460. Ji Zi: Otto, you have to call me Senior Sister

Jiang Yan observed Ji Zi and the others for a long time without speaking. Ji Zi thought about it and said first:

“Master, this is someone I brought from the Collapse World, who wants to join our Shushan”

Jiang Yan nodded slightly and said softly:.

“So, you introduce them, right?”

“Yes, Boss.”

Facing the gazes of many fellow disciples, Ji Zi said with a guilty conscience

Strictly speaking, this time, I really recommended the most

But there is no rule stating how many recommendations can be made at one time. although……

Ji Zi still feels a little guilty

But Jiang Yan didn’t care. After taking a closer look at a few people, he said softly:

“Sure, take them to the Heart-Searching Formation. Once you pass the third level of Heart-Searching, you can become an inner sect disciple.”

“After changing to a new cultivation, if one’s cultivation level is high enough and one has passed the fifth level of self-examination, one will become a core disciple.”

Only added two layers?

Kiana was stunned for a moment, then breathed a sigh of relief.

To be honest, she thought that one had to be at least at the sixth level of self-examination to become a core disciple.

Suddenly, Jiang Yan looked at Qiana with a smile and said softly:

“The more you advance in the Heart-Searching Formation, the harder it is to go. Breaking through from the fifth level to the sixth level is harder than going from the first level to the fifth level.”

“Therefore, there is no need to speculate according to common sense.”

I heard it again.……

Kiana felt a little embarrassed and tried her best to control herself from thinking too much.

Jiang Yan didn’t say anything, he looked at Ji Zi and said:

“You know the rest of the process, so I won’t say much. Go ahead, and after you pass the Conscience Array, come find me at the Sect Hall.”

Ji Zi bowed respectfully and quickly left with Theresa and the others.

However, right now, Ji Zi and Fu Hua’s soul are still recovering, and it will take some time to recover.

It will also take Karin three days to wake up, so we can’t let them go to the Conscience Array with us, right?

If something happens, it will be too late to cry

Otto was also a little worried about Kallen. After hesitating for a moment, before he could speak, Jizi said softly:

“Come with me to my cave to settle Fu Hua and Kallian first, and then go to the Heart-Searching Formation.”

Otto breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile:

“Thank you, Major Himeko.”

Jizi glanced at Otto, led everyone onto the Rainbow Bridge, and said calmly:

“I didn’t tell you before, isn’t it time? Now is the time to remind you”

“Since the headmaster allowed you to go to the Great Inquiry Formation, and you have reached the third and fifth levels, it means that you are indeed qualified to become inner disciples.”

“In this case, you should also understand the rules of Shushan in advance.”

“In Shushan, when facing fellow disciples with higher cultivation than oneself, one should call them”senior brothers and sisters”.”

“When facing the elders and the head monk, you cannot call them by their names.”

“It doesn’t matter what you call each other outside of Shushan, but within Shushan, we have to take care of it.”

“In other words, it is like you are a disciple of Shushan, with your cultivation”

Jizi glanced at Otto and curled her lips

“You have to call me sister.”

“No problem, Sister Jizi”

Otto smiled and nodded without any hesitation.

“Teacher Ji Zi, do I have to call you senior sister too?”

Kiana scratched her cheek and said foolishly:

“Since my aunt’s period isn’t as strong as mine now, does she have to call me senior sister too?”

Jizi was shocked by Kiana’s train of thought, but Theresa’s face had turned as black as charcoal. She stared at Kiana closely, wishing she could take out Judas and slap her right now. but……

Kiana is indeed very strong now. If her cultivation is really higher than mine, then wouldn’t it be………

While thinking about it, Ji Zi pulled out her hand and slapped Kiana, saying unhappily:

“If you dare to do that, the Law Enforcement Hall will throw you into the Demon Locking Tower.”

“The Shushan Nine Lines and Ten Commandments clearly state that those who are disrespectful to their teachers, disloyal and unfilial will be sentenced to death.”

“At the least, your cultivation will be abolished and you will be expelled from Shushan. At the worst, you will be thrown into the Demon Locking Tower, regardless of life or death.”

As she spoke, Jizi pointed to the tall tower that she passed by quickly and said calmly:

“That is the Demon Locking Tower, one level is a world”

“Enter the Demon Locking Tower. One day outside is equal to one year inside. With your ability, I’m afraid you won’t even survive two days.”

Hearing this, Kiana shrank her head and said weakly:

“It’s just a joke! Don’t be so serious, Jizi!”

“The Law Enforcement Hall is not kidding you.”

Jizi rolled her eyes and complained:

“I am a disciple of the Law Enforcement Hall myself. You are so bold to say this in front of me, Kiana.”

Kiana stuck out her tongue and learned her lesson.

Soon, everyone followed Ji Zi to her cave.

After the world evolved, Ji Zi’s cave also became a place like a blessed land.

This is a stone house nestled in the mountains, with many flowers planted in the yard.

Everyone followed Ji Zi through the wooden door and into the stone house, only to find a different world inside.

It’s not smaller than Lisa’s cave at all.

In fact, Ji Zi’s cave has something that Lisa can’t even reach.

·· ·Request flowers···· ······

Ji Zi didn’t have enough storage rings, so she had to borrow them from Ningguang to collect resources from the Dragon Palace.

Storage rings and the like are expensive, and Jizi is too lazy to buy them.

He only put the most precious magic weapons and elixirs into the ring and carried them with him.

The remaining common treasures and spiritual stones were left behind in his cave.

Anyway, every disciple’s cave is engraved with the Shushan formation. Unless the chief elder takes action, no one can enter without permission.

But people themselves don’t care about these things

Speaking of which, it is quite safe and convenient to put it in the cave.

Apart from anything else, even if you don’t buy the Spirit Gathering Array, the spiritual energy emitted by these tens of millions of spirit stones piled up into a mountain is already the effect of a medium-sized Spirit Gathering Array.

0 0…

But the most important effect at the moment……

As soon as I entered the door, I saw the spiritual stone that was half the height of the hill hundreds of meters high, and the spiritual energy that had gathered together almost turned into mist.

It glitters under the blue sky, like a shining mountain

After truly understanding the cultivation of immortals and spirit stones, everyone can understand more and more what Ji Zi’s pile of things represent.

Change the description so that they can understand……

As soon as they opened the door, they saw thousands of tons of gold on display at Jizi’s house.……

This is beyond description!

One shovelful of stone from this pile of spiritual stones with a bulldozer could buy all their lives.

There are many low-grade spirit stones, but the top layer also has medium-grade and high-grade spirit stones.

It is definitely an understatement to say that tens of millions of spiritual stones are needed. A conservative estimate is close to 100 million.

These were just spirit stones. Various jade bottles filled with elixirs were scattered on the ground.

Occasionally, a jade bottle would open, emitting a refreshing fragrance that would invigorate people and make them feel stronger.

There were all kinds of magic weapons, mostly magical instruments, but occasionally there were some low-grade spiritual instruments.

Looking far away, you can see a large formation with all kinds of huge beasts and monsters piled up in disorder.

Sleeping Place……

No, there is only a cold jade bed, and it seems that someone has lived there.

There were all kinds of treasures scattered around the bed, and all kinds of magical medicines were scattered everywhere.

Seeing this, everyone was heartbroken

Jizi seemed to realize that her house was a bit messy and felt a little embarrassed.

But there is no way, she is really not a person with housework talent

In the past, it was all because of Mei

“Well… it’s a bit messy. I left in a hurry and didn’t have time to clean it up. I’ll just make do with it..

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