The afternoon sun pierced through the thick clouds, shining through the flourishing cherry trees onto Gu Yihan, removing most of the fatigue in his heart.

After all the unhappiness was washed away, Gu Yihan walked towards the castle tower with Feng.

Because of Lei Dianying's order, the guards of the castle tower did not embarrass Gu Yihan, and naturally welcomed him into the castle tower.

As they walked up the steps, a very unpleasant and strange smell slowly drifted into the noses of the two people with the gentle wind.

Gu Yihan covered his nose tightly, his eyebrows twisted together like a hemp rope, and looked up at the building with a weird expression.

Before he could speak, Feng, who was following him, vomited on the spot.

Gu Yihan glanced at Feng with disdain, "Did you eat too much in the morning?"

"I'm sorry..."

Feng said, and fled from Gu Yihan's sight like the wind, and ran to a farther place to vent his emotions.

Looking at Feng's disappearing back, Gu Yihan's handsome and free-spirited face was covered with a heavy color.

Others may not know what this strange smell in the air is, but it is very familiar to him.

He still remembers the wailing of the food being burnt and repeatedly abused by the chef.

Without thinking too much, Gu Yihan went upstairs with ease and found the almost smoky kitchen effortlessly.

As soon as he entered the door, Gu Yihan saw Jiu Tiao Sala lying at the door of the kitchen, twitching all over, his eyes rolled back, and foaming at the mouth.

The pungent smoke choked Gu Yihan a little bit of breathing.

Through the rolling dust, Gu Yihan caught the figure of Lei Dianying busy around the kitchen.

Looking at the woman's busy appearance, Gu Yihan suddenly had a bad taste in his heart.

However, before he took action, he saw a raging fire suddenly rising on the left side of Lei Dianying.

If it is not controlled in time, the flames will soon reach the roof and may burn down the castle tower again.

"What are you doing?" Gu Yihan covered his mouth and coughed while approaching Lei Dianying.

Lei Dianying turned around suddenly when he heard the sound, and his oily palm landed accurately on Gu Yihan's chest.

"Yihan?" Lei Dianying called Gu Yihan's name softly, his heart beating like a deer.

"There are still three days before the wedding, why are you here?"

Lei Dianying was a little surprised, but his hands were very dishonest and quietly rubbed on Gu Yihan's chest.

Gu Yihan froze for a few seconds, raised his arm to sweep away Lei Dianying who was blocking him, and turned around and stared at her after melting the flames with the power of the ice element.

"Do you think the castle tower has been burned a little less often?"

After being asked by Gu Yihan, Lei Dianying realized that the kitchen was on fire.

She squinted her eyes awkwardly and chuckled, "I... won't burn down the castle tower."

"It's better this way, otherwise, I will think that the general wants to break off the engagement."

Gu Yihan said, and coughed again because of the smoke.

He frowned and turned around, heading straight to Lei Dianying's bedroom.

After Gu Yihan left for a while, Lei Dianying slowly came back to his senses from the surprise.

Lei Dianying's cheeks flushed when he came back to his senses because of the smoke in the kitchen.

Without time to think too much, she also ran out of the kitchen with the food she had prepared as if she was running for her life.

It was not until she rushed out of the kitchen about ten meters that Lei Dianying remembered that she seemed to have stepped on something when she went out.

The touch of that thing was very much like... a person's buttocks...

After hesitating for a few seconds, Lei Dianying followed Gu Yihan back to the room.

She put the plate on the table and looked at Gu Yihan, who looked ugly, with an eager face.

Gu Yihan didn't know what Lei Dianying wanted to do by staring at him, so he just asked her with a dark face.

"Do you have any specific requirements for the wedding?"

"On the wedding day, I want to worship the sacred cherry tree..."

Lei Dianying answered without thinking, quietly waiting for Gu Yihan's reply.

"Got it." After Gu Yihan finished speaking, he slowly got up from the chair and planned to leave the castle tower.

Judging from the current situation, he is still reluctant to stay here for too long.

As for the rest, he should send his men to ask.

He thinks that woman is troublesome...

Lei Dianying looked at the two greasy handprints on Gu Yihan's chest and asked awkwardly.

"Do you want to wash your clothes before leaving?"

Gu Yihan lowered his head and glanced at the dirty clothes, his face darkened.

"I can't afford to lose even one piece of clothes. But you, the dignified general, don't have anything to eat, do you need to do it yourself?"

Although it is an everyday saying, Gu Yihan used sarcasm to the extreme.

On the other hand, Lei Dianying, although she was ridiculed by Gu Yihan, she was still very calm.

She brought her work to Gu Yihan, sharing her joy of success with excitement.

"I made this specially for you, would you like to try it?"

Looking at the strange, dark, and disgusting unknown things skewered on bamboo sticks on the delicate plate.

Gu Yihan widened his eyes in disbelief, staring at the plate and even stuttering.

"Is this... made for me?"

"Yeah." Lei Dianying nodded obediently, "I learned this from the Son of God, and practiced for about a week."

"I put very few ingredients, dozens of them together, and only one or two plates..."

"Today is the most successful one, you try it quickly, if you like it, I will make it for you every day."

"I'm full, you can eat it yourself."

Gu Yihan said, and walked towards the door without hesitation.

However, before he took a few steps, his arm was grabbed by Lei Dianying.

"Let go! "Gu Yihan's anger rose up when he was stopped.

But unexpectedly, he couldn't get rid of Lei Dianying, and his arm was tied up by the iron chain with the power of thunder element.

The other end of the iron chain was tied to Lei Dianying's hand.

"You'd better not struggle, otherwise both you and I will get hurt."

Lei Dianying said in a deep voice and smiled with narrowed eyes, looking like nothing happened.

She picked up a string of black three-color dumplings, put it to Gu Yihan's mouth and smiled gently.

"Be good, just try one string, okay? This is the three-color dumplings I made carefully for you. ”

“Although I hate cooking, I’m willing to do it for you…”

“You…crazy bitch…” Gu Yihan gritted his teeth, and the miserable appearance of Kujo Sara appeared in his mind.

It was two days later when Gu Yihan woke up again.

The moonlight shone into the spacious room through the purple screen window.

The pale light sprinkled on the light brown floor tiles, casting a staggered light and shadow.

Gu Yihan opened his eyes with difficulty and subconsciously asked for water.

Lei Dianying, who had accidentally fallen asleep on Gu Yihan’s arm, raised his heavy head when he heard the sound, and quickly brought the water to Gu Yihan’s mouth.

After drinking the water, Gu Yihan was supported by Lei Dianying and sat up from the bed with difficulty.

Through the bright light reflected from the window, Gu Yihan saw Lei Dianying’s swollen and red eyes.

“Have you cried? "Gu Yihan asked Lei Dianying in a hoarse voice.

Lei Dianying shook his head, and like a child who had nowhere to vent his grievances, he cried and threw himself into Gu Yihan's arms.

He threw him down again where he was lying.

"I'm glad you're okay. I'll never cook again. I'm sorry."

Gu Yihan said with a dark face, "You get up first. Do you want to crush me to death?"

[ps: Gu Yihan: I didn't poison me to death. Is the general disappointed?

Lei Dianying: I'll never cook again~ I'm a fool! (╥﹏╥)]

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