At this time, Lin Yudie was still chasing Wendy with the cat duster. She seemed to be determined to beat up the drunk poet today. "Alas, that drunk poet, why did you mess with my sister when you could mess with anyone else? Good luck to you." Nashida sighed as she looked at the chaotic Wolf Leader in front of her. Nashida knew her sister's temper very well. She still remembered that last time, she just said that her sister seemed to have gained weight, and then she scolded her, saying that a girl's weight should not be rounded off... After watching for a while, Nashida retracted her gaze and continued to accept the trial of the North Wind Wolf King. After all, this is the most important thing at the moment. Only by improving my strength as soon as possible can I protect my sister and mother. I can't always rely on them!


At this time, both Lin Yudie and Wendy have mastered the power of the wind element, and their speed is similar.

It is precisely because of this that Lin Yudie and Wendy are chasing and escaping, and neither can do anything to the other. Soon the two came from the Wolf Territory

"I say, sister... Miss Lin Yudie, it's almost done, aren't you tired?" Wendy looked at the girl holding the cat hair duster behind her and said speechlessly.

This girl, why didn't she learn the gentle and loving side of her mother, but learned all the bad things, damn it!

For example, this stick covered with cat hair is clearly designed specifically for him. This is definitely what her mother taught her, it's really abominable!

Looking at the angry girl behind him, Wendy thought of the time when she chased him through most of the rain forest with a stick covered with cat hair because he stole the spice wine brewed by the Great Mercy Tree King...

"Hmph, will you still call me sister in the future?" Lin Yudie also stopped and looked at Wendy angrily with her hands on her waist.

"Alas, no, no, you are the queen... no... goddess, can you put away your stick covered with cat hair now?" Wendy said with a smile while looking at the girl in front of him.

After all, he didn't want to continue like this, it was too tiring, how could he, a wind god with little power, afford to play!

"Hmph, that's better." After listening to Wendy's words, Lin Yudie also put away the cat hair duster.

After all, this is already near Mond City. Although most people don't know him, the wind god, there are a few people who know this guy's identity.

Therefore, in order to prevent the drunkard poet from losing face, Lin Yudie did not intend to pursue the matter any further. She might as well go find Ying and Emergency Food to play with.

"Well, since we have come to Mond City, I might as well go in and have a good time. Anyway, my sister's troubles will not be over for a while."

Thinking of this, Lin Yudie no longer paid attention to the drunkard poet, but walked straight into Mond City.

After all, it was rare that her sister was not by her side today. She was relaxed and planned to have a good time.

However, as soon as she arrived near Mond City, she saw Yingmei was losing her temper, and there was a lot of rags around her, which seemed to be opened from the treasure chest.

As for the emergency food, it flew beside her and kept comforting her.

Seeing this, Lin Yudie's curiosity was immediately aroused, so she hurriedly walked towards the direction of Yingmei, intending to see what was going on with her.

After all, in the game of the previous life, both Yingmei and Emergency Food were optimistic and cheerful, but they never showed such an expression.

Sure enough, the real Teyvat is very different from the game of the previous life.

"Hi, Ying and Emergency Food, what are you doing? If beautiful girls lose their temper too much, they will get wrinkles♪"

Lin Yudie stepped forward and greeted them with a smile, looking at them with her big green eyes curiously.

"Hey, it's Miss Yudie, we are scolding the bad guy who buried the empty treasure chest!"

"Well, and, I'm Paimon, not Emergency Food!" Paimon put his hands on his waist, stomped his feet in the air, and looked at Lin Yudie angrily.

"Well, okay, I know, you are Emergency Food, not Paimon, right." Lin Yudie said with a smile.

It's rare that my sister is not around

The world was quiet. She went out for a walk alone. She was in a very good mood at this time, so she wanted to tease this emergency food.

"Ahhh, damn it, I'm going to mess up your hair into a pig's head!"

As he said that, Paimeng rushed towards Lin Yudie angrily, but she hugged him directly in her arms: "Hehe, little Paimeng, you can't mess with girls' hair♪"

After that, Lin Yudie reached out and pinched the face of this little thing, making her scream in anger: "Ahhh, let me go, Paimeng won't mess with your hair!"

"Miss Yudie, you can't bully Paimeng." Ying also said on the side.

"Well, okay, but remember in the future, you can't mess up a girl's hairstyle casually, got it, little Paimeng."

"I know, I know."

Seeing this, Paimeng immediately flew out of Lin Yudie's arms and hid behind Yingmei, leaving only a small head out.

"But, speaking of which, why are you here? And I saw that you looked very angry just now. Who offended my lovely sister Ying? Can you tell me?"

Hearing this, Ying seemed to remember something unpleasant. She sighed and looked at the girl in front of her and said:

"Oh, don't mention it. Isn't it that the crisis of the wind dragon has just passed? Paimon and I have nothing to do. After completing a few commissions in the Adventurer's Association, we thought about coming to Mondstadt to find some treasure chests."

"But we have found several treasure chests in a row, and they are all empty. There are also these deliberately irritating little notes!"

And Lin Yudie looked closely and saw that these notes said: "Sorry, this treasure chest is empty. Please come earlier next time to get it, muah!"

Seeing this, Lin Yudie's heart tightened. Isn't this written by herself? Fortunately, I didn't bring my sister with me, otherwise she would definitely say it directly!

"Yudie, look, these notes are really irritating, don't let me see you!" Yingmei is very angry now.

"Indeed, it's too much. It's fine if they took the treasure chest, but they also left such a note." Lin Yudie said indignantly.

"Humph, who wrote these notes, don't let me catch you!" Ying said angrily, with her hands on her waist.

She was not angry because these treasure chests were taken away, but because of these notes.

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