The two of them were so close that they had to face each other.

"Before hiding in the shade of the tree, he threw a stone towards me and threw the axe upwards. In order to prevent people from finding out that he was unarmed, he used the posture of swinging the axe to hide his hand.

It's because he knew he couldn't beat me. He wanted to beat me after he was chopped down..."

Hearing the shock in Tomioka Giyu's heart, everyone on the continent of Teyvat was shocked!

[Yae Miko]: What a smart and pitiful little guy.

[Kamisato Ayaka]: Such a young brother can actually do this to protect his sister...

[Tartaria]: Although his strength is not good, his combat instinct is good. We can cultivate it. He will definitely be a good opponent for me, Tartaglia, in the future!

[Funina]: Isn't the courage to fight for his sister and face powerful enemies even though he knows it's impossible? Isn't that the perfect protagonist of a drama! Ye Yan, come on, I'm rooting for you!


That Villette looked at his friends.

Ye Yan's face was expressionless.

It seemed that the discussion in the extraordinary chat group was not about him.

This made him more curious about Ye Yan.

What kind of secret does this man have?


On the screen, continue playing!

Just when Tomioka Giyuu was shocked by Tanjiro, Nezuko, his sister who had turned into a demon and was controlled by him, moved!!!

When Nezuko saw her brother being knocked unconscious on the ground, she actually showed heartache in her eyes, which belonged to demons and should not have emotions.

Taking advantage of the man's unpreparedness, she broke free and rushed towards her brother Tanjiro!

However, the emotional changes in her eyes were not seen by Giyuu, who even thought that she was eating the boy on the ground!

"Oh no! I'm going to be eaten!"

Giyong couldn't help but tighten his grip on the hilt of his knife, ready to attack.

He really couldn't stand seeing humans being eaten by demons right under his nose!



Nezuko protected Tanjiro behind her like a tiger protecting its cubs!

She bared her fangs at Giyong warily, and used her body to block Tanjiro!

Giyong looked at the scene in front of him, and seemed to hear the words of the boy who had just fallen to the ground:

"Nezuko is different! She won't - eat people!!!"


Super chat group.

[Paimon]: Woohoo, the traveler really loves her brother!

[Wendy]: Ye Yan also loves his sister! This pair of brothers and sisters deserves the bard to write poems for them, so that their deeds will be transmitted to all parts of the Teyvat continent forever with the sound of the wind!

[Qin]: Both the brother and the sister are rare people. It can be seen that they have a good relationship.

[Prince]: (turns the table) A broken thing is worthy of being a good brother? He is just a piece of trash! ! ! (Angry) (Angry) (Angry)

[Kaia]: @Prince, you are not jealous of others having a caring and lovely sister, are you?

[Tartaria]: Most likely, I guess no one loves such people in reality.

[Prince]: ! ! ! I am jealous of him? ? ? ! ! ! No one loves me? ?

Kong Ge, who was far away in the abyss, stared at the words in the chat group with his eyes wide open in disbelief.

The subordinates beside him did not dare to breathe.

They had not seen Prince so angry for a long time.

Who dares to provoke the prince...

"You! Are you saying I'm jealous of Ye Yan?"

The subordinate nodded subconsciously, and then shook his head quickly after reacting:

"No, no, no, how could you be jealous of such a small character!"

"Then you say, Ye Yan can't even protect his sister, isn't he trash?"

The subordinate nodded repeatedly.

Brother Kong then snorted, let this Abyss Mage go, and went to the extraordinary chat group to output:

[Prince of the Abyss]: It's just that I saw someone couldn't even protect his own sister.

[Prince of the Abyss]: Look at his thin arms and legs, and he actually needs his sister to protect him, trash!

[Prince of the Abyss]: If I were him, I would just hit myself on a tree and die right now!

After venting his anger, Brother Kong felt much happier.

However, as soon as he sent out his words, a row of warnings appeared on his chat interface.

"It has been reported that you used words including but not limited to insults and personal attacks in the chat. It has been verified and the punishment for you is as follows:

Three days of silence."

! ! !


Kong Ge punched

Hit on his own throne.

Damn it! He must find the murderer who reported it!!!


At the same time, a prompt also popped up in the extraordinary chat group:

"According to the member's report and verification, ID [Prince] used insulting and personal attacking words and has been banned for three days.

Please chat in a civilized and standardized manner."

The few words that Kong just sent out have been withdrawn by the system!

Except for a few people with fast enough internet speed, the rest of the people didn't see it!

[Charlotte]: Hmm? What happened just now?

[Wendy]: Hey~ I don't know.

[Ye Yan]: (evil smile) Guess.

[Kaeya]: It seems that [Prince of the Abyss] said something and was reported... From the looks of it, it can't be you? @Ye Yan

[Ye Yan]: How is it possible! I'm doing a good job!

[Wendy]: I don't believe it~

[Daddaria]: I don't believe it~

[Funina]: I don't believe it~

[Ye Yan]: (Speechless) It's really not me.


No matter what the group said, everyone was just speculating, there was no evidence at all.

So the matter was quickly exposed.

However, although Kong couldn't speak, he could still see other people's chats.

So, he has now determined that it was Ye Yan who reported him!

"Ye Yan! You wait! The hatred of stealing a sister is irreconcilable!"


That Villette looked at Ye Yan and couldn't help saying:

"It's really not you?"

Ye Yan spread his hands innocently:

"It's really not me."

Although his Internet speed was indeed fast enough, he saw the message sent by the prince at a glance.

However, attacks of this level are not even a drizzle for Ye Yan.

There is no need to pay attention to it.

"And you've been beside me the whole time. Don't you know whether I reported him or not?"

Navilette nodded: "Indeed."

After that, he rarely appeared in the chat group:

[Navilette]: Ye Yan is right beside me. I can prove that he was not the one who reported him just now.

[Funina]: Eh? Navilette? Well, since you said so, I will believe him for once.

[Charlotte]: The Supreme Judge said so, so Ye Yan must be innocent!

[Navia]: On this point, I do believe that Navilette will not lie.

[Wendy]: (Newbie asking) Is Navilette the water god of your Fontaine?

[Navilette]: The water god is Miss Funina.

[Wendy]: So that's the case...

Just when everyone in the group was distracted, the screen flashed!

The story continues!

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