288. Funina: I must make Fucarlos practice Taoism today!

After getting Ningguang’s promise, Funina and the others were naturally very happy.

Especially the Ice God and Navelette.

As long as we can get back on track as soon as possible, Fontaine’s national strength will rise and its national fortune will become stronger.

Funina can solve Fontaine’s troubles as quickly as possible.

But people’s joys and sorrows are not always the same

Then Villette and others naturally saw hope.

They must be very happy.

But Linghua and the others were left with only envy and sadness for their own Inazuma.

As the entire Teyvat begins to evolve, Liyue is at the forefront

Mondstadt, Fontaine and Winter followed closely behind

Even Xumi has many people worshipping Shushan, ready to start evolution at any time

Only Inazuma……

The war has just been stabilized for a few days, and it is not certain whether it will continue in the future.

The Eye Hunting Order and the Lockdown Order have not been lifted yet.

The Inado people can’t even get enough food to eat, how about martial arts?

This kind of thing will be isolated from Inazuma in the short term.

Even if the isolation order and the hunting order are lifted, and Inazuma has a stable job after the war, who knows how long it will take

Even if Inazuma has martial arts, they don’t have the resources to practice it.

It is even unclear whether anyone can practice cultivation.

The army was in turmoil, especially after Ying was defeated by Xiao, Kujo Sara had already noticed it.

Inazuma, she has blocked the door to the evolution of Teyvat with her own strength.

Seeing that other countries are preparing to take off, Inazuma is still immersed in the eternal backwardness and waiting for death.

Unable to help, Kujo Sara began to question eternity for the first time in his life.

Can such an eternity really allow Inazuma to survive?

Anyway, as far as we can see now, if this kind of eternity continues, Kujo Sara can’t see any chance that Inazuma can preserve civilization in the future.

The rampaging beasts will be the first disaster to tear off the Inazuma’s fig leaf

Kujo Sara sincerely hopes that Inazuma can stand on the crest of the tide like Liyue

Possessing a martial arts army and immortal cultivators

Even with so many masters

Those masters, Kujo Sara has seen them all, each of them can easily defeat her.

There are too many such people in Liyue

If Inazuma can also have……

If Shushan first descended on Inazuma……

But the thought just flashed for a moment before Kujo Sara gave up.

At that time, Inazuma didn’t even have the range of activities of the original gods, let alone the immortal cultivators.

If a cultivator really appeared, according to the general’s thoughts, he would definitely draw his sword at the first moment.

This sword……

I guess Inazuma is dead.

Immortal cultivators are not beings that can follow Inazuma’s many rules, such as eternity and the Eye Hunting Order.……

People don’t care

There are no good men and women among the immortal cultivators. They can choose to kill people and destroy a country.

The bottom line……

Or is Inazuma sick?

Kujo Sara lowered his head with some sadness.

For now, their only hope lies in the Son of God. All they can do is hope that the Son of God can change Inazuma’s current chaotic state.

However, the depressed mood of the people in Inazuma did not affect the overall relaxed and happy mood of everyone.

Ningguang took a sip of tea and said softly:

“Although these teas are not as good as the tea produced in Shushan, let alone the master’s enlightenment tea tree~”

“But these are the only top-grade teas in Liyue.”

“If you don’t mind, you can take some with you before you leave.”

After that, Ningguang glanced at the others and said with a smile:

“Of course, if you want, you can also bring some”

Jiang Yan smiled and nodded, and said softly:

“You have a heart”

The others naturally thanked Ningguang happily.

They are not Jiang Yan, who can take whatever he wants from the entire Shushan.

Let alone elixirs, although elixirs in the process of evolution are not uncommon, they are also rarely available.

Spiritual tea, I haven’t seen much

It’s a pleasant surprise to get some for no reason.

Take these tea leaves back and place them on the Seven Veins of Shu Mountain for a period of time, and they will definitely evolve perfectly.

Drink it then, the effect will be better

Ningguang was quite satisfied as she watched everyone getting close to each other.

If you can build relationships with other fellow disciples just by using some tea, that would be a great deal.

The people here right now are all geniuses in cultivating immortals.

The friendship between a genius and a cultivator cannot be bought with money.

After chatting for a while, Jiang Yan answered some questions about cultivation. When no one asked more questions, he looked at Fu Nina and others who had been waiting anxiously.

His face was full of anxiety, as if I had something to do.

Putting down the teacup, Jiang Yan chuckled and said:

“Now that everyone has no questions, then…Funina, you can tell me about your story.”

“I’ve been feeling restless since a while ago. Is there anything you want to say?”

When she heard Jiang Yan mention her, Fu Nina was immediately delighted. She stood up and looked at Jiang Yan, and hurriedly said:

“Master, I do have something to ask you.”

Jiang Yan suddenly realized and looked at Violet and Fukaros.

“Do you want them to join Shushan?”

Upon hearing this, Bingshen, Rosaline and others beside him immediately became alert.

Looking at Jiang Yan with burning eyes

Furninna scratched her cheek and said softly:

“Master’s Insight……”

“I know that the opening ceremony has passed, but the talents of Villette and Fukaros will definitely not disappoint the master.”

“The headmaster also said that Shushan is not a rigid sect that follows the rules, and geniuses should also be given some preferential treatment.”

“Therefore, the disciple dared to recommend them to the headmaster.”

“Not only are they talented, but they are also very strong. They can definitely help the prosperity of Shushan.”

Hearing what Fernina said, Fukaros was a little surprised.

The Funina in front of him was completely different from the domineering person she was in Fontaine before.

She speaks clearly and logically, and it is pleasant to listen to. Funina has really changed a lot.

But now it was Fernina who recommended her and Violet, so Fukaros didn’t show anything, just stood respectfully behind Fernina.

Like Villette, I have strong expectations in my heart.

“You have confidence”

Jiang Yan did not observe Violet and Fukaros, but looked at Fu Nina with interest, without answering her directly.

“The founding ceremony has just ended, and many disciples have just joined Shushan. You turned around and recommended them with the privileges of the inner sect.”

“Have you ever thought about what other people would think?” (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

“This is a bit unfair to those who have worked so hard to pass the assessment and join Shushan.”

“Do you think that inner disciples should have such unfair privileges?”

Hearing this, Fukaros and Navillatte became anxious.

Although they had thought about this possibility on the way here, it was very meaningful when Jiang Yan brought it up.

Although they wanted to join Shushan, they did not want Fu Ningna to bear such a bad reputation, especially since it also caused some dissatisfaction in Jiang Yan’s heart.

Immediately, Fucaros spoke up:

“Master, please understand that Funina definitely doesn’t have such an idea.”

“I asked Funina to introduce him to the headmaster. It has nothing to do with her.”

“If the leader feels it is inappropriate, then don’t worry about it.”

That Villette also cupped his hands and said in a deep voice:

“Ms. Funina has always loved Shushan and respected the head of the sect. She would never abuse her privileges.”

“This matter has nothing to do with Ms. Funina”

Jiang Yan did not reply, but just looked up at the two of them.

In an instant, that huge will, which was more majestic than the heaven and earth, almost overwhelmed them.

Make it hard for them to say a word[]

The atmosphere was a little heavy for a while.

Xiao recalled the Law Enforcement Hall’s commandments with some doubt. No matter how hard he thought, he could not remember this prohibition.

Even many prohibitions are to protect the privileges of inner disciples.

But now Jiang Yan said this again……

So is he going to arrest someone later?

Zhongli wanted to persuade Jiang Yan, but when he saw the corners of his mouth slightly raised, he suddenly understood and kept silent.

“.Besides Fernina, Tartaglia, do you have anything to say?”

Jiang Yan turned his head to look at Tartaglia, who hesitated for a moment, and noticed the anxiety in the eyes of the three Ice Gods.

He understood that the three Ice Gods asked him to give up the recommendation.

But Tartaglia remained silent for a moment, then bowed and said:

“Master, you are so wise. I would also like to introduce Her Majesty, Rosalin and Ah���Chino and the other two joined Shushan!”

The Ice God suddenly became more anxious and wanted to explain something, but he looked at her with the same eyes as before.

The Ice God found himself unable to take any action.

The weight of heaven and earth is on my body

“What about you, Manye?”

Jiang Yan finally looked at Wan Ye, who shook his head and said calmly:

“The reason why everyone who brought their Inazuma here this time was to introduce them to the Divine Son Senior Sister. Compared to joining Shushan, they were more looking forward to solving the Inazuma issue first.”

“But if they want to join Shushan later, I am willing to introduce them to you.”

“This is the last thing I did for Inazuma. After that, I had nothing to do with Inazuma anymore.”

Jiang Yan nodded slightly and chuckled:

“Looking at your appearance, someone who doesn’t know would think you are here to force the emperor to abdicate.”

Hearing this, Funina and the others changed their expressions and waved their hands

“Disciple dare not”

Ningguang and the others were confused about the current situation and did not dare to speak.

“So, you all want to take advantage of the privileges of Shushan’s inner disciples to commit such an unfair act?”

Jiang Yan asked again in an inexplicable tone about Funina and Tartaglia

The two nodded decisively

“Yes! Master!”

Jiang Yan stared at the two of them deeply. After a while, he chuckled and the surging pressure was swept away.

“Not bad… He already has some of the character of an inner sect disciple.”

The atmosphere suddenly became relaxed, and everyone looked at Jiang Yan in confusion for a moment.

Fu Nina breathed a sigh of relief, but then wondered:

“Isn’t the master angry?”

“Why are you angry?”

Jiang Yan asked back

“Just because you want to exercise the privileges of inner disciples?”

Funina and Tartaglia did not dare to answer. Jiang Yan did not care and asked:

“So tell me, do you think inner disciples have any special privileges?”

Everyone looked at each other and after a long silence, Ningguang said uncertainly:

“All the disciples of Shushan are from the same school, so I guess there should be no special privileges, right?”

Even if there is, can such a thing be said openly?

But Jiang Yan was not very satisfied with Ningguang’s answer. He shook his head and said lightly:


“The inner disciples of Shushan have the privileges of inner disciples.”

“There are indeed many more privileges in Shushan”

“But these privileges, in the final analysis, have only one explanation”

“Strength! Is the greatest privilege!”

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