Although she had already "earned" 500 million Mora from the North Country Bank, it was enough to support her sister for a while. But Lin Yudie felt that she still had to "borrow" some money from the Great Sage. After all, who would complain about having too much Mora? She didn't want to be forced to squeeze the yellow-haired man and emergency food because she had no Mora. What if the yellow-haired man was her... younger sister? She couldn't bear to see her younger sister suffer all day and run around for that little Mora. Even if she had to work, she would work for herself! There are two places where the great sage hides Mora, and Lin Yudie soon came to one of them.

This place is located in the wild of Xumi, near the paddy field jungle, and is an inconspicuous and dilapidated thatched house.

Not far from this thatched house, there are three bases of the Gilded Brigade, which are not far away and not close, and they are in a horn-like position, surrounding this thatched house.

These Gilded Brigade are the confidants of the great sage Azar, and he uses them to protect his private money.

At the same time, in this area, there are even many monsters such as hill people, slimes and mushroom beasts around.

No one would have thought that such a very desolate and dilapidated thatched house actually has a huge sum of more than one billion Mora hidden underground.

"Gilded Brigade? Humph, let me dream!"

Lin Yudie stood on the clouds, her white palm slightly raised, shining with a white light.

Then, the eyes of the gilded brigades below began to become blurred. It seemed that they had fallen into a deep sleep, although they were still standing...

"Hey, sleeping while standing is really fun, not bad, keep it up♪" Lin Yudie looked at her masterpiece and nodded with satisfaction.

"Well~ This is the real use of the power of dreams. The beautiful girl is really omnipotent♪"

After dealing with these gilded brigades, she landed in front of this thatched house.

As for the monsters around, after feeling the breath of her demon god, they didn't dare to approach at all, and could only stay in the corner and shiver.

Then, close your eyes, open the elemental vision, and plan to rely on the flow of the surrounding elemental force to determine the specific location of this Mora.

After all, Mora, a currency, was created by Morax next door. To put it bluntly, it is actually a kind of rock element creation.

With more than a billion Moras piled up here, the fluctuation of their elemental force is also very huge, so it can naturally be viewed and found through the elemental vision.

However, when Lin Yudie opened the elemental vision, she did not feel the existence of the rock elemental force, as if it was deliberately covered by something.

"That's right, if such a simple elemental vision can find it, then the IQ of this great sage is too low."

"But this is not difficult for the beautiful girl♪"

Then, Lin Yudie summoned some vines around and kept searching for the whereabouts of those Moras on the ground, while she sat quietly on a stone slab waiting for news.

After a while, these vines brought her boxes of golden Moras. Lin Yudie looked at about 600 million.

As for the remaining billions of Moras, Lin Yudie speculated that they should be stored in another place.

"It seems that the mission has been completed. That's great. I'll praise you♪"

Lin Yudie patted the vines gently, and a sweet smile appeared on her beautiful face.

And the vines also rubbed the girl's cheeks intimately, looking very well-behaved.

"Okay, go and play by yourselves. I'll call you next time if there's anything♪"

After putting these Moras into the dream space, Lin Yudie got up and went to the next place where the great sage's private money was stored.

This seems to be the residence of the great sage Azar. It is decorated extremely luxuriously, not inferior to Dolly's Casazale Palace, and there are countless servants to take care of daily life, and at least 300 people in the gilded brigade are responsible for security.

As for the great sage Azar at this time, he is now furious because of dancing in the Grand Bazaar during the day.

"Humph, old thing, you only get angry at your subordinates, forget it, your

I'll borrow the private money first!"

According to the information on the void, the Mora here was placed in the basement of this mansion by the great sage Azar, and there were as many as 1.4 billion.

"Old rules, all of you go to sleep!"

"This is the palace of dreams!"

A light green palace enveloped the entire mansion, and then both the servants and the Gilded Brigade fell into the dream, motionless.

Of course, everyone else was dreaming, and as for the great sage Azar, Lin Yudie gave him a very special care.

That is, the seven-day nightmare infinite loop mode!

Since you plan to use the dream loop to create a god in the future, you might as well enjoy this infinite loop of nightmares yourself now!

After doing all this, Lin Yudie followed the previous method and soon in the basement of this mansion The huge sum of 1.4 billion Mora was found.

At the same time, a lot of precious luxury goods, calligraphy and paintings were collected. Lin Yudie did not take them away, but smashed them all directly. Anyway, she didn't want them!

Of course, Lin Yudie did not take all the private money of the great sage. Out of kindness, she at least left a sunset fruit for Azar.

In this way, even if he spent 2 billion Mora to buy a sunset fruit from her.

This seems expensive, even a little outrageous, but it is not expensive at all. After all, this is the hand of God. As for the fruit on the mountain, 2 billion Moras is already very cheap!

I don’t know what the great sage will think when he sees this sunset fruit worth 2 billion Moras in the future

Lin Yudie calculated that the private money of Azar that she had just received, plus the 500 million Moras that she had taken from the Northland Bank in the name of Dotore, she had a total of 2.5 billion Moras.

It should be enough for her and her sister’s various expenses and daily expenses on the journey.

As for the raw stones, I have collected them in Kanreya in the past 500 years, plus the treasures I have collected near Xumi in recent days. box, with a total of 40,000 raw stones.

Seeing this, Lin Yudie was very happy at this moment. She felt that she might be the richest among these gods now.

Even now, Lin Yudie has already planned in her mind whether to use 10,000 raw stones to trick that yellow-haired fool to help her grab the heart of the god.

After all, this guy can do anything as long as he has raw stones.

"Alas, now that I have money, I have to go find my sister. I haven't played with her for many days. Hehe, I guess that little fool is already crying and making a fuss."

Thinking of this, Lin Yudie took a short rest and flew directly to the direction of Jingshan Palace. She planned to release her sister quickly so that she could take her out to play.

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