12. For the glory of Shushan!

Looking at Jiang Yan, who looked calm but revealed deep sadness

Zhongli and the others didn’t know how to comfort him for a moment.

Gan Yu looked at Jiang Yan with some distress and whispered:

“Jiang Yan, don’t do this.……”

Unfortunately, Jiang Yan is still immersed in his performance

As a cultivator in the Soul Refining and Returning to the Void Realm, every word and action of his is in harmony with the heavens.

Controlling your emotions is easy

It would be easy to influence the world, especially in a fragile world like Teyvat that is already dying.

Zhongli was silent for a while, looking at Jiang Yan with mixed feelings.

“Sorry, I don’t know these……”

“It doesn’t matter, the matter has been settled. I now claim to be the headmaster of Shushan, just because I don’t want this glorious sect to be completely destroyed.”

Jiang Yan sighed and said quietly:

“My master once told me that there are three stages of death.”

“The first stage is when the pulse of life stops and the person is declared dead.”

“The second stage: Life disappears amid the farewell of relatives and friends”

“The third stage is when the last person in the world who remembers this life dies, and the life is completely declared extinct.”

“I think it is the same for Shushan… As long as I still remember Shushan and believe in my own identity, then Shushan will not perish.”

Jiang Yan’s words resounded like a huge bell in the hearts of Zhongli and others, bringing unprecedented shock.

“The three stages of life and death……”

Zhongli picked up the teacup, but put it down before he put it to his mouth. He repeated this several times.

Zhongli sighed leisurely, clasped his hands and said:

“I have learned a lot… The teacher is really a wise man”

Jiang Yan suddenly showed a smile on his face, nodded slightly and said:

“Yes, Master is indeed a man of great wisdom and virtue. He achieved the state of refining emptiness and merging with the Tao in less than three hundred years.”

“He likes drinking and having fun. When he drinks too much, he turns into an ordinary person to experience all kinds of life.”

“The state of mind and qualifications are unprecedented”

“Many ancestors in the upper realm said that Master would be the genius with the greatest chance of reaching the top of the Golden Immortal in the past hundreds of kalpas.”


A trace of deep sorrow appeared in Jiang Yan’s eyes.

“In the turbulence of the long river of time, Master was accidentally splashed by a drop of water from the long river of time in order to protect me.……”

“No matter how amazing and brilliant the master is, he is only at the peak of the Refining Void and Combining Dao.”

“What can we do when facing the long river of time that even the Golden Immortal has to be careful about?”

“I watched Master wave at me with a smile, and then the tens of thousands of years of life of a cultivator of Lianxu Hedao disappeared in an instant.”

“He passed away in front of my eyes, in just a moment, even his bones disappeared”

Jiang Yan clenched his fist tightly

Now he has successfully deceived himself.

Zhongli and the others didn’t know how to comfort Jiang Yan. Gan Yu reached out with some distress, wanting to pat Jiang Yan’s shoulder.

But I still don’t have the courage

“You said”

Zhongli suddenly said:

“There are fifty great ways, and forty-nine heavenly evolutions. If you lose one of them, this one will be a ray of hope.”

“Your survival is a victory for the Shushan Patriarch in his fight against fate.”

“Therefore, you should pass on the Shushan legacy.”

Jiang Yan was stunned for a moment. He really didn’t expect that Zhongli could master the secret of cultivating immortals so quickly.

They all began to comfort him with these words.

It seems that these words have really made Zhongli trust him a lot.

In this case, let’s get down to business.

However, before he could open his mouth, Liu Yun interrupted again:

“So, it is because of these things that you… I said you don’t recognize our immortal?”

“Don’t you acknowledge that there are immortals who are born naturally?”

Jiang Yan didn’t expect Liu Yun to be able to get away with this, so he just went along with it and said softly:

“I guess so… Sorry, when I heard that your gods and immortals were born naturally, I thought of those Daluo who were born with the Tao.”

“I hate the rest.”

Jiang Yan’s eyes flashed purple, and he scanned the immortals present one by one, starting from Liu Yun.

Zhongli, Ganyu, Xiao, Lishui……

After a while, he nodded and said:

“Putting aside the cultivation of immortals, your own strength is not weak, especially Fellow Daoist Morax, who is one of the top in this world in my opinion.”

“Although it is a blessing from heaven and earth, you are not Daluo, and you are born to be enlightened without practicing.”

“You have paid the price of blood and tears for your current strength. What I said just now was rash of me.”

Hearing this, Liu Yun felt somewhat relieved.

If this was what an ordinary person said, Liu Yun would slap him without saying anything and ask him who he was.

But Jiang Yan himself is not only a cultivator of the Soul Refining Return to Void, but he has also raised Shushan and himself to such a high level.

He was more or less happy when he said this.

However, Zhongli smiled bitterly and shook his head:

“Top star? Not necessarily, especially now that I’ve heard about your journey to immortality.”

“It’s nothing more than refining Qi and transforming into a spirit. At the peak of Shushan, I was probably the most insignificant disciple for a cultivator who was refining Qi and transforming into a spirit.”

Jiang Yan comforted:

“There is no need to be so self-deprecating. As a creature of Teyvat, you should naturally look at yourself from the perspective of Teyvat.”

“What’s more, it’s just the world’s upper limit that limits you. If you were in my world, you might have already become an immortal.”

“Your qualifications would have been very good even if you were in the peak period of Shushan.”

Zhongli and the others were very pleased to hear this. Liu Yun wanted to ask about his qualifications compared to Jiang Yan, but after careful consideration, he gave up.

Jiang Yan’s bone age is no more than 20 years old, everyone can see this clearly

He reached the stage of refining spirits and returning to the void in his twenties. This kind of talent is probably unique in Shushan.

Otherwise, why would he be accepted as a disciple by such a genius master, and why would the Shushan Patriarch send him away at the last moment?

Spark, must be the strongest genius

To be fair, if Liu Yun wants to accept a disciple, he must be extremely talented, and Shen He is proof of this.

It’s better not to ask such uncomfortable topics.

This depressing topic, no one wants to talk about it anymore

It’s not all about Jiang Yan’s tragic experience.……

Daluo, Taiyi……

If you hear too many stories about these unimaginable existences at such a high level, you will only despair about the future.

Zhongli simply changed the subject.

“So, you came to Teyvat through the turbulence of time and space.”

Jiang Yan nodded

“I just survived the time and space turbulence, and my strength has not yet recovered. Thanks to the care of Master Liuyun, Miss Ganyu and Miss Shenhe.”

“Don’t call me Zhenjun.”

Liu Yun hurriedly interrupted Jiang Yan

“After hearing what you said, I don’t want to call myself a fairy. Just call me Liuyun.”

Jiang Yan did not refuse

Zhongli continued:

“So, what are your plans for the future? If you don’t have a place to stay, why not settle down in Liyue for a while before considering it?”

Zhongli looked at Jiang Yan with some anticipation, and Liu Yun and others beside him were also a little excited.

What Jiang Yan said could not be verified. If they believed everything, they would have lived in vain.

But Jiang Yan’s strength is real, and everyone has witnessed it with their own eyes.

Outrageously strong

Moreover, the key is that you can continue to practice and break through, which is outrageous.

If Jiang Yan is willing to join Liyue, then Liyue has found a powerful person who can do great things.

After he has achieved the state of refining the void and merging the Dao, I am afraid he will be able to take Liyue with him.

If you don’t do this kind of blood-making business, you’re a fool

Seeing Zhongli extending an olive branch, Jiang Yan shook his head.

“Sorry, I am a disciple of Shushan after all. Even if Shushan exists in name only, I cannot give up this identity.”

“If even I give up, Shushan will really die.”

Zhongli took a sip of tea and said nothing more, but he was still thinking about getting Jiang Yan on board.

However, Ganyu is more suitable to say the rest.

Ganyu naturally understood Zhongli’s thoughts and said immediately:

“I’m not asking you to give up your identity in Shushan, Jiang Yan, even if you are very strong, you still need someone to take care of you when you are unfamiliar with the place.”

“Our Liyue is the strongest and richest country in Teyvat. If you are willing to join Liyue, you will still be the headmaster of Shushan.”

“Liyue can provide manpower to help you rebuild Shushan”

Seeing that Gan Yu was about to say something, Jiang Yan raised his hand slightly to stop her.

“I understand your good intentions, but this goes against my beliefs.”

“Besides, I have already thought about what I will do next.”

Hearing this, Zhongli and the others immediately became interested.

“What’s the matter?”

Zhongli asked softly

Jiang Yan’s eyes were bright, and an unprecedented passion was clearly visible to everyone.

Jiang Yan clenched his fists

“As long as I am alive, Shushan will not perish!”

“The glory is gone, so I will restore the glory of Shushan!”

“I want… to reopen the mountain gate and recover Mount Shu!”

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