482. In the Name of Shushan Disciples, Judge the God-making Plan

As expected……

Ji Zi glanced at the others and saw that they were going to worship the mountain together with all the spirits in the Shushan world.

In this way, the people in the collapsed world will be under great pressure.

But this is Jiang Yan’s decision, and Ji Zi and others have no right to change it.

At most, it’s just to inform the Valkyries of the Collapse World in advance.

However, Jiang Yan did not say how many people were required this time, so presumably, the number should not be too small.

Talented people are always preferred.

“Master, regarding the revival of spiritual energy in the collapsed world……”

Ji Zi thought about it and asked again

Jiang Yan thought for a moment and said softly:

“Just follow the rules, just like Teyvat did in the past.”

“First, let the spiritual energy nourish the world, so that the world can reach the stage of evolution.”

“However, things like overcoming the tribulation cannot be done before the world of collapse evolves.”

“The situation of the Collapse World is different from that of Teyvat. The Collapse World, which has been devoured by the Collapse countless times, is essentially on the verge of collapse.”

“Even the thunder tribulation of refining Qi and becoming a god is not something that the collapsed world can bear.”

After that, Jiang Yan looked at Theresa and said softly:

“You should have a plan to make Theresa a god and fundamentally become the ruler of the world of collapse.”

“By then, with the world’s luck, Theresa will be able to connect to the heaven of the collapsed world.”

“Finally, sign the contract like Ganyu, and the rest is similar to Teyvat.”

“If you have any troubles, you can consult Ganyu. She knows the identity of the Heavenly Dao Covenanter very well.”

Hearing this, Theresa nodded slightly confused.

In general, having a reference object will make it easier for her

“Anything else?”

Jiang Yan asked softly, and Ji Zi subconsciously wanted to talk about the Shenhuang Nirvana Sutra.

But there are so many people watching right now, there is no need to reveal your own cards.

So, Ji Zi shook her head.

Jiang Yan was just about to tell them to go back and practice on their own, when suddenly, hurried footsteps were heard outside the sect’s main hall.

“Master! Tinari wants to see you!”

Tinari’s voice was a little anxious, as if he had something important to report.

Jiang Yan frowned, and understood what Tinari and the others meant.


As soon as he finished speaking, Tinari, Elhaisen, Dishia and other people from Xumi came in together.

I looked at Ji Zi and others beside me. Kevin and others were the first time Tinari and others saw them.

Although I was surprised that Shushan had a lot of new disciples, I still had more important things to do.

Elhaisen cupped his hands and said in a deep voice:

“Master, we went down the mountain and returned to Xumi to investigate the situation, and we have already found the result.”

“I really didn’t expect that some of the wise men in the Order would be so cruel and audacious.……”

“The reason why Xumi has not had much power to come to Shushan so far has also become clear.”

“Several sages, led by the great sage Azar, controlled the void terminal to cut off the information of Shushan.”

“In addition, they even dared to imprison the little auspicious grass king. From the time of the great sage to now, it has been more than 500 years.”

“Even according to information confirmed by his disciples, Hazard was so bold that he even started a god-making plan.”

“Want to use the heart of God to create a new god who can give them divine knowledge”

“The disciples have confirmed that the participants include several sages led by Azar, as well as the former Fatui executive, the Doctor, and the scattered soldiers.”

“But it is not clear what role they play. The disciples have searched Xumi carefully and found no trace of them.”

Jiang Yan naturally knew all these things a long time ago. If he wanted to, he could even calculate the evolution of every plant and tree in Teyvat with just a few calculations.

But Jiang Yan usually doesn’t use this ability.

Knowing too much makes everything boring

The most important thing to maintain freshness in a long life is the unknown

Ji Zi and the others looked at each other quietly and did not interrupt.

“I understand this matter now, what do you think?”

Jiang Yan asked calmly, and Elhaisen straightened his face and bowed:

“Master, I understand that as a disciple of Shushan, I must stay away from the secular world and not interfere in the affairs of the secular world, let alone cause the killing of mortals.”

“But Xumi is our hometown. Right now, the world of Teyvat is evolving, and the whole world is in a period of rapid development.”

“However, Azar and his people turned against Tiangang and acted in a perverse way, simply treating the lives of the entire Xumi people as worthless.”

“What’s more, the other party is actually involved with the Doctor and the Snipers. Azar and the others are doomed to die!”

“Therefore, I beg the master to allow us to intervene in Xumi’s political situation.”

“The world is evolving, and all living things are flourishing. It is a time of great strife. Xumi needs the guidance of the Little Auspicious Grass King.”

“Only if the little auspicious grass king leads Xumi can it keep up with the times and allow Xumi to survive the great changes.”

Elhaisen spoke sincerely, but it was not difficult to see the uneasiness on his face.

Jiang Yan pondered for a moment and said slowly:

“Yes, please complete the process as soon as possible. Don’t miss the upcoming Seven Veins Martial Arts Competition.”

Hearing this, Elhaisen and the others were overjoyed and hurriedly said:

“Thank you, Master. I’ll take my leave now!”

After that, everyone looked at Ji Zi and the others in a friendly manner, and then quickly left the sect hall.

As long as Shushan allows, he can interfere in the affairs of the secular world with the cultivation of immortals.

To be honest, it’s like playing

Not to mention, Elhaisen, Tinari, and Dishia are three people in the early stage of Qi Refining and Spiritualization.

With their skills and magic weapons, no one in Teyvat can stop them.

All they have to consider is how to minimize the impact.

Although Jiang Yan had given his permission, as an immortal cultivator interfering in the mortal world, if the subsequent impact and damage were too great, he would still be targeted by the Law Enforcement Hall.

Ji Zi and others heard about what happened to Elhaisen and others, and then they said goodbye to Jiang Yan.

They could see that Jiang Yan didn’t want to be disturbed.

He still needs a lot of time to consolidate his cultivation.

The group hurried out, and at a glance, they noticed that Elhaisen and others were communicating with the Ice God again.

However, they had no intention of prying into the affairs of other countries, so they nodded as a greeting, and Ji Zi turned around and led everyone to the Hall of Merit.

She still needs to guide her on the process of accepting tasks and earning contribution points.

On the other side, the Ice God and Rosaline and others happened to stop Elhaisen and others.

“Elder Barnabas?”

Tinari looked at the Ice God with some doubt, and the latter said softly:

“Don’t be nervous, I just want to confirm something.……”

“Are there any traces of the Doctor and the scattered soldiers on the Xumi side?”

Tinari thought about it and nodded:

“Indeed, Hazard’s god-making plan is probably what the doctor proposed, with scattered soldiers assisting.”


A hint of coldness flashed across the Ice God’s eyes. After hesitating for a moment, he said softly:

“We are not in a position to intervene in this matter. The leader will definitely not allow us to interfere in your country’s internal affairs.”

“However, Doctor and Scatterers, I don’t know them well after all. I will contact the Fatui later.”

“At that time, they will assist you. You only need to complete your plan. As for the subsequent impact, the Fatui will do their best to help you erase it.”

“All I ask is… that once you find the Doctor and the Stragglers, please let us know so we can sort it out.”

Hearing this, El Haisen and the others breathed a sigh of relief, nodded and smiled:

“no problem”.

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