After a brief discussion, Lei Dianying and Lin Yudie flew towards Heguan Island.

During this period, Lin Yudie wanted to be lazy, so she even wanted to build a fighter plane as a means of transportation.

You know, she hadn't played enough last time in the Dark Sea, so she planned to build a fighter plane to play with this time.

However, Lin Yudie's idea was soon strongly opposed by the two little ones, Nashida and Du Lin.

The two little ones said that they would rather fly by themselves, even if it took more time, than sit in their sister's fighter plane!

After all, they had seen how wild their elder sister's driving skills were when they were in the Dark Sea, so they didn't want to experience it a second time!

As for Lei Dianying, she didn't care. It was just a way to get on the road. Anything was fine.

So, after arguing for a while, Lin Yudie couldn't beat the two boys, so she had to give up the idea of ​​building a fighter!

The women flew quickly in the sky. Because they were all demon gods, their speed was naturally very fast.

Not long after, they had already arrived above Tsurugan Island from Mingshen Island.

Because they were standing above the clouds, the women could now see the whole picture of Tsurugan Island very clearly.

You know, they have been in Inazuma for several months now.

During this period of time, in addition to playing with Lei Dianying, Lin Yudie naturally would not miss the opportunity to squeeze the fireflies and emergency food.

Not long ago, she used 5,000 raw stones as a reward to let Xie Ying and emergency food go to Heguan Island to solve all the problems such as the fog and the earth vein circulation here.

Therefore, Heguan Island has changed a lot at this time.

The scene on this small island is completely different from what Lin Yudie saw when she brought the two little ones to Inazuma.

Originally, the fog that covered everything on the island had disappeared, and the traces left by the thunderbird could no longer be seen. Even the earth veins here have returned to normal, no longer the disordered appearance before.

Of course, the most important thing is that due to the disappearance of the thunderbird's power on this island, the earth vein image circulation on this island has also disappeared.

The beautiful island scenery of the entire Heguan Island was also perfectly presented in front of the women. If it weren't for the need to find the sky nail, Lin Yudie would even want to take a vacation here.


"Is this the habitat of the thunderbird?" Lei Yingying looked at the Heguan Island below and couldn't help but think of the thunderbird she had killed.

"Yes, Ying, do you see the high mountain on the island? That's Mount Sugana, the former nest of the thunderbird♪"

"Okay, let's not talk about this. The sky spike on Heguan Island has a relatively small fluctuation. It should be hidden very deep. We have to find it slowly."

After Lin Yudie finished speaking, she landed directly at the entrance of Heguan Island, intending to start from here and search the entire Heguan Island step by step.

You know, the sky spike on Heguan Island is different from those on the Layered Rock Abyss and the Dragon Ridge Snow Mountain.

Its location is not very obvious, and there is no historical data that accurately records the location of this sky spike. It may even be in the sea...

Therefore, if you want to find this sky spike, it is very difficult. There is no other way except to search slowly and low on Heguan Island and the nearby waters bit by bit!

Fortunately, Lin Yudie has an incomplete light realm force on her body, which can sense the complete light realm force on the sky nail.

However, maybe it is because the sky nail is hidden very deep, or because there is something around the sky nail that interferes with the mutual induction between the light realm forces.

Anyway, after stepping on Heguan Island, Lin Yudie could not sense the exact location of the sky nail at all, only a rough and vague direction.

This location seems to be on the seabed, and it seems to be underground on Heguan Island. In addition, there are some interferences around the sky nail, so it is impossible to be 100% sure...

"The most likely place for the sky nail should be Suganoyama, the former habitat of the thunderbirds. I'll go there to take a look. Ying, Nashida and Dulin, please help me look for it nearby."

After all, judging from the terrain, Suganoyama, as the former habitat of the thunderbirds, is not a good place to find the sky nail.

The nest has a hole in the middle of the mountain that runs through the entire mountain.

From this point of view alone, it looks like it was smashed out by the sky nail!

Therefore, the most likely place for the sky nail on Heguan Island must be the inside of Mount Sugana.

"Okay, sister, let's go and take a look nearby. You should pay more attention~"

After Nashida finished speaking, she separated from Lei Dianying and Du Lin and others, and then searched aimlessly on the island.

After all, on Heguan Island, in addition to the interior of Mount Sugana being hollow, there are several other mountains that are also hollow, such as Mount Chibi in the north.

Therefore, the two Xiaoxiaozhi and Lei Dianying were responsible for going there to check the situation. After all, that place is also likely to be the location of the sky nail.

After seeing that they had all gone far away, Lin Yudie went directly to the inside of Mount Sugana.

"Xukong Wanzang, can you find the exact location of this sky nail?"

Because the perception of her own light realm force was vague, after Lin Yudie walked around here, she had to let Xukong Wanzang come out to search.

Upon hearing this, Xukong Wanzang immediately flew into the sky and began to scan the entire mountain. The golden light instantly illuminated the entire Sugana Mountain.

After a long time, she returned to Lin Yudie's hand and said, "It's strange. The location of this sky nail is a bit special. There are many interference factors around it. Unless you use the collapse energy, you can't locate the exact location!"

"But I can be sure that the main part of this sky nail is not on Heguan Island, but in the sea!"

"In the sea?" Lin Yudie was a little surprised. If it was in the sea, it would be troublesome!

"Yes, what is on Heguan Island is just a fragment of the sky nail, and it is buried in the ground of Sugana Mountain." Xukong Wanzang continued.

"Moreover, a weak abnormal energy fluctuation was detected in the nearby sea area just now!"

"From the energy fluctuation data, it is somewhat similar to the annihilation reaction between the light world force and the abyss force at the World Tree before!"

"So, I am sure that this sky nail is still running now, and it should be fighting against something!"

"Is this... the power of the abyss?"

After listening to Xukong Wanzang's words, Lin Yudie also fell into deep thought.

"Forget it, let's take out this fragment under Sugana Mountain first!"


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