Five days later, the moon was at the top of the tree, and the breeze caressed my sleeves.

At the top of Xumi City, there were faint voices coming from the palace of the little auspicious grass king Nashida.

"Traveler, Paimeng, your friend has been in Xumi City for many days, you can go to see him."

"He has learned the whereabouts of the three God's Hearts. According to the original plan, he should have started to act."

A young girl with a side ponytail, a pair of pointed ears, a white flower bud skirt, and a green cloak said softly.

The light green eyes stared at Ying and Paimeng standing opposite her very seriously.

Paimeng raised his hand and scratched his head, grinning, "Although I know that this is to help the people of Xumi."

"Totally defeat those bad guys of the Fatui."

"But Gu Yihan has always been a very good friend of ours. If he knows that we are using him, he won't turn against us, right?"

"Then wouldn't we have another terrible enemy?!"

Ying didn't say anything, but nodded in agreement.

Looking at the two people who were a little hesitant, the little girl spoke again.

"Paimon's concerns are not wrong, but I believe that no one can give up the benefits that are within reach."

"His goal is nothing more than the Heart of God. As long as they are successfully taken, I think he should not care too much."

"Do you really want him to take the Heart of God?" Paimon asked.

The little girl continued to explain, "The Heart of God is not a thing of the winter, so how could it be easily vulgar."

"Although the outcome is still unknown, Paimon does not have to worry. Someone will take action when necessary."

The three were silent for a moment, and Ying spoke, "We really have no other way..."

"The continuous battles in recent days have consumed too much of our energy."

"Nasida's body has not recovered yet, and she is no match for the second god of the scattered soldiers."

"And Seno and I can only fight against other executives of the Fatui..."

"But for the scattered soldiers... we can't help but save them."

"So we still have to act according to the original plan? Find a way to let Gu Yihan take action?" Paimon frowned for confirmation.

She didn't say anything until Ying and Nashida nodded synchronously.

Because she always felt that this matter was very dangerous...

She and the traveler were dancing wildly on the edge of a knife.

"Okay, in that case, let's hold the doctor and the others back first. As for the scattered soldiers... let Gu Yihan deal with them."

"I hope they can digest it internally and defeat magic with magic."

So, the two of them said a simple goodbye to Nashida and left the Jingshan Palace, heading for the small courtyard of the homestay where Gu Yihan was.

After they left, Nashida turned around leisurely, looked at the empty palace behind her and spoke briskly.

"Sorry to have kept you waiting for a long time, Lord Yu Jianming."


At noon the next day, in a brightly lit room, Gu Yihan was looking down at the information.

After a while, he waved behind him, "Give me the Xumi map that I just threw away."

No one responded...

Gu Yihan tilted his head and glanced behind him, only to find that the two soldiers standing behind him had disappeared.

At this time, a faint smell of food drifted in from the window, which caught Gu Yihan's attention at the right time.

He put down the book in his hand, stood up, pushed the door and walked out of the room. He followed the smell of food for a long time before he found the source.

On the edge of the courtyard garden, Zhou Yi was cooking hot pot and grilling with his two men, and they were chatting happily.

At first glance, he looked like Zhang Laosan who was having fun in the resort.

"What are you doing?"

A majestic and angry voice sounded from the outside of the garden, which frightened the three people suddenly.

The two soldiers who were confused by Zhou Yi's potion also woke up instantly.

The two stared at Gu Yihan who stood upright in front of them in horror.

He looked at the roasted chicken leg in his hand that he had only bitten a bite of, was stunned for a few seconds, and knelt down in a hurry.

"I failed in my duty, please punish me, sir!"

"Your Excellency... have you finished reading the book? Do you want to eat hot pot together?" Zhou Yi smiled and sat up stiffly from the chair.

He looked surprisingly well-behaved with his head down.

Gu Yihan glared at Zhou Yi, walked up to the hot pot, pointed at the ingredients that had not yet been put into the pot and asked Zhou Yi.

"Tell me, how much money did you extort from them again?"

Extort money?

Although the two soldiers kneeling at Gu Yihan's feet were puzzled, they still began to check their wallets vigilantly.

"Where is my Mora?"

"My Mora is gone too!"

The two exclaimed, staring at Zhou Yi with vicious eyes.

Zhou Yi's mouth twitched, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

It was all Gu Yihan's fault that he asked him to pay for the broken door, otherwise he wouldn't have to lie and waste his precious's precious potion.

Besides, he had clearly given Gu Yihan a taste-losing potion, so why could he still smell the food in the yard?

He glanced at the two angry soldiers, and then at the expressionless Gu Yihan.

He explained stubbornly, "Why are you looking at me so fiercely? You voluntarily paid to have a big meal with me."

"I even cooked for you myself!"

"Forget it, since you paid anyway, I'll go find some meat, and you three can eat first."

As he said that, Zhou Yi moved his feet and fled like a little hamster.

Just when Gu Yihan wanted to say something, Paimeng and Ying walked into the yard.

And greeted him very enthusiastically.

"Gu Yihan, I've been wandering around for a long time and finally found you. How are you doing recently?"

Looking at the two people approaching, Gu Yihan waved his hand to signal the kneeling soldiers, "You retreat first."

The two bowed respectfully and retreated, looking for Zhou Yi with anger.

Gu Yihan laughed loudly, "Long time no see. Hello, traveler, Paimeng."

Paimeng and Ying walked around the path in the garden and came to Gu Yihan. Their eyes flickered as they looked at the food next to Gu Yihan.

"Oh! It's the barbecued ginseng hot pot that is super popular in Xumi recently!" Paimeng exclaimed, swallowing his saliva subconsciously.

Staring at Gu Yihan with sparkling eyes, "Can we eat with you?"

"After walking all the way, I'm hungry again, hehe."

Ying touched her forehead awkwardly and smiled gently at Gu Yihan, "I'm very sorry, Paimeng is just like this, and has no resistance to delicious food."

"I hope you don't mind."

"No." Gu Yihan shook his head, stood up from his seat and smiled, "Let's go, I'll treat you to a big meal."

"What about these foods?" Paimeng looked at the food in front of him reluctantly.

"Paimeng!" Ying pulled Paimeng's sleeve and shook his head, and Paimeng smiled knowingly.

Turning around and looking at Gu Yihan, he smiled happily, "I mean, you just came to Xumi not long ago, we old guests should treat you."

"Come with us to the Grand Bazaar, Nilu and everyone have made a lot of delicious food waiting for us."

Looking at Paimon's excited face, Gu Yihan nodded very readily, "Okay."

After leaving the courtyard, the three of them talked and laughed all the way to the Grand Bazaar.

[Paimon: Do you really want to give the Heart of God to Gu Yihan? Σ( ° △ °|||)︴

Nashida: Paimon, don't worry, God will take action when necessary (☆_☆). ]

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