
Under the leadership of Kujo Sara, the shogunate soldiers were like chicken blood.

Shouts of killing were heard everywhere.

Holding silver spears, they rushed towards Gu Yihan and Fu Jie Luolin.

And the simple four words from Gu Yihan's mouth.

It also doubled Fu Jie Luolin's fighting power, and he was already impatient to fight with those shogunate soldiers.

Looking at Gu Yihan's proud back, a beautiful picture appeared in Fu Jie Luolin's mind.

The picture showed Gu Yihan and the lady fighting side by side on the battlefield.

The temperaments of the two executive officers are really well matched.

However, compared with the gentleness of the Shaoqing, the lady's mouth is still a little poisonous.

But at the moment, the most important thing is to help the Shaoqing fight off these ignorant enemies.

"Blind things!" Fu Jie Luolin cursed the shogunate soldiers inwardly.

Holding a musket, he jumped onto the boulder and began to aim.

Those shogunate soldiers were naturally not vegetarians.

Their movements were swift and fierce, and the tips of their guns were full of strength. The moment they fired their guns, even the stones on the ground were smashed into pieces.

"There are always unruly people who want to give their heads away." Gu Yihan curled his thin lips, and at the moment he was about to be hit by Kujo Sara's arrow thunder, he jumped up.

His movements were as fast as lightning.

In just a few jumps, he cleared out the shogunate soldiers surrounding him with punches and kicks.

Gu Yihan stepped on the shogunate soldier who fell at his feet, and said in a cold tone, "Too weak~"

"Don't you still surrender!" Kujo Sara's voice sounded behind the soldiers.

Before Gu Yihan could answer, another shogunate soldier rushed up behind him.

"Bastards." Gu Yihan raised his eyebrows, and before he finished speaking, his figure flashed out like a hurricane, dodging the soldier's attack.

He jumped up and kicked out like thunder, directly kicking the soldier's chest.

He kicked him several meters away and nailed him in the crack of the cliff.

Fu Jie Luolin also encountered trouble.

Because Jiu Tiao Sha Luo had already shifted his attention to Fu Jie Luolin when they were not paying attention.

Swish, swish, swish——

Dozens of arrows with lightning fell from the sky and hit Fu Jie Luolin directly.

Fu Jie Luolin put away his musket and dodged quickly, just as he jumped off the boulder.

Jiu Tiao Sha Luo had already arrived in front of him.

"Be careful!" Gu Yihan shouted, and the two double swords in his hand that were split by the lightning appeared again.

He knocked down all the soldiers of the shogunate surrounding him, and rushed to Fu Jie Luo Lin using the displacement and frost power of the ice element.

Jiujo Sara was also fast. Like Gu Yi Han, she jumped in the air and kicked a devastating kick.

However, unlike Gu Yi Han, she did not kick Fu Jie Luo Lin in the chest.

Instead, she kicked him in the crotch while falling.

"Ah!!!!!!!" Fu Jie Luo Lin screamed and was kicked far away by Jiujo Sara.

Looking at the blood splashing in the air, Gu Yi Han's breathing stagnated, and murderous intent surged in his eyes.

"Mountain River Glacier!"

Gu Yi Han shouted angrily and launched an elemental explosion of the ice element.

At the moment of the elemental explosion, a dark blue glacier painting suddenly appeared under Gu Yi Han's feet.

In the painting, the shadows of several red plum trees in full bloom can be vaguely seen.

The huge power of ice element surged around Gu Yihan's body, and spread rapidly around at a speed that could not be detected by the naked eye.

In the blink of an eye, all the shogunate soldiers except Kujo Sara were frozen.

Gu Yihan has four God's Eyes, and Shanhe Glacier is the skill of the Ice God's Eye that he often uses in the secret realm.

When using Shanhe Glacier, the other three God's Eyes on Gu Yihan will fall into a dormant state.

It can be used again after ten minutes.

Shanhe Glacier has extremely strong explosive power and can freeze all the targets he wants to freeze within a hundred meters.

The freezing time is up to 50 seconds.

The moment the target is frozen, the red plum in the painting will also turn into countless cold and poisonous silver needles, piercing the enemy's heart.

Kill it instantly.

Although Gu Yihan often hangs the Thunder God's Eye outside to attract people's attention.

But the Thunder Element Skill is like the Rock God's Eye, which was left by Gu Yihan at the bottom of the box and accumulated dust.

It seems that it has been almost a year since the last use.

After all, apart from the fact that the elemental bursts of the two God's Eyes are too powerful.

In such a scumbag situation, the elemental bursts of the two God's Eyes are not needed at all.

Of course, his favorite elemental burst is still Nadie.

Because his title of Blood Blade Butterfly comes from the blood butterfly.

Although Gu Yihan doesn't quite understandWhy does Bai have blood butterflies around him after every battle?

But after having the Fire God's Eye, the elemental explosion and the butterfly filled this gap very well.

The blood blade butterfly deserves the name.

On the other side, Fu Jie Luolin had already fainted because of his serious injuries.

When Jiu Tiao Sha Luo, who was freed from freezing, met Gu Yihan's cold and ruthless eyes, she couldn't help but get scared.

For so many years, he was the second person who scared her besides the general.

If she hadn't run fast and dodged the skill just now, she would have been in danger.

Gu Yihan's eyes turned cold, and he used the ice element combat skill and Frost Flower to move to Jiu Tiao Sha Luo.

And before Jiu Tiao Sha Luo could react, he put the knife in his hand on her neck.

He also used the additional skills of Frost Flower and the covering of ice and snow to imprison Jiu Tiao Sha Luo's feet.

"You... who are you?" Kujo Sara swallowed and asked.

"It doesn't matter who I am. What matters is that you are dying."

As Gu Yihan said this, the power of ice element surged around him, making Kujo Sara shiver a little.

Kujo Sara looked at Gu Yihan carefully and suddenly remembered the person in front of him.

"Gu Yihan! Why is it you?! Are you working for the Fatui?! How dare you betray the general?!"

Looking at Gu Yihan's strange outfit, Kujo Sara was a little surprised.

Didn't he already...

How come he is mixed with the Fatui again? !

"Looking at the whole of Teyvat, there is nothing that I, Gu Yihan, dare not do."

Gu Yihan smiled sarcastically, put away his two swords and said coldly, "Go away. Next time, I won't show mercy."

He didn't want Kujo Sara's life from the beginning.

Regardless of whether she saved me in the past, letting her go now... just consider it as repaying a favor.

After all, if he met another executive officer, it is unknown whether he could leave Kujo Sara with an intact body.

It's a pity that his current identity has not been made public.

Otherwise, with Kujo Sara's behavior of openly snatching the envoy's Eye of God.

The "friendly" relationship between the two countries will become more subtle.

Although Kujo Sara has many questions, she is a clear-headed person.

She knows very well that she is not Gu Yihan's opponent.

If she continues to stalemate with him, she will be the only one who suffers.

"Thank you... But you won't have such good luck next time. I'll take your Eye of God!"

Kujo Sara said, put away his bow and arrow and fled alone.

"Wait and see." Gu Yihan said, and the mountain and river glaciers also dissipated.

After thawing, several surviving shogunate soldiers rolled on the ground and wailed in pain.

Gu Yihan curled his lips and kicked the ground fiercely, and the elemental power spread out immediately.

The sound of bones breaking came from the wilderness.

Looking at the group of shogunate soldiers, they all tilted their heads and had already died.

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