Narukami Shrine...

Yaejinko sat under the sacred cherry tree like a lost soul, staring blankly at the lights of thousands of houses at the foot of the mountain.

Yaetang's editor, Kuroda, stood behind Yaejinko with the latest novel.

He continued to tell Yaejinko about Yaetang's book promotion plan.

"The main audience of this issue of books is teenagers. We..."

"Let them write works better than the storybooks. I don't want to hear anything else. You go back first."

Yaejinko said angrily, with a terrible expression on her face.

Kuroda closed the novel in his hand quickly and left Narukami Shrine as if he was running for his life.

He didn't want to continue talking. He said it 17 times and his mouth was about to smoke!

The editor-in-chief tonight is really terrible!

Yaejinko felt ridiculous when she thought that Lei Yingying was going to marry Gu Yihan.

How could Ying be so impulsive? ! Completely ignoring other people's objections.

If she could, she really wanted to hit her head against the sacred cherry tree and end it all.

"Misfortunes never come singly! Gu Yihan, what do you want to do!"

"Editor-in-chief, the head of the Kamisato family, the magistrate of the shrine, wants to see you." Daocheng Yingmei called out to Yae Kamiko in front of the main hall.

Yae Kamiko was startled and walked quickly towards the main hall.

Yesterday, she was still thinking about whether to go to Kamisato Ayato to discuss the next plan, and today he came to her door himself.

In front of the main hall, Kamisato Ayato was waiting for Yae Kamiko.

"How come the magistrate has time to come to Narukami Taisha?"

Yae Kamiko smiled hypocritically, without any extra expression on her face.

Kamisato Ayato glanced at the calm Yae Kamiko and said with a smile.

"Although I really don't want to bother you, Lord Palace Master, there are priorities, and I think you can understand."

Yae Shinko didn't say anything, still looking scornful.

Kamisato Ayato didn't want to waste time talking to her, so she just got straight to the point.

"Regarding the marriage of the general, I think you should be more concerned than me."

"This is a great event that everyone is celebrating..." Kamisato Ayato paused and asked Yae Shinko.

"I wonder what you think about this?"

Yae Shinko shrugged, "Come with me, let's talk somewhere else."

Kamisato Ayato followed Yae Shinko all the way to the cliff of the Guardian Forest, and the two stopped.

Picking a sweet flower casually, Yae Shinko spoke depressedly.

"I don't agree with this at all. Ying is too impulsive."

"Gu Yihan is a member of the Fatui! At least in my opinion, he is definitely not trustworthy."

Kamito Ayato nodded, "I agree with you, although I don't know what the general's intention is."

"But Gu Yihan is several times more dangerous than we imagined."

"Whether there is a bigger force behind him, we can't judge."

"But the wedding date has been set... You and I are powerless to change it. But we still have a lot of room to use."

"Do you want to do it at the wedding?" Yae Shinko frowned, vaguely worried.

She didn't doubt Kamisato Ayato's ability and strategy, but she was more afraid of Gu Yihan's scheming and Ying's protection.

As long as Ying protected Gu Yihan, they could do nothing.

Kamisato Ayato chuckled, "The secret line has been arranged. Next, it depends on the performance of Lord Palace Secretary."

"Do you want me to meet Lord General?"

"At present, yes. As for how to do it, Lord Palace Secretary should not need my teaching?"

Kamito Ayato chuckled again, and the fist hidden behind his back was clenched white.

He could ignore everything and do nothing.

But he could not tolerate anyone who wanted to destroy the happiness of Inazuma Wanjia.

Even if he wanted to marry Lord General, even if he was the head of the three magistrates selected by Lord General.

"As long as he dared to touch Inazuma, Kamisato Ayato could make him die without a complete corpse!"


Gu Yihan searched for clues in Yueshi Village for an afternoon, but Ren Jiu found nothing. In the end, he could only return to the Envoy Department with his head down.

Time passed quickly, and more than ten days had passed in the blink of an eye.

There was less than a week left before he and Lei Yingying got married.

Gu Yihan admitted that his mood was complicated.

But he was very clear about his purpose, and he had not forgotten the hatred accumulated in his heart.

That night, Gu Yihan received a reply from Queen Zhidong.

In the letter, Queen Zhidong did not blame him for his decision.

Instead, she rewarded him for his behavior, sent him a wedding, and confiscated his remaining six months of vacation.

Clearly wantAsk him to take control of Inazuma City within two months after marriage, and bring the Heart of Thunder God back to Zhidong to accept new tasks.

After burning the letter, Gu Yihan called Zhou Yi, who was working hard to promote the Dream Potion.

In the study...

Zhou Yi, who was standing by the door, looked at Gu Yihan who was checking his notes from time to time.

He hesitated to speak several times...

"Just say whatever you want to say." Gu Yihan closed Xiao Tuotuo's notes and glanced at Zhou Yi coldly.

Zhou Yi smiled embarrassedly, showing a very earnest smile.

"That sir... do you have any important instructions for me to come?"

"I am promoting the potion, and there are people waiting to pick up the goods at the door."

You are always not short of money, but don't delay me from making money!!! Zhou Yi wanted to cry but had no tears.

"Do you have it..." Gu Yihan glanced at Zhou Yi awkwardly, coughed twice and continued to ask him.

"Is there a potion that can temporarily forget hatred?"

"Hey?!! Aren't you very disgusted with my potion?!" Zhou Yi opened his mouth as if frightened.

If his hearing was not more acute than that of ordinary people, he would have suspected that he had heard it wrong.

Gu Yihan's eyes were sharp, and he threw out a few words coldly from between his teeth, "Answer my question."

"Yes!" Zhou Yi answered immediately, "But... the cost of taking that potion is relatively high..."

Gu Yihan pursed his thin lips, and his handsome face was full of hostility, "What is the cost?"

"It is possible to die instantly, or paralyzed, or lose some consciousness."

"Depending on the different physiques of the users, there will be different adverse reactions, and the specific factors are not very stable..."

"Give it to me." Gu Yihan looked calm, and there was an illusion of detachment from the world after experiencing vicissitudes on his relaxed brows.

[Is it that serious? Didn't I just borrow 30 years of your life to draw a stragglers? You all hope that I will die! Is this what a human being does? I will never die in this life, okay? At most, I'll catch a cold. (Whispering: I didn't borrow my lifespan, I drew 80 wrongly, Master Niu Za!)]

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