were particularly dazzling.

In a small wooden house at the foot of the Inazuma Island Mountain, purple electric lights refracted into the house through the window.

It illuminated the dim room palely.

In the alternation of light and darkness, a man with an extraordinary appearance and pale face was seen lying on the bed.

He kept muttering the name of Lei Dianying.

In the endless nightmare, Gu Yihan seemed to see the figure of Lei Dianying going away.

The past years were like prints, dyed with wax coefficients and transparent on the surface.

They were revealed one by one in front of his eyes.

In a pure land, Gu Yihan sat on the ground like a child.

He looked up at Lei Dianying who was meditating, and pouted his lips and acted coquettishly.

"Ying, can we go out for a walk? I heard that there are many new things in Inazuma City."

"I don't want to go."

"But Ying, today is the 100th day since I became a human..."

Lei Yingying closed his eyes lightly, "Ask the followers to send whatever you need."

"What gift do you want? I'll ask Jiujo to arrange it."


"Ying, I like you so much. I want to be with you forever, okay?"

"If it's you, I can consider it..."

"Ying, if I'm not from this world, will you leave me?"

"Oh? Xiao Mingcao has started to have other ideas?"

"No." Gu Yihan curled his lips.

Lei Yingying smiled faintly, "Mingcao is all over Inazuma. Logically, there is no way to leave."



The messy memories are like a tide, wandering back and forth in Gu Yihan's dream.

Drag him into a deep nightmare again.

"Hand over the Eye of God, I won't make things difficult for you."

"Are you hesitating?"


"Sir, wake up! Sir Gu Yihan, wake up!"

There were chaotic calls in his ears, and his body was shaken vigorously.

Gu Yihan opened his eyes with difficulty, and the moment the dim light entered his eyes.

A middle-aged man came into his sight.

It was a weathered and unfamiliar face, and the bronze skin gave people a very friendly feeling.

The vicissitudes of life were also covered with dense wrinkles.

"You... you are..." Gu Yihan spoke with difficulty.

He wanted to get up from the bed, but found that his whole body was sore and weak, and he couldn't move at all.

He knew very well that it was the sequelae left to him after the Eye of God was taken away by General Lei Dian.

Shen Enlang hurriedly supported Gu Yihan and explained to him.

"Master Gu, I am Shen Enlang, a fisherman from an outlying island. Master Kujo Sara sent you here."

"He also left a letter for you."

Shen Enlang handed the letter on the table to Gu Yihan.

Kujo Sara, the adopted son of the Kujo family, the active general of the Tenryo Bugyo, was she the one who helped him?

Gu Yihan was stunned. If he remembered correctly, he and Kujo Sara had no friendship.

And since he transformed, he has been staying in Yixin Pure Land with Lei Dianying.

He only went out once or twice in decades, and he could only say that he had met Kujo Sara.

So, why would she help him? Gu Yihan couldn't figure it out.

So, Gu Yihan, full of suspicion, lowered his head and opened the envelope.

In the envelope was Gu Yihan's ice-attributed divine eye and a piece of paper folded into four.

Looking at the light blue Eye of God in his hand, Gu Yihan's pupils shrank. Wasn't his Eye of God confiscated by General Lei Dian?

How did it appear here?

Without time to think about it, Gu Yihan quickly opened the note.

『If you want to protect the Eye of God, leave Inazuma quickly. 』

"What do you mean?" Gu Yihan held the note, his thoughts twisted into a mess.

Was this Ying's intention or was it Kujo Sara's help?

If it was Ying's intention, why would she let General Lei Dian attack him?

But if Kujo Sara took action... it seems unlikely...

After all, considering Kujo Sara's loyalty to General Lei Dian, it is absolutely impossible for him to help him like this.

"Sir, leave as soon as you wake up! The whole city is looking for you now"

"If you don't leave now, it will be troublesome if you are found!" Shen Enlang urged.

After putting on the Eye of God, Gu Yihan got up from the bed, "No, I want to see Ying, I can't leave..."

How can he just run away when he promised to stay with me? He couldn't do it.

Seeing that Gu Yihan had no intention of leaving, Shen Enlang was anxious and wanted to pick him up and escort him away.

"Hey, Master Gu! Do you know that the person who issued the wanted order is the general himself?!"

"The Eye of God that the general confiscated from you was stolen by someone before it was built into the statue, and now it has been delivered to you again.. "

"If you are caught again, not only you will be in trouble, but I will also be in trouble!"

"Please leave Inazuma quickly for the sake of my fearlessness and care for you these days!"

"I have arranged everything. Someone will meet you at the dock. You can go out and avoid the limelight first."

"It won't be too late to come back after the Eye Hunting Order ends! "

Shen Enlang said, and took out a black cloak from the closet and handed it to Gu Yihan.

Looking at the innocent old fisherman begging desperately, Gu Yihan softened his heart.

Indeed, his current situation is not as optimistic as he imagined.

If he goes back, let alone not being able to see Lei Dianying, he may even be deprived of the Eye of God again.

Instead of waiting to die, it is better to retreat.

Maybe he and Ying...

Thinking of this, Gu Yihan did not hesitate much, took the cloak and left the room, and followed Shen Enlang straight to the dock.

At the edge of the dock, the blue sea ganoderma was glowing with a faint blue glow in the night.

The sea breeze blew, carrying the surging waves and ruthlessly hitting the rocks on the shore.

The aimless general crabs on the shore were washed back into the sea .

Gu Yihan wrapped himself in a heavy cloak and said goodbye to Shen Enlang, then followed the guy who met him on the boat.

Set sail for the Kingdom of Winter.

On the thin boat, Gu Yihan stood alone at the bow holding the Eye of God, looking at the boundless deep sea, and fell into confusion.

The first time he went out, he didn't know where to go, nor did he know where these people would take him...

Before crossing, Gu Yihan was a big boss of the original god, and he knew everything about Teyvat.

But because of bad luck, he turned into Mingcao and was isolated from the outside world for nearly a hundred years, which caused him to lose most of his memory.

Now he has fallen into this world all of a sudden, and he has a lot of discomfort.

Looking at the increasingly blurred land of Inazuma, Gu Yihan murmured to himself, "I will come back, Ying."

"I will show you clearly in person that eternity... is impossible to achieve. "


Outside the cabin on the island.

Shen Enlang tore off the human skin mask and told the people behind the tree.

"Go back and tell Her Majesty the Queen that the person she wants will be here soon."

"By the way, remind your belligerent Eleventh Executive Officer, Young Master, to be a little more restrained."

"Don't always think about making a move on the newcomer, so as not to hurt the harmony."

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