In the night that was so far away that it could not be measured, the pale moon stepped solemnly into the sky.

The glittering stars followed him, casting pale light to the ground.

Gu Yihan followed Shenli Linghua to the deserted Ganjin Island and stopped.

In the distant sea, the light blue sea ganoderma was shimmering on the cliff, and the dark blue waves rushed to the beach, soaking Gu Yihan's shoes.

The two stood opposite each other, and Shenli Linghua looked up at Gu Yihan with a cold face.

Without saying a word, she just looked at him quietly, and there was indescribable tenderness in her bright and beautiful eyes.

At that moment, she saw the red silk hanging high in the huge Shenli Mansion, and cheers were heard everywhere.

In the bridal chamber, the red candles were swaying, and the big red wedding characters were swaying and shining.

The gauze danced lightly, and the two shadows printed out looked like they were holding hands.

Gu Yihan looked down at Shenli Linghua with a strange expression and asked in surprise.

"Linghua, is there something important that you called me out for?"

"Ah??!!!" Shenli Linghua suddenly came back to her senses, and her fair cheeks flushed with shame.

How could she think of the foreign wedding that the traveler had mentioned, and the one she was marrying was him!

This is simply...

Shenli Linghua coughed dryly and clenched the fan in her hand calmly.

She quickly put the shameful thought behind her.

"Well, there is something very important to discuss with you."

"In two days, the Shenli family will hold a solemn and grand sacrificial ceremony. I wonder if I can invite you to participate?"

Sacrificial activities?

Gu Yihan frowned. He didn't seem to have time to participate.

After all, the task arranged by Her Majesty the Queen was the top priority of all his activities.

Looking at Shenli Linghua's expectant eyes, Gu Yihan said regretfully.

"Sorry, I have other important things to deal with, so I may not be able to attend,"

"Is that so? What a pity..." Shenli Linghua nodded, her soft face full of disappointment.

After a while, she raised her eyebrows and smiled, took out a golden badge that had been half burned from her pocket, and handed it to Gu Yihan.

The badge was not big, about three centimeters in diameter, and golden all over.

In the center of the incomplete front was a red butterfly wing that had not been completely burned.

The word Shaoqing was clearly engraved on the back.

Gu Yihan's fingers froze. Isn't this the emblem of their team?

How could it be in Shenli Linghua's hand?

Seeing that Gu Yihan was a little confused, Shenli Linghua explained.

"It's like this. Xiao Gong and I picked up this badge in the Guarding Forest on the way to Ganjin Island."

"I saw your name engraved on the back, so I guessed that it should be something from you or your subordinates."

"That's why I took the initiative to call you out, and wanted you to confirm it again."

Gu Yihan took the badge that was burned almost beyond recognition, and his expression became a little complicated.

"This is indeed something from my subordinates, thank you."

Gu Yihan said, looking down at the badge in his hand, his sword eyebrows slightly frowned.

Whose member is this...

Why did his badge fall in the Guarding Forest?

"Please don't be so polite, because... we are already friends."

Kamiri Ayaka smiled softly, looking at the handsome Gu Yihan, her heart was surging.

The young man in white in front of him was as handsome as ever, and his exquisite and thick silver short hair added a touch of surprise to his cold temperament.

The delicate clavicle was faintly visible in the slightly open collar of the white shirt, which made people's hearts burn with anger.

She was thinking, if she was braver and took this step bravely, would their relationship change?

Although Shen Li Ling Hua could clearly feel the cold air emanating from Gu Yi Han's body, it did not affect her love for him.

Although she didn't know what he had experienced when the Eye Hunting Order was abolished, which made him not as warm as before.

But she believed that time flies, and the tenderness of the young man was not allowed.

Gu Yi Han put away the badge and expressed his gratitude to Shen Li Ling Hua again.

Only then did he plan to leave Ganjin Island.

He had to leave for Liyue tomorrow, so he had to find out the badge tonight.

"Where are you going?" Seeing Gu Yi Han turned around and was about to leave, Shen Li Ling Hua asked hurriedly.

Gu Yi Han held the badge in his hand and did not answer.

"Are you going to investigate that badge?" Shen Li Ling Hua asked.

"Yeah." Gu Yihan responded indifferently.

"I want to go with you, is that okay?"

Gu Yihan shook his head and rejected Shenli Linghua's request.

"I can go by myself. It's getting late. You should go back and rest early."

He admitted that Shenli Linghua was a beautiful woman who was extremely gentle, but he didn't want to bother her at all.Annoy her.

Who knows how many risks there will be ahead?

Not only that, being with Kamisato Ayaka always makes him feel inexplicably uncomfortable.

That look was too hot, burning his mind.

Seeing that Gu Yihan disagreed, Kamisato Ayaka's eyes moved, trying to persuade him.

"Although you are refusing my help, I still want to take you there in person because I know the specific location."

Gu Yihan paused, obviously, this was a strong reason for help that he could not refuse.

"In that case, then trouble you."

Gu Yihan said, and took the lead to walk out of Ganjin Island.

Kamisato Ayaka tilted her head and smiled, put away the folding fan in her hand and hurriedly followed.

Time passed quickly, and the moon in the night sky began to tilt slowly.

On the way to the Guarding Forest, Gu Yihan and Kamisato Ayaka were attacked by several waves of Nobushi and Kairangui.

Unfortunately, their strength was not enough, and they were finally dealt with quite decently by Shenli Linghua and Gu Yihan.

After a while, the two came to the Guardian Forest. Shenli Linghua stopped and pointed at the cracked ground split by lightning.

"I picked it up here."

Gu Yihan frowned, squatted down, stretched out his fingers to sip a bit of scorched earth, and sniffed it.

A faint scent of red plum blossoms floated in the scorched earth particles.

Red plum? !

Gu Yihan was stunned, and then he thought of the owner of the badge.

He was the person Gu Yihan sent to Zhidong to deliver the red plum and Xiao Tuotuo's notes some time ago.

He died, so...

Where are Xiao Tuotuo's notes? !

When he thought that Xiao Tuotuo's notes were lost, Gu Yihan was shocked on the spot and stood up suddenly from the ground.

As soon as Gu Yihan stood up, a black shadow flashed across the field like a ghost.

Heading northeast.

"Who?" Gu Yihan narrowed his eyes, grasped the badge and hurriedly chased after it.

Kamisato Ayaka also saw the black shadow, but she didn't pay much attention to it.

Because this is an unsafe world.

Guardian Forest... It should be normal to have some strange and dangerous things.

However, she still worried about him...

After running for about ten minutes, Gu Yihan stopped in a bombed camp of hill people.

"Come out!" Gu Yihan shouted angrily, and the power of fire element surged around him.

[Some readers are confused about the protagonist's hair. Well... the author would like to explain that the protagonist's hair is usually short silver (his weapon is a pair of swords, called Jade Feather Tubes, which were given by the Queen. The handles are red, and the silver blades are shining with a faint golden light). In the evil eye state, his hair is long silver (his weapon is a sword, and it is known that the sword light can turn rain into sea)]

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