15. Spiritual root testing: Is Teyvat’s specialty a genius in cultivating immortals?

It is too complicated to explain to them that more spiritual roots are not necessarily better, and they may not understand.

But if you just say you can’t chew more than you can chew, then you understand.

Liu Yun looked as if he had suddenly realized something, and didn’t ask any more questions about this topic.

This saved Jiang Yan some effort.

Soon, Jiang Yan noticed that Zhongli and the others seemed to be hesitant to speak, and he guessed what they were thinking.

I just want to see if I have spiritual roots and what my talent is.

Jiang Yan originally planned to have them test it.

He smiled gently and pointed to the mirror condensed by the true essence on the stone table.

“If you are curious about your talent, you can use this mirror to test it. This is a small spell that is specially used to test the talent of disciples.”

Hearing this, Zhongli immediately perked up and, under Jiang Yan’s instruction, placed his hand on the mirror.

In full view of the crowd, the mirror began to vibrate.

Then, a steady khaki light bloomed from the mirror, and finally condensed into a beam of light that rose steadily above Zhongli’s head.

Zhongli was a little confused and was about to ask Jiang Yan something, but he noticed that Jiang Yan was looking at him with a complicated expression.

There is a faint, unbelievable emotion in his eyes.

Zhong Li’s heart suddenly calmed down.

But still asked:

“So, what is my talent for cultivating immortals?”

Jiang Yan retracted his gaze and sighed with regret.

“Heavenly Earth Spiritual Root……”

“Is this okay?”

Zhongli asked curiously.

Jiang Yan shook his head slightly

“You underestimate yourself too much. A person with a heavenly earth spiritual root, in other words, a person with a heavenly spiritual root, is a top-level genius who will surely become an immortal as long as he does not die young.”

“Even in the heyday of Shushan, many elders would scramble to become true disciples.”

Upon hearing this, Xiao and the others immediately congratulated Zhongli with joy.

Although Zhongli is calm and composed, it would be a miracle if he didn’t have any emotion at all.

Feeling somewhat satisfied, Zhongli stepped aside

Jiang Yan also perked up

Originally, he had never thought that Zhongli really had such a strong talent.

He just thought that Zhongli would have the talent to cultivate immortals. As long as he had that talent, even if he had only three spiritual roots, he would be able to succeed.

He could use the opportunity of rebuilding Shushan as a chance to recruit people, and then bring Zhongli into Shushan as a laborer.…… no!

Be a pillar!

But who knows……

Zhongli is a creature from the small world of Teyvat on the tree of imaginary numbers.

He actually possesses a rare spiritual root that is hard to come by even in the world of cultivating immortals.

How can we reason with this?

If Zhongli really starts cultivating immortality, Jiang Yan thinks this guy will really be able to overcome the tribulation and become an immortal.

At that moment, Jiang Yan couldn’t help but become more serious and looked at the rest of the people expectantly.

One Zhongli is already a big profit, but Jiang Yan never minds making a little more

“Ganyu, you go.”

Liu Yun patted Gan Yu beside him. Gan Yu was stunned for a moment and was about to refuse.

Jiang Yan reached out and held Gan Yu’s hand

“Hold your breath, calm your mind, and let the true energy in the mirror flow freely. Don’t resist.”

Gan Yu didn’t pay attention to what Jiang Yan said. She only knew that Jiang Yan held her hand.

Instantly, the blush spread from her neck to her cheeks, and Ganyu’s eyes were spinning.

However, the next moment, an extremely cold breath surged from within her body, and Gan Yu suddenly came to her senses.

The mirror in front of him, which was condensed with true essence, suddenly glowed with an ice-blue light.

However, compared to Zhongli’s beam of light just now, it was a bit weaker.

Everyone didn’t understand what this meant, so they could only look at Jiang Yan.

But he found that Jiang Yan had begun to doubt his life. He kept looking at the mirror, as if he thought there was something wrong with the mirror.

After a while, Jiang Yan finally realized that this mirror was the result of his own true essence condensation, so there was no problem.

Then he said with a mixture of joy and melancholy:

“A top-grade ice-attribute spiritual root… Although not as good as Zhongli’s natural spiritual root, it is also a top-level genius.”

Hearing this, Ganyu immediately smiled contentedly.

She didn’t ask to surpass Zhongli in talent. Everyone in Teyvat knew what Zhongli was.

It is a great thing that she can now be second only to Zhongli.

At least, Jiang Yan said she was a genius.

After two consecutive tests, one was a natural spiritual root, and the other was a top-grade spiritual root. Jiang Yan had completely doubted his life.

Looking at the remaining immortals such as Liu Yun who were full of expectation, Jiang Yan was a little skeptical.

Although being able to detect a bunch of geniuses is definitely beneficial to the future development of Shushan but……

It always feels unreal.

Immediately, Jiang Yan accelerated the testing progress

But this time, Jiang Yan felt even more like he was dreaming.

Liuyun, top-grade wind spirit root

Water Management, Top Grade Water Spiritual Root

Xueyue, top-grade fire spirit root

Xiao, the Ultimate Wind Spiritual Root

After a test, none of the four immortals had a spiritual root level lower than the upper grade, and they were all single spiritual roots.

Jiang Yan was wondering if the specialty of Teyvat was a genius cultivator.

This requires a serious sect in the world of immortal cultivation to find Teyvat and meet Zhongli and his people.

Wouldn’t you be so happy that you go crazy?

Zhongli on the other side thought that his so-called natural spiritual roots seemed very powerful.

But then he heard that Xiao and the others were also so outstanding. For a moment, Zhongli felt that his natural spiritual roots were just so-so.

“It’s incredible……”

Jiang Yan looked at everyone in amazement and said with emotion:

“Teyvat is really a place where geniuses abound. I thought that it was rare for you, Morax, to have such great talent.”

“I didn’t expect that even Liuyun and you guys are like this.……”

“Teyvat is such an incredible place. It is an existence attached to the Middle Thousand Worlds, but it has so many geniuses.”

“If the ancestors were still alive and saw such a world, they would probably happily bring Teyvat under the control of Shushan.”

“You are at least the inner sect elite disciples.”

Zhongli was stunned for a moment

It seems that they are not common talents, but great ones.

“So, our talent in cultivating immortals is very strong?”

Liu Yun looked at Jiang Yan in confusion.

In her mind, Zhongli’s spiritual roots plus Ganyu’s top-grade spiritual roots should be considered a good combination.

But they are just some high-grade spiritual roots, and they are not conspicuous in the huge Shu Mountain.

But judging from what Jiang Yan said, their talents seem to be very rare?

“Nature is very strong, you must not belittle yourself”

“A top-grade spiritual root, even in the big world, is also a top-grade genius that only appears once in hundreds of millions of people.”

“Generally speaking, those who are detected to have a high-grade spiritual root are eligible to be accepted as disciples by the elders.”

“The best spiritual roots are the core disciples who are trained with emphasis.”

“As for the Heavenly Spiritual Root……”

Jiang Yan shook his head and said softly:

“That is the true teaching for the next generation of the headmaster. As far as I know, in the huge Shushan, there are only three people with natural spiritual roots, and they are my three senior brothers and sisters.”

“They are all geniuses who have reached the realm of refining spirits and returning to the void at a young age. The master has clearly stated that they will transcend the tribulation and ascend to heaven within a thousand years.”

Jiang Xuan’s words made Zhongli feel relieved.

It seems that my talent is one of the best in the big world.

Ganyu blinked and suddenly asked curiously:

“What about you, Jiang Yan?”


Jiang Yan chuckled

“I am the master’s last disciple. After accepting me, the master no longer accepted disciples and devoted himself to transcending the tribulation and ascending to heaven.”

“No, I want to ask, your spiritual roots……”

Gan Yu hadn’t finished speaking when she saw Jiang Yan’s deep smile.

The last disciple of the super genius master……

Obviously, talent can only be better, not worse.

Jiang Yan……

The guaranteed minimum is probably a natural spiritual root.

Maybe even a higher talent that he never mentioned.

Otherwise, when the accident happened, the ancestor would not have sent him away on purpose.

The fire left by Shushan can’t even make him immortal.

Jiang Yan didn’t care about his talent.

But according to his inference……

He no longer needs to calculate his spiritual roots.

Strictly speaking, he had his body reshaped by the Huangting Yujing Sutra.

It should be the innate body.

Suddenly, Liu Yun noticed Shen He who had been unknown beside him, and then he remembered that Shen He had never measured his talent.

Immediately, Liu Yun said:

“Jiang Yan, Shen He hasn’t tested his talent yet.”

Jiang Yan was stunned for a moment and said apologetically:

“Sorry, I neglected it.”

After that, he pushed the mirror in front of Shen He.

Shen He calmly raised his hand and placed it on the mirror

The next moment, an ice-blue light that was slightly weaker than Liu Yun and the others lit up.

Liu Yun felt a little regretful. Looking at the light, she probably guessed that Shen He’s talent was not as good as hers.

But Jiang Yan’s expression suddenly changed, and he looked at Shen He in disbelief.

“Yin body?!”


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