Three days later, in the reception room of the Envoy Department.

Gu Yihan was invited to talk to the lady about the important matters in the Fatui.

Then he handed the lady the restaurant operating bill and the restaurant expansion request letter sent by Leiying Warlock from Yinyue Zuiyinglou in Liyue yesterday.

"In terms of business ability, the soldiers trained by the lady are indeed good."

The lady put down the wine glass and took the letter handed over by Gu Yihan with a smile, her tone was light.

"Of course, people who are too mediocre are not qualified to be used by me."

After reading the letter, the lady handed the letter in her hand back to Gu Yihan, sipping the fragrant tea, and said in a calm tone.

"It seems that the business in Liyue is going well. Are you interested in expanding the business?"

Gu Yihan raised his hand and rubbed his sore temples, his tone was indifferent.

"If funds allow, we can consider opening a slime condensate branch factory or a hillock laboratory in Liyue."

"I understand the slime condensate branch factory, but what about the hillock laboratory?"

The lady frowned, not quite understanding what Gu Yihan meant.

Although his slime processing factory is well-known in Zhidong, what kind of fantastic idea is the hillock laboratory?

The lady said she didn't quite understand.

Gu Yihan supported his head, leaned on the table, and explained in a slightly tired tone.

"Don't you think it's a very pleasant thing to drive the hillocks to make profits for us?"

"Liyue is vast and rich in resources. It shouldn't be that difficult to open a hillock laboratory."

The lady sneered, "The starting point is good, but..."


"But I guess you don't have so many Moras to open a laboratory."

After being told this by the lady, Gu Yihan suddenly felt uncomfortable all over. Why is his life so miserable?

A house is full of debts...

"The little guy doesn't look very good, is he feeling uncomfortable?" the lady asked with concern.

Although she has only known Gu Yihan for two years, the lady thinks he is a very good person from the bottom of her heart.

It feels very good to get along with him.

Occasionally teasing him is also a rare pleasure in a busy life.

Even if Gu Yihan owes so many billions more debts.

But in the lady's opinion, that's not a big deal.

Gu Yihan let out a long breath, "Maybe I didn't rest well, it doesn't matter."

"But why do I always feel that you are always scornful?"

"What is that?" the lady asked in confusion.

Gu Yihan shook his head and stood up from his seat, "If there is nothing important, I will leave first."

"Okay, considering that you are not feeling well, sister I won't keep you, go back and have a good rest."

The lady smiled elegantly and watched Gu Yihan leave.

The originally clear eyes were stained with a layer of indifference like ice.

The smiling face was also stained with pride.

"Fu Jie Luo Lin."

Fu Jie Luo Lin walked out quickly from behind the screen and bowed respectfully to the lady, "Madam."

"Give orders to carry out the plan of infiltrating all forces into the Three Commissioners in advance."

"Also, send someone to tell the soldiers in Liyue to do their best to open a Hill Culvert laboratory for Master Shaoqing."

"The scale should be as large as the Ruins Guard Research Institute of Master Doctor."

In the afternoon, the sun was completely covered by thick clouds.

Muffled thunder sounded in the distant sky, and the dull air made people feel depressed.

Gu Yihan found that his body was getting worse after he left the Envoy Office.

While he was weak all over, his head was buzzing.

Consciousness gradually became scattered, and his chest hurt as if someone was hitting him hard with a hammer.

"Why is it so painful this time..."

Gu Yihan gritted his teeth and wandered in the street with a dull look in his eyes.

He didn't know what disease he had, but this time... it seemed to take his life.

Gu Yihan clearly remembered that the first time he felt so uncomfortable was the day after he rescued the archaeologist team from the Snow Secret Realm of the Winter Kingdom.

Although there were several irregular attacks in the following years.

But they were all ignored by Gu Yihan because they were too mild.

He always thought that it was a sequelae of the secret realm and it would be fine after a while.

Moreover, he didn't want others to know that the twelfth executive officer of the Fatui, the Shaoqing, was a sickly person.

And before entering the secret realm, he only had an ice-type God's Eye, let alone this strange disease.

But after coming out of the Snow Secret Realm, although Gu Yihan had a second God's Eye, a thunder-attributed God's Eye.

But because of this, he also got this strange and puzzling disease.

Not fatal, butExtreme pain.

"Huh~ I'll be fine after a good sleep." Gu Yihan covered his chest and walked forward in a daze.

In the square, in front of the statue of the Thousand-armed Hundred-eyed God, which was inlaid with ninety-nine divine eyes of different attributes.

The shogunate soldiers stood majestically under the statue.

They blocked the crowd of people watching outside from the safety line.

Under the Thousand-armed Hundred-eyed God, Thomas, who was tied up, knelt under the statue, guarded by two shogunate soldiers.

He looked up at General Raiden who was standing on the high platform facing the statue.

Waiting for execution.

Gu Yihan dragged his heavy body and walked past the crowd in a daze, vaguely hearing someone discussing Thomas.

"Ah~ It turns out that the person who executed the 100th Eye of God was Mr. Thomas."

"People whose Eyes of God were taken away eventually lost their wishes, and even forgot who they were. Then wouldn't Mr. Thomas also..."

"The will of the Eternal... General's people cannot be disobeyed by anyone, what can Mr. Thomas do..."

Gu Yihan stopped and glanced at the people surrounding the Thousand-Handed Hundred-Eyed Statue, enduring the pain and squeezing into the crowd.

After seeing that the person kneeling on the ground was Thomas, Gu Yihan's heart tightened, and a bad premonition came to his mind.

As expected, General Lei Dian, who was facing the statue, finally turned around.

She was standing on the high platform, and her purple eyes without any emotion were full of determination.

She didn't speak, but just stood there quietly, which gave people a strong and irresistible Wei Ya.

General Lei Dian fixed his eyes on Thomas and slowly raised his right hand.

The moment she raised her hand, the power of the lightning element formed a thunder seal on her slender white hand, and the divine power spread out.

The originally very quiet Fire God's Eye on Thomas' waist also began to move at this moment.

When General Lei Dian withdrew his hand, Thomas's God's Eye also flew out quickly at her call.

Damn it!!!

Gu Yihan was shocked, and before he could think, he pushed the crowd away and jumped out.

He grabbed Thomas's God's Eye in his hand.

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