37. The fake immortal paradise: Jueyunjian, the real immortal paradise: Shushan

With a flick of his sleeves, the space was shattered in full view of everyone.

The dark and deep cave entrance just appeared, and then it was covered with a layer of quiet white clouds.

From the cave entrance, the sound of birds and the fragrance of flowers fill the air

A refreshing fragrance penetrated into everyone’s nose

Soon after, Zhongli and the others sensed an indescribable huge elemental force brewing in the cave.

Even the occasional exposure made their elemental power active.

“Such a strong elemental force!”

Gan Yu exclaimed in praise, and Jiang Yan smiled and said:

“Do you call it elemental power? That’s a bit one-sided. I’m afraid you only sense a trivial elemental attribute in the spiritual energy.”

“When you formally cultivate immortality, you will be able to sense a power that is more inclusive and extensive than elemental power. Elemental power is just an insignificant part of it.”

“That is the spirit.”

“Spiritual energy is the foundation of cultivation and the necessary source of energy for cultivators.”

“The richer the spiritual energy, the better the environment for cultivating immortals. Therefore, I carved a lot of spiritual gathering arrays in the Shushan Cave Heaven.”

“Absorbing spiritual energy from the quantum sea, the effect is very good”

“At this time, the concentration of spiritual energy in Shushan Cave Heaven is already quite considerable.”

“Even if you don’t cultivate immortality, living here for a long time can prolong your life, strengthen your body, and eliminate fatigue.”

“The magical effects of spiritual energy are endless. You will understand when you start cultivating immortality.”

Hearing this, Ganyu felt a little envious.

“Is this a spirit gathering array? The methods of the immortal cultivators are truly miraculous.”

Jiang Yan glanced sideways and looked at Gan Yu with a gentle smile.

“If you start cultivating immortals, with your talent, Ganyu, you will soon be able to carve your own spirit gathering array.”

“Of course, if you need, I can also help you carve a”

Gan Yu’s eyes suddenly lit up like little stars, and she looked at Jiang Yan

“Really? Thank you Jiang Yan!”

Thinking about it in her mind, Gan Yu suddenly thought about whether she should wear something nice at home and wait for Jiang Yan.

Jiang Yan didn’t think too much about it. He nodded slightly and walked into the cave.

“Come with me, everyone. Shushan Cave Heaven is too vast, and the Seven Meridians are not easy to walk. In addition, I released a lot of ferocious beasts yesterday as a test.”

“If you get lost accidentally, it’s still dangerous.”

Everyone thought about what Alice said yesterday, Jiang Yan captured so many demons in one go.

The corners of his mouth twitched, and he followed more closely.

Somewhat dangerous?

I’m afraid it’s extremely dangerous!

Even if Zhongli gets lost, he may not be able to come back safely.

Imagine walking and encountering a demon around a corner.

Even Zhongli might have some psychological trauma. and……

In such a place with abundant spiritual energy, will those demons become stronger?

If those demons accidentally flow out of the cave, wouldn’t it be a huge disaster for Liyue?

Thinking of this, Zhongli began to feel worried again.

Jiang Yan could see what Zhongli was worried about, so he comforted him:

“Don’t worry. Although I brought those beasts to the cave, they will never leave without my permission, unless they are stronger than me.”

“Even if they leave, I have engraved a soul-locking curse in their souls. Even if they become stronger than me, I can still control them.”

“Since I am bringing this beast here, I will naturally make full preparations.”

Hearing this, Zhongli heaved a sigh of relief, and suddenly became somewhat interested in Jiang Yan’s so-called soul-locking spell.

“The Soul Locking Curse is……”

Jiang Yan was silent for a moment, and seemed reluctant to speak, and said vaguely:

“This is a rather sinister method. Beings controlled by the Soul Locking Curse will die for the rest of their lives unless they destroy their soul foundation and are reborn.”

“Otherwise, you will be controlled by the Soul Locking Curse for the rest of your life.”

“You don’t need to know too much. This kind of spell is usually used to deal with those evil demons.”

“In the past, countless demons that wreaked havoc on the world were suppressed in the Shushan Demon Locking Tower. Naturally, some means were needed to control them.”

Zhongli nodded slightly and didn’t ask any more questions.

It sounds like this is a kind of magic cultivation method, but he doesn’t think it’s a problem.

There is no good or evil in magic, it just depends on how the user uses it.

Zhongli believes in Jiang Yan’s nature

It’s a pity……

After all, he couldn’t be so cruel as to use this kind of spell to control Ruota and the others.

He wanted Ruotu to regain his sanity, not to make him a controlled zombie.

But I think there are still many such spells in Shushan.

Zhongli is not in a hurry

“Okay, let’s go in.”

Jiang Yan looked at Ningguang and the others and said softly:

“Will your army come along?”

Ningguang pondered for a moment and said softly:

“If the army rashly enters, will it disturb the tranquility of Shushan?”

“That won’t happen. Shushan is so vast that it certainly doesn’t lack such a few people.”

Ningguang bowed slightly and said:

“Then I’ll have to trouble Mr. Jiang Yan.”

Jiang Yan simply waved his hand, and the entrance to the cave was doubled in size.

“Come with me”

After saying that, Jiang Yan stepped into the cave first.

Soon, everyone crossed the cave portal one by one. After a moment, a large group of people in Jueyunjian disappeared here and entered the Shushan Cave Heaven.

After a moment of darkness, everyone’s eyes suddenly became clear.

Looking at the world ahead, even the knowledgeable Zhongli couldn’t help but stare blankly with his eyes wide open.

Ningguang and the others were relatively respectable, but they rubbed their eyes in disbelief.

The Qianyan soldiers all opened their mouths wide, as if they were dumbfounded.

The place where everyone appeared was on a tall cliff.

In front of the cliff, there is a white jade gate that almost reaches the sky.

The two doorposts are simple and have no fancy patterns.

Only at the very top, on the plaque almost hidden in the sea of ​​clouds, were two large characters carved in strong and sharp characters:


They didn’t know these two words, but anyone who saw them for the first time would know what they meant.

I think it is also a method used by immortal cultivators.

This cliff is very high. Looking down, you can only see layers of mist.

It is this high cliff, as far as the eye can see.

There are still seven mountains whose tops cannot be seen.

Standing tall, towering into the sky

The thick white clouds are like a sea, rolling up wave after wave and hitting the seven peaks.

A big sun is suspended on the top of the mountain in the middle.

It’s like a bright pearl growing on the top of a mountain.

The clear cries of cranes were heard, and a group of much larger white cranes emerged from the sea of ​​clouds.

Behind the clouds

Flapping its wings leisurely, circling aimlessly

At a glance, there is a sea of ​​clouds all around.

As if in a white world

“A paradise for immortals! A real paradise for immortals!”

Liu Yun clenched his fists in excitement. Compared with this cave, his own cave and even the entire Jueyunjian seemed so simple.

The extremely simple world of sea of ​​clouds, array of white cranes, and the seven-peaked mountain that is so high that you can’t see its top.

Suddenly, Liu Yun understood what kind of cultivation environment a true immortal should pursue.

Ganyu came back to her senses and took a deep breath.

I suddenly felt my elemental power becoming stronger and stronger, and every breath of air I took seemed to have unimaginable energy.

Ningguang pursed her lips and said faintly:

“This is the real residence of immortals. Just by breathing, I can feel the elemental power in the Eye of God growing and condensing.”

“Even some of the leaked elemental power is still entering my body and transforming my physique.……”

“If I live here for a year, I can’t imagine how much stronger I will become.”

“Mr. Jiang Yan, is this really the cave you created by yourself in just one day?”

Jiang Yan smiled and turned to look at everyone

The wind from the sea of ​​clouds gently blows through his long hair, and his carefree and carefree temperament becomes more and more prominent.

“Welcome everyone to Shushan Cave Heaven!”

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