Gu Yihan originally didn't want to pay attention to the woman who called him from behind.

But he became interested in the strong grass elemental power behind her.

"I'm fine." Gu Yihan pursed his lips, then slowly turned around and looked behind him.

Standing in front of him was a very smart girl.

She was wearing a beautiful sea-blue dance dress, and her soft double ponytails were as long as her waist.

Her slender waist was just enough to be held in one hand, and her graceful figure was full of fragrance.

She looked up at Gu Yihan, her emerald pupils full of kindness.

Gu Yihan looked down at the person in front of him, and couldn't remember her name for a long time.

But that didn't affect his observation of the chaotic elemental power behind her.

"You didn't hit me, so you don't have to be nervous."

Hearing Gu Yihan confirm again, the woman finally breathed a sigh of relief.

She smiled at Gu Yihan, her laughter was as beautiful as a soft singing.

"I'm glad I didn't bump into you. I was really scared."

"I forgot to introduce myself. I'm so sorry. Hello, young man in white. My name is Nilu. I'm from Zubair Theater. I'm happy to meet you."

"Not a young man in white." Gu Yihan pursed his lips and replied casually, "Gu Fuchen, I'm happy to meet you."

Nilu smiled brightly and looked at Gu Yihan carefully.

"Judging from your clothes, you shouldn't be a Xumi person, right? If there is a chance, I will invite you to visit the Grand Bazaar."

"Everyone there is very enthusiastic. I believe you will like it."

"Thank you." Gu Yihan nodded and raised his hand to point behind Nilu, "What is the grass elemental power in your body?"

"This..." Nilu smiled awkwardly, raised one hand to cover her cheek slightly, and said to herself.

"Is it really obvious? I wonder if other people have noticed it..."

"I am more sensitive to elemental power." Gu Yihan took out the Eye of God of Fire Element from his waist, with an unknown emotion between his eyebrows.

"The people on the street should not have noticed it."

The implication is that I also have the Eye of God, so you don't have to be so careful.

And I guarantee that those people definitely didn't notice your abnormality.

"That's good." Ni Lu breathed a sigh of relief, "I have to report it to the Traveler when I go back."

"This effect is not good. Not only can it not protect ordinary people, but it will hurt them."

Traveler? Gu Yihan's heart moved. Could it be that she has a good relationship with Ying?

Then can he find out some unexpected news?

"Traveler and Paimon, are they also in Xumi?" Gu Yihan spoke calmly, with a dangerous gleam in his eyes.

There was a little personal grudge between him and the Traveler.

"Hey?" Nilu was overjoyed. "Paimon and the Traveler are indeed in Xumi. Do you know them?"

Gu Yihan nodded and pretended to be surprised. "I haven't seen them for a long time. I don't know how they are doing recently."

"They are fine. They are discussing with everyone in the Grand Bazaar..."

Nilu wanted to say more, but when she thought of all the bad things that happened recently, she began to hesitate again.

"Hey, they are playing in the Grand Bazaar."

As she said that, Nilu seemed to suddenly remember something and shuddered.

She whispered softly, "Oh no, there are several people I bumped into in front of me. I was so busy chatting that I forgot about them."

"Sorry, I have something to do and have to leave first. I will contact you later."

After that, Nilu ran away without looking back.

"Okay." Gu Yihan stepped aside to make way for Nilu.

Grand Bazaar?

Are they there?

Gu Yihan smiled and started to go shopping with a purpose.

Before he started to walk around, the soldiers he sent out came back.

After the two greeted Gu Yihan from a distance, they walked to the corner of a nearby restaurant to wait for him.

They did not start to report their new discoveries until Gu Yihan arrived.

The soldier on Gu Yihan's left reported in a low voice.

"Report to the lord, according to the investigation, Xumi City has recently had an earth-shaking event."

"Ten days ago at night, an unknown rock-based object suddenly attacked the outside of Xumi City, killing nearly 60 people."

"But the specific information and the progress of the investigation were suppressed and controlled by the Ministry of Education."

"And the friendly little grass god has never shown up."

Unknown rock-based object?

"Is there a specific address?" Gu Yihan asked in a deep voice.

"Yes." The soldier replied respectfully.

"Take me there." Gu Yihan said, moving his cold eyes to the banana tree next to the restaurant.

"Sir, please follow me." The soldier nodded and led Gu Yihan out of the city.

After Gu Yihan and the others walked away, a strong man appeared from behind the banana tree.Shuo's figure.

He stared at the direction where Gu Yihan disappeared with a stern look in his eyes, "Why did the twelfth executive of the Fatui come to Xumi to make trouble?"

"It seems that you have lost this bet, right, Seno?"

As he spoke, a figure flashed beside him, "Hmph, don't talk too early, Lord Elhaisen!"

Elhaisen shrugged, "Then you continue to stare at him, I'll go home to deliver the key."

Seno was speechless, "Won't he come to get it himself???"


On the path out of the city, the three people moved forward at a high speed in silence, rushing out of the city at the fastest speed.

Gu Yihan looked at the sparsely populated path with a chill on his face.

"Notify everyone in Xumi City that from now on, be careful when speaking and doing things."

"We have been targeted by other forces."

The two soldiers were startled, and a chill arose in their hearts, and they nodded seriously.

They have always been the only ones to stare at others, but they didn't expect to be targeted.

Damn it, how powerful and deep must the force that the lord mentioned be?

To make a move right under their noses?

"Have you found anything?" Gu Yihan took off his mask and put it on his waist, asking another soldier.

The soldier replied respectfully, "My lord, according to my investigation, a week ago, the second and fifth executive officers appeared together in the Casalalai Palace for unknown purposes."

"Three days ago, the fifth executive officer moved more than a dozen boxes of Mora from the Health House and then disappeared."

"As for the wanderer..."

"Few people in Xumi City mention him. They only know that he is the follower of the Little Grass God."

"He often helps the Little Grass God deal with trivial matters in the city, but because he keeps a low profile, everyone has almost no intersection with him."

As they talked, the three of them had already arrived at the place mentioned by the soldier outside Xumi City.

From the surface, everything here is not obviously different from other places.

Butterflies were still flying low around, flowers were blooming, and the grass was green.

"Keep watch, retreat." Gu Yihan said, and the power of the wind element suddenly jumped into his palm.

He moved his arm and pressed his wrist down, and the power of the wind element blew across the path like an invisible wave and rushed into the wilderness.

He entered the elemental vision at the moment when the power of the wind element exploded.

In the elemental vision, Gu Yihan's wind element power was shot out at a very fast speed, washing the surroundings as violently as a tsunami.

"Shape fire!" Gu Yihan roared, and the power of the fire element was thrown out from his other hand.

The fire spread rapidly under the spread of the wind element.

Until the traces that were deliberately hidden at the scene were completely restored.

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