216. Fu Nina: Are you learning assassination in Shushan?!

Hearing Bai Wen’s words, Tinari’s hand suddenly stopped in the air and dared not move forward. He looked at Bai Wen with some doubt.

“What’s wrong? Can’t this jade talisman be moved?”

Baiwen shook his head

“It’s not that they can’t be moved, but these jade talismans have certain meanings.”

“Before I came to the Sutra Library, Senior Sister Ningguang specifically told me not to just pick a seemingly powerful jade talisman technique.”

“All the techniques in the Sutra Library are related to one’s own fate.”

“Only by following this fate can you choose the most suitable practice for yourself”

“Just like Sister Ganyu’s Great Sun Shooting Technique, Sister Ningguang’s Tongtian Talisman, and Sister Shenhe’s Seven Killing Orders of Gods and Ghosts.”

“Even Sister Lisa’s Soul Burning Fire”

“These are their personal karmas and the most suitable techniques for them to practice.”

“Therefore, you must be cautious when choosing a method.”

“Although inner disciples can choose a technique once a week, if they choose the wrong one, not only will they waste time”

“It is easy to go the wrong way and go against your original better direction.”

Hearing this, Fu Nina clapped her hands as if she had just woken up from a dream.

“I remembered that before I came here, Senior Sister Ganyu said many times that when choosing a technique, one must follow one’s own destiny.”

“Don’t be afraid of wasting time. Even if it takes a lot of time, you must choose the most suitable method for yourself.”

Everyone suddenly realized what was going on. Xingqiu sighed:

“It is indeed the mysterious and mysterious cultivation of immortals in the legend. Even choosing a technique has so many mysterious explanations.”

“But…how do we determine our own destiny?”

Chongyun nodded in agreement.

“Yes, fate is such a mysterious thing, we don’t know what it feels like.”

Tartaglia pinched his chin thoughtfully, and after a moment, he clapped his hands with a smile.

“I understand. It sounds mysterious, but it can be solved with just one sentence.”

“Follow your instinct”

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and then they all realized

“Isn’t it just intuition? This hall master has always had a strong intuition. Really, after saying so many things that I can’t understand, I still have to try my luck?”

Hu Tao curled her lips, closed her eyes, randomly chose a direction, and walked leisurely with her hands behind her back.

“Since it’s so simple, I’ll set off first! I’ll definitely find a technique that surpasses Qiqi’s Soul Moving Shadow Technique later!”

“At that time, let’s see if this hall master will control Qiqi to help Wangsheng Hall bring customers!”

As he was thinking, Hu Tao’s steps became more and more hurried.

With this first person leaving, the rest of the people couldn’t sit still.

They immediately said hello, dispersed, and walked in the direction their intuition indicated.

Furninna glanced at Clorinde and said softly:

“Clorinde, you don’t have to follow me. There will be no danger in Shushan. Go and find your skills!”

Hearing this, Clorinde shook her head and said seriously:

“My intuition tells me that only by following you, Ms. Funina, can I find the most suitable method for me.”

“Huh? You mean, your destiny is me?”

Furninna looked at Clorinde in bewilderment, and she nodded uncertainly.

“Anyway, my intuition tells me this, so, Ms. Funina, you make your choice.”

Furninna shook her head and said nothing more.

It would be good for Clorinde to follow. Some of these jade talismans flew very fast and she couldn’t catch them.

Let Clorinde catch up. If she sees a jade talisman that feels right, but runs too fast,

We can also ask Clorinde to help catch it.

Thinking in her mind, Furninna chose a direction and left with Clorinde.

Along the way, I saw many outer disciples, and even menial disciples, who had chosen their own techniques. They were all excited and sent out.

It seems that he can’t wait to go back to practice.

But most people were still walking around the first floor with sad faces, looking for a method that suited them.

When she saw Funina and Clorinde, she politely greeted them and called them”senior sisters”

Finina smiled lightly and nodded gracefully in response, but she was secretly very happy in her heart.

I wish those people would call me Senior Sister Funina more often.

It hasn’t been even a day since she started cultivating immortality, but Fu Nina has already fallen in love with the title of”Senior Sister”

I was thinking that it would be even better if all the people of Fengdan called me”senior sister” in the future.

Especially Navilette……

The one who always pretends to be serious, but secretly cries like a crying dragon

Let him call me senior sister too……

Fernina could not imagine that Violet would say the words”Senior Sister Fernina”

What a comfortable scene.

If I practice faster, I can become a chief monk or an elder.

When Fukalos comes over, you must address her as the First Master of Funina or the Elder of Funina.

Doesn’t this sound much more impressive than Lord Water God?

The water god is the god of Teyvat, but the chief of Shushan and the elders of Shushan……

He is a big shot in a huge immortal cultivation sect that is destined to span the heavens.

In the whole world, the famous

Thinking of this, Furninna suddenly laughed foolishly.

Clorinde looked at Funina in bewilderment, wondering what was wrong with her.

But if Clorinde really knew what she was thinking, she would probably complain……

If it is really like what I saw in the first level of self-examination, with Villette’s strength……

If they really come, only Funina can call them the chief or elder.

In a short time, Funina will not be able to catch up with Violet and Fuka.���S

However, she has great talent and strong will!

Seeing that Fu Nina was like shopping, and she was just looking but not buying.

I’ve been walking for almost half an hour.

Clorinde couldn’t help it, stepped forward, and urged in a low voice:

“Ms. Funina, have you not yet found the calling of your intuition?”

“Don’t worry! It’s almost there.”

Fu Nina smiled and waved her hands, then said with a mature and dignified look: (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

“Clorinde, you have to trust my instincts.”

“I am a natural genius, a ninth-level self-disciplined genius, and the head of the sect even kept me here to praise me.”

“People like me are destined to do great things… Pah!”

“The time I am accumulating now is to wait for the most suitable method.”

“When I find it, I will definitely be able to find a powerful enough skill for you next to my unprecedented skill.”

“After all, geniuses are always surrounded by geniuses!”

“Of course, compared to this genius, you may be a little inferior, but it doesn’t matter, I will protect you in the future!”

Fernina stood on tiptoe and patted Clorinde on the shoulder.

The latter’s mouth twitched, but he still reluctantly believed Funina’s lies.

The two walked past a row of bookshelves and turned a corner. They saw Ye Lan, who was alone looking for a martial arts method.

Fu Nina’s eyes lit up, and she was about to shout out a greeting to let Ye Lan join in.���She together

The next moment, Ye Lan jumped up and quickly grabbed the jade talisman hovering above his head.

A dazzling golden light suddenly appeared, and the surging power released made Funina’s face freeze.


The technique in Ye Lan’s hand is a very powerful one………..[]

“Ms. Funina……”

Clorinde looked at Funina helplessly.

The latter blushed and said stubbornly:

“You see, the direction is correct! Didn’t Ye Lan find a very powerful technique?”

“This means that our super-powerful skills are on this road! Don’t say any more, Clorinde! Let’s go and see what Ye Lan found!”

After that, Fu Nina took the lead and walked towards Ye Lan.

Looking at her back, Clorinde sighed.

Funina’s poor rhetoric can be seen as a guilty conscience.

However, the Sutra Library has many techniques, so there is no need to worry that they will not be able to get good things just because Ye Lan got a good technique.

Looking at the densely packed techniques, I’m afraid there are more of them than the weeds in Teyvat.

Similarly, it is precisely because of this that choosing a suitable method is as difficult as ascending to heaven.

Outer disciples and menial disciples can just pick any decent martial arts.

But as Shushan’s inner disciples, they are the foundation of Shushan, and they cannot simply choose

Clorinde calmed down and finally endured it, not reaching out to take the jade talismans flying around her.

What Furninna said makes some sense.

In this direction, Ye Lan found a technique that looked so powerful.

They should be soon.

He quickly stepped forward to catch up with Funina, and the two of them soon stood beside Ye Lan.

At this moment, Ye Lan was surrounded by a cold aura, and the whole person seemed to be trapped in darkness.

The aura vortex caused all the surrounding jade talismans to fly away.

After a close observation, Funina felt a little emotional.

“It seems that the worst ones are all at the level of the Tiangang Sword in Keqing’s world.”

Clorinde agrees

As for the inner disciples’ cultivation methods, they had also heard about them during their conversation just now.

Let’s not talk about Klee’s ability to reach the immortal path

Seven Killing Orders of Gods and Ghosts, Five Thunders of Yin and Yang, Alchemy Technique, Fire of Karma Soul Burning Technique, Tongtian Lu, Wu Hou Qimen……

Any of these, if taken out, are extremely powerful and outrageous techniques.

Their goal is this kind of practice

After an unknown amount of time, Ye Lan finally let out a sigh of relief and opened her eyes.

A gleam of light flashed in his eyes, and even Ye Lan, who usually kept her emotions to herself, showed some joy in her eyes.

“Ye Lan Ye Lan! How is it! Tell me quickly, what good stuff did you get?”

Seeing Ye Lan holding the technique tightly, Funina knew that she must have got something good.

I couldn’t help but look at Ye Lan with some anticipation.

The latter glanced at Funina and Clorinde, and did not answer directly, but asked in confusion:

“Why are you here? Didn’t you find your own technique?”

“I met you on the way to find a method! Let me first ask you how you feel when you find a method that suits you. Then we can have a comparison.”

Fu Nina explained casually, and then asked with great interest:

“So what kind of skills did you find?”

This simple question made Ye Lan remain silent as if she was embarrassed to ask.

Furninna had a bad feeling in her heart.

“Could it be a magical skill?”

Ye Lan shook her head

“Not magic”

“Why are you hesitating? We are from the same school, I know I won’t harm you!”

Fu Nina looked at Ye Lan with some depression. The latter pursed his lips and said softly:

“It is… a technique that is mainly aimed at assassination.”


Fu Nina was stunned for a moment, then said incredulously:

“You learned the art of assassination in Shushan?!”

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