410. The Shushan World Evolves, and the Golden Age of Immortal Cultivation Arrives


Jiang Yan paused and continued:

“I promised you before that the third and fourth floors of the Sutra Library will be opened. This is the place where the skills of refining the spirit and refining the void are used.”.

“Since you have gained a lot this time, I allow you to enter and find a suitable method.”

Before everyone could get excited, Jiang Yan poured another bucket of cold water on them.

“However, my advice is don’t be greedy”

“The techniques of the masters of refining the spirit and refining the emptiness and merging with the Tao all involve the existence of the Tao. Strictly speaking, they are all about pursuing the ultimate goal of a certain Tao.”

“Therefore, if you use a technique that is beyond your ability, it is very easy to be countered.”

“For example, the Great Wilderness Prisoner Heaven Finger of Lianxu Hedao, the Human King Seal, etc. These skills can easily turn the world upside down. If you use them with a weak strength, you will definitely die.”

“Therefore, I do not recommend you to learn the ultimate heavenly skills until you have mastered the spirit-refining and anti-emptiness techniques.”

“To refine essence into qi, you can go to the third floor to choose a ground-level technique. To refine qi into spirit, you can go to the fourth floor to choose a heaven-level technique.���Exercises”

Hearing this, everyone nodded in understanding. Ningguang thought for a moment and then said:

“Master, can we save this opportunity first and make the choice after we break through to the stage of Qi Refining and Spirit Transformation?”

“This is natural. The opportunity is given to you. It’s up to you when to go.”

Jiang Yan smiled and nodded, and then said with a hint:

“I would recommend you to go after you have made a breakthrough.……”

“Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could find a lost immortal-level technique among the heavenly-level techniques?”

Jiang Yan’s eyes were slightly meaningful

“Although the immortal skills are all stored on the fifth floor, there is no guarantee that our ancestors did not carelessly put the skills in the wrong place, right?”

Now, everyone was completely excited.

Immortal Law……

The skills that only true immortals can learn

If you can master it, you will have a smooth journey to becoming an immortal.

But then, everyone cooled down again.

Even the Heaven-level skills may not be mastered, and the Immortal-level skills……

It will only get harder

Jiang Yan is actually still encouraging everyone to practice hard

Everyone bowed and said:

“Disciples should remember the master’s advice”

Jiang Yan nodded slightly, slowed down, and spoke in a slightly more serious tone.

“Finally, the most important gift……”

“The ancestors will come to bless and completely transform the Shushan world into the world of the universe.”

“This is your greatest opportunity.”

Everyone quickly became serious and stared at Jiang Yan

But Jiang Yan did not rush to explain, he just waved his hand. After a moment, Tiandao gathered and respectfully bowed to Jiang Yan.

“The Venerable”

Jiang Yan nodded and continued:

“This time, the gift from the ancestors involves the world, Heavenly Dao, you should also be well prepared.”

The ruthless and desireless Tian Dao also showed a rare excitement, and said in a deep voice:

“Thank you, Your Excellency, and thank you, our ancestors. Heaven will never let Shushan down!”

Jiang Yan said slowly:

“Shushan has evolved into the Great Thousand World. From then on, it can bear the thunder tribulation of refining the spirit and breaking through the refining and combining with the Tao. Of course, if it is not necessary, it is better not to undergo the tribulation in Shushan.”

“This kind of thunder tribulation is also extremely destructive to the universe.”

“The evolution of the world is itself the time when various great ways manifest and condense.”

“At this time, it is of great benefit to you to seize the time to observe the evolution of the avenue.”

“The improvement of realm is the most important”

“In addition, the gathering of a vast amount of spiritual energy, coupled with the condensation of the Dao, will allow your cultivation to break through at an extremely fast speed.”

“If you are lucky, you may even awaken your own special physique.”

Upon hearing this, Bai Zhu and others immediately became excited.

“Master! Can the evolution of the world give people special physiques?”

“There have been such examples, although not many, but they are proven to exist.”

Jiang Yan nodded slightly

“The evolution of the world is the improvement made by powerful immortals using Tao as their pen. During the period of Tao manifestation, if you are gifted and have excellent fortune,”

“It can indeed give birth to a special physique, or improve the level of spiritual roots”

“World evolution is the greatest gift to this world”

“After evolving into the Great Thousand World, the Shushan World will undergo many magical changes.”

After a pause, and waiting for everyone to understand for a moment, he continued:

“First, it is the change in area. In the past, you could cross the Shushan world in one day at the speed of Qingluan.”

“But after evolving into the Great Thousand World, even with my current cultivation, without using the Thirty-Six Heavenly Gang Techniques,”

“Don’t even think about exploring the edge of the world in a hundred years”

“And you, of course, are even more so”

“The evolved world, the Middle Thousand World like the Tree and the Sea, occupies less than one percent of the area of ​​the Shushan World.”

“When Shushan was at its peak, even if the world had hundreds of billions of people, it would still seem like this world was vast and sparsely populated.”

“Therefore, you should pay attention to speed-related skills.”

Ningguang and others were a little worried

Evolution is a good thing, but……

The world is too big to be good.

“In addition, the barriers to world evolution will also be raised, and even powerful people who have reached the stage of Qi Refining and Spiritualization may find it difficult to cause too much damage.”

“Even if you refine your spirit and turn it back to emptiness, you can’t break through the world’s barrier”

“Originally, you could destroy tens of thousands of miles of land with one strike. In the vast world, perhaps even a hundred miles of land would be difficult to destroy.”

· ·····Request flowers0 ··

“But in a sense it’s a good thing”

At the very least……

Everyone can fight freely in the Shushan world.

Even after Jiang Yan breaks through the Refining Void and Combining Dao, he can still move his hands and feet a little, and he won’t be as restricted as he is now.

“In addition, the most important point of the world’s evolution is naturally the sudden increase in danger.”

Jiang Yan glanced at Tian Dao, who stood quietly by and listened.

“Since the evolution of the world is a gift from our ancestors, many powerful non-human lives will be born directly this time.”

“Many demon tribes that are famous in the world of immortal cultivation may also appear in large numbers.”

“Dragon, Luan Bird, Black Turtle……”

“Many legendary beings will also be born, and their strength……”

Jiang Yan paused and said in a deep voice:

“Maybe you can achieve the state of refining the spirit and returning to emptiness!”



Everyone was shocked. They thought that the evolution of the world would at most be a monster beast that could transform into a god.

Now that the spirit refining and emptiness counter-existence have come, what the hell is this?

Doesn’t this mean that they might not even be able to leave the Novice Village, and can no longer roam freely in the Shushan world like before?

Humanity’s World Domination……

Seems to be shaken

This is not to mention that if these guys go to Teyvat, they will tear Teyvat apart in an instant.

“What the Venerable said is true. This world evolution is a gift from our ancestors and Tao. It will naturally breed all living things.”

The Heavenly Dao explained that to Him, everything in the world is equal.……

Of course, it may not be so pure.

After all, Jiang Yan, the boss who created him, must have full authority.

The Heavenly Dao will still be slightly biased towards Shushan, after all, his leader is the head of Shushan.


Jiang Yan chuckled and said:

“The Shushan world evolves into the Great Thousand World, and a true era of immortal cultivation arrives”

“The Golden Age is about to begin”

“This time, you will compete with Wan Ling. The advantage of Shushan disciples has been reduced by a lot.”

“You can’t act recklessly like before, there are countless powerful aliens watching you.”

“But in the competition, the will of Shushan disciples can be demonstrated.”

“I will not deliberately protect anyone. This is your time, and it is also their time.”

“I built Shushan, and I also created the Shushan world.”

“The creatures in the Shushan world are also my children”

“So, let go and compete. In this golden age that is about to begin, carve your name.”

“Tens of millions of years from now, perhaps you will become a legend in this world!.

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