All the people in Xumi hid together at the northernmost end of the desert under the protection of the Inazuma Bugyo.

Although the blood there was blinding, it became a place that the gods could not reach for a while.

Kamisato Ayato and Kujo Sara ordered people to knock out the people who drank the doctor's special medicine and put them in solitary confinement.

The two were responsible for guarding one side each, waiting for victory on the battlefield ahead.

Lisa and Amber, with the people of the Knights of Favonius, fought desperately with the soldiers of the Fatui.

With the help of Kaeya, they were defeated step by step and the army was in disarray.

The Qianyan Army led by Ganyu and Keqing swept away the crazy monsters with the momentum of sweeping thousands of troops.

Compared with their smooth situation, the situation in the center of Xumi City was very bad.

The war-torn city was filled with smoke, and the first god, Rakshasa Yiji, was born from Xumi City, with a great power close to the law of nature.

At the moment when the power of God was born, the earth also trembled violently, as if a dull tiger roar was continuously coming from deep underground.

A series of earth-shaking noises were like thunder rolling in from the sky, and the shaking Xumi City seemed to be turning over.

"Leave the city!" Zhongli shouted, and Lei Yingdian and Nashida on Baoshang Street rushed out of the city quickly.

Like fireflies in the sky, they abandoned the city and flew away.

The mountains and rivers were overturned, and the devastated Xumi City was held by a giant hand.

The golden palace slowly disappeared, and the huge golden armor slowly emerged from the ground.

The whole world changed color again, as if it had turned into a dark abyss.

It was clearly daytime, but it was pitch black, tormenting people to the point of being unable to move.

The armor and Shenqi were silent, and turned their heads to look at the Xumi City in their hands.

After realizing that there was no one in the city, he squeezed hard, and a vibrant city turned into ashes in an instant.

Annihilated in the universe.

The little grass god was extremely reluctant, but he could only watch the city he protected with all his heart being deified into dust.

"What kind of god is this!" Lei Yingying said, wishing he could go up and fight with the armor immediately.

This posture, this degree of destruction, is almost catching up with the Kanreya disaster 500 years ago!

As soon as Lei Yingying finished speaking, the armor that stood shoulder to shoulder with the sky and the earth finally moved its arms.

Its size was so huge that it was terrifying. Even the largest mountain in Xumi City was not as big as half of its finger.

"Why don't ants worship it!"

The moment the mechanical voice sounded, the majestic power of the thunder element turned into a shock wave, attacking the three people with overwhelming force.

"As strong as a rock!" Zhongli raised his hand to put on a shield for himself and Lei Dianying, and a trace of unnoticeable murderous intent flashed in his deep eyes.

At this moment, Zhongli clearly noticed the desire to fight in his body.

It has been too long since he left the battlefield. He seems to miss the past, the days when his hands were stained with blood and his old friends were still there.

Looking at the armor with supreme power, a gentle voice sounded in the heart of the little grass god.

"Before peace comes, someone must face fear, flowers with life will not wither, and strong people will eventually reach hope."

"Go forward, I am with you..."

Perhaps that voice is the memory she has been pursuing and the answer she has been craving.

"Yihan, after this is over, I will go to Zhidong to pick you up and wait for me."

As long as Lei Dianying thinks of the happy days with Gu Yihan, he wants to end this unprovoked disaster as soon as possible.

After more than five years of separation, the letter that Gu Yihan left for him was almost torn to pieces by her. She missed him so much...

Zhongli glanced at the little grass god who had little combat experience and gave him a sincere reminder.

"You two, we are about to face a life-and-death struggle. Don't take it lightly."

Lei Yingying was fighting all the time, so Zhongli didn't need to say much, but the little grass god was very grateful for his concern.

"All living beings~ are for my use!" The armor roared again, and the huge thunder ball formed by the power of the thunder element fell from the sky like a meteorite.

Smashed towards the three people.

Although Lei Yingying's divine power was lost a lot, her strength was still very strong. She dodged all the attacks in a few moves.

Followed closely behind Zhongli and attacked the armor.

At the moment when the elemental power collided, time froze, mountains and rivers shattered, and the earth shook.

A melee between gods began.

In the distant sky, the wind slime held a lantern to illuminate the little camel and Gu Yihan.

The little camel held the notebook and quickly turned the pages to check.

It took a long time to get the result.

[I found it, I found it! ]

"Speak." Gu Yihan covered his eyes with a white veil, stood with his hands behind his back in the clouds, and the image of a god who controlled the laws of heaven and earth was clearly visible.

[Rakshasa Yiji is the first earthly ruler rewarded by heaven, and can be said to be the first god of Teyvat, but due to itsIt was too useless, and was finally abandoned by the law of nature. ]

[He selected seven other earthly rulers from among the demon gods. ]

[His armor, the god Qi Yiji, is not his main body. His main body, as an important element supply source, is currently buried underground under the armor. ]

[As the first god, it can easily use all the power of elements and ignore all the enemy's defenses...]

The little camel was silent for a few seconds and whispered.

[In other words, it could have hurt Zhongli and the others just now, but it didn't do so. ]

"Is it deliberately luring them into a trap?"

[Based on the current situation, this possibility cannot be ruled out. ] The little camel put away the notebook.

Obviously, after defeating those executives, his host also became an evil god with the help of the system.

But why is the gap so big?

They are all gods, one is obsessed with destroying the world, and the other is thinking about saving the people...

As a hard-working part-time system, it is really too bad!

"Is the location of the Heart of God in the main body?" Gu Yihan asked the little camel, but he was very worried about Lei Dianying.

[Yes, 100% on him, my location will not be wrong.]

Before the little camel finished speaking, Gu Yihan rushed up with the Jade Feather Tube.

The little camel followed behind and shouted, [Host, don't be reckless! Let's observe for a while, your eyes haven't recovered yet, you can't get hurt again! ! ]


A deafening sound came from behind Shen Qi Yiji, and the three elements of ice, fire, and grass were slapped out in its palm at the same time.

The huge shock wave that was formed shook Zhongli and the others away.

Lei Dianying spit out a mouthful of blood after being caught by Gu Yihan, and it took a long time for him to stand firm.

(The field of view of elemental force perception) Looking at Zhongli who was fighting with Shen Qi Yiji, Gu Yihan fed the medicine in his hand to Lei Dianying.

"You don't have much power left, but you still come here. Are you trying to kill yourself?"

Lei Dianying shook his head and raised his hand to hold Gu Yihan's cheek, "Really you? !! Your eyes..."

[The host is fine, he will definitely recover in the next life. ] Xiao Tuotuo put his hands on his waist and answered breathlessly.

Gu Yihan coughed, let go of Lei Dianying and said to Xiao Tuotuo.

"Take her to a safe place."

Xiao Tuotuo wanted to refuse, but the crystals of elemental power always flew behind him from time to time, which was very dangerous.

He had no choice but to agree, [Okay, then host, you should pay attention to safety...]

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